Index for Volume 372continued
A Am Au B Be Bi Bo Bu C Ce Cl Cr D Dh Dr E Ec Ep F Fo Fr G Gr Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Je Ju K Kh L Li Lu M Ma Mc Mi Ml Mu N Nu O P Pi Pr Ps Q R Ri Ru S Se Sk So Sq Sy T Th To Tu U V W Wh Wo X Y Z
McWalter, Mr Tony
Debates etc.
Select committees (19.07.01) 516
McWilliam, Mr John
Debates etc.
Select committees (16.07.01) 35-40, 42
Intellectual Property Advisory Committee 1160w
Political activities 452w
Magistrates' courts
Mahmood, Mr Khalid
Debates etc.
Terrorism (14.09.01) 648-9
Terrorism, USA (14.09.01) 612
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Community relations, Urban areas (17.07.01) 12-4wh
Human rights, Northern Ireland 219w
Mahon, Mrs Alice
Debates etc.
Terrorism (04.10.01) 722-4, (15.10.01) 947
Employment, Disadvantaged 827w
Maiden speeches
Calton, Patsy (17.07.01) 183-6
Picking, Anne (17.07.01) 200-2
Purnell, James (17.07.01) 180-3
Sheridan, Jim (19.07.01) 476-7
Simon, Sion (20.07.01) 536-8
Malins, Mr Humfrey
Debates etc.
Terrorism (04.10.01) 772-3
Mallaber, Judy
Sittings in Westminster Hall
General practitioners, Recruitment 1046
Health, International cooperation 378w
Manchester Airport
Manchester Prison
Mandelson, Rt Hon Peter
Debates etc.
Terrorism (14.09.01) 626-8
Demonstrations, Northern Ireland 276-7
Mann, John
Foot and mouth disease, Disease control 1267w
Manufacturing industries
Maples, Mr John
Debates etc.
Marginal tax rates
Marine Wildlife Conservation Bill 2001/02
Debates etc.
Market town initiative
Foot and mouth disease 1250w
Marris, Rob
Debates etc.
Wolverhampton and Dudley Breweries (19.07.01) 523-4
Marsden, Mr Gordon
Debates etc.
Terrorism (14.09.01) 660-1
Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage 804-6w
Marsden, Mr Paul
Debates etc.
Terrorism, Points of order (08.10.01) 829
Terrorism, USA (14.09.01) 616
A40M, Road traffic control 1201w
Afghanistan, Heroin 1382w
Alternative energy, Standards 264w
Antisocial behaviour orders 650-2w
Kidney patients, Medical treatments 1045-6w
RAF Shawbury, Redundancy 1141w
Royal Shrewsbury Hospital 724w
Shropshire Health Authority, Manpower 724w
Marshall-Andrews, Mr Robert
Debates etc.
Martlew, Mr Eric
Debates etc.
Foot and mouth disease, Cumbria 1301-2
Mass media
Maternity services
Mates, Mr Michael
Debates etc.
Terrorism, USA (14.09.01) 612
Maude, Rt Hon Francis
Debates etc.
Mawhinney, Rt Hon Sir Brian
Debates etc.
Select committees (16.07.01) 37
Terrorism, USA (14.09.01) 613
May, Mrs Theresa
Buildings, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1379w
Buildings, Dept for International Development 803w
Buildings, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 1364w
Buildings, Dept of Trade and Industry 979w
Buildings, Government departments 850w
Buildings, Lord Chancellor's Dept 1014-6w
Buildings, Ministry of Defence 953w
Buildings, Regional assemblies 890w
Buildings, Solicitor-General 995w
Connexions Service, Pay 770w
National homelessness strategy 890w
Schools, Intimidation 410w
Sixth form education, Finance 768-9w
Sixth form education, Student numbers 769w
Standards and Effectiveness Unit 28w
Meacher, Rt Hon Michael, Minister of State for the Environment, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
Abandoned vehicles, Waste disposal 292w
Air pollution, Gloucestershire 621-3w
Air pollution, Pollution control 620-1w
Alternative energy, Wastes 1068w
Areas of outstanding natural beauty, Motorcycles 1059w
Centre for Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, Annual reports 289w
Centre for Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, Standards 173w
Climate change levy 1048w
Electronic equipment, Waste disposal 295w
Environmental impact assessment 1083w
Genetically modified organisms 1063w
Genetically modified organisms, Antibiotics 629w
Genetically modified organisms, Maize 1065w
Genetically modified organisms, Soil 1063w
Greenhouse effect, Conferences 1047-8w
Ground water, Sheep dipping 611w
Hedges and ditches, Environment protection 1268w
Home energy efficiency scheme, Dorset 631-2w
Home energy efficiency scheme, Standards 1076-7w
Incinerators, Planning permission 1056-8w
Incinerators, Pollution control 1058w
Inland waterways, Lancashire 627w
Integrated pollution control 620w
Joint Nature Conservation Committee 289w
Litter, Prosecutions 1275w
Members, Correspondence 1087w
National Institute of Agricultural Botany 1064-5w
Peat, Environment protection 1217-8w
Radioactive materials, Pollution control 291w
Radioactive wastes, Pollution control 291w
Recycling, Motor vehicles 618-9w
Sites of special scientific interest 620w
Sustainable development 58-9w
Tyres, Waste disposal 1073w
Waste and Resources Action programme, Finance 295-6w
Waste management, Greater London 1070-3w
Waste management, Standards 619w
Water companies, Liability 1062w
Meat Hygiene Service
Meat products
Foot and mouth disease 1215w
Medical Devices Agency
Medical equipment
Medical examinations
Medical laboratory scientific officers
Medical profession
Medical treatments
Medicines Commission
Conditions of employment 155w
Correspondence 357w, 383w, 399w, 451w, 668-9w, 693-4w, 889w, 1030w, 1087w, 1239w, 1362w
Information technology 150
Oaths and affirmations (14.09.01) 603
Members' interests
Rulings and statements (19.07.01) 460
Biotechnology and Genetic Modification Ministerial Group 74w
Mental health
Mental health services
Mentally disturbed offenders
Mentally ill
Mercer, Patrick
Debates etc.
European Communities (Amendment) Bill, Com (17.07.01) 159, 174
Police (Northern Ireland) Order (19.07.01) 501
Social security benefits, Abuse 823w
Merchant Navy Day
Merron, Ms Gillian
Debates etc.
Cancer, Health services 1124w
Immigration rules, Domestic service 1233-4w
Committal proceedings 157w
Merton Sutton and Wandsworth Health Authority
Meteor missiles
Metropolitan Police
Termination of employment 641-2w
Equal opportunities 47-8w