Index for Volume 372continued
A Am Au B Be Bi Bo Bu C Ce Cl Cr D Dh Dr E Ec Ep F Fo Fr G Gr Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Je Ju K Kh L Li Lu M Ma Mc Mi Ml Mu N Nu O P Pi Pr Ps Q R Ri Ru S Se Sk So Sq Sy T Th To Tu U V W Wh Wo X Y Z
Tami, Mark
Manufacturing industries, Wales 1252-3w
Tapsell, Sir Peter
Debates etc.
European Communities (Amendment) Bill, Com (17.07.01) 169
Task forces
Tax allowances
Former prime ministers 318w
Urban regeneration companies 856w
"Tax Benefit Reference Manual 2001-02 Edition"
Tax burden
Small businesses (20.07.01) 538-41
Tax evasion
Tax yields
Holyrood Parliament building 569w
Taylor, Ms Dari
New deal for young people, Drugs 915-6
Taylor, Mr David
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Private finance initiative (17.07.01) 22-7wh, 33wh
Nigeria, Administration of justice 307w
Weapons, Northern Ireland 217w
Taylor, Mr Ian
Debates etc.
Terrorism (08.10.01) 854-6
BOWMAN combat radio system 454
NHS, Public private partnerships 1119w
Taylor, Mr John
Debates etc.
Northern Ireland Assembly (Elections) Order (16.07.01) 93-5, 101-2
Police (Northern Ireland) Order (19.07.01) 485-7, 489, 504
Terrorism (16.10.01) 1053
Census, Disclosure of information 288w, 452w
John Radcliffe Hospital, Surgery 73w
Northern Ireland government 278-9
Registrar General, Departmental responsibilities 386-7w
Taylor, Matthew
Debates etc.
Terrorism (15.10.01) 944-5
Business, Corruption 21-2w
Community investment tax credit 183w
Cost effectiveness, Treasury 24w
Economic and monetary union 381w
Economic and monetary union, Exchange rates 561w
Electronic publishing, Treasury 572w
Financial institutions 572w
Gold and foreign exchange reserves 569w
Government departments, Opposition 458w
Government departments, Standards 834-5w
Heavily indebted poor countries initiative 568w
Income tax, Self-assessment 382w
London Transport, Finance 531w
Magistrates' courts, Computers 161w
Members, Personal records 561w
National asset register 25w
Nuclear weapons, Emergencies 953-4w
Porton Down, War pensions 936-7w
Poverty, International assistance 413-4
Private finance initiative 19w
Public sector, Assets 381w
Public sector, Information technology 22w
Public sector, Productivity 22w
Research and development tax credit 846w
Roads, Private finance initiative 203-4w
Stamp duties, Property transfer 837w
Tax allowances, Urban regeneration companies 856w
VAT, Institutional care 559w
Working families tax credit 374w
Written questions, Treasury 561w
Taylor, Dr Richard
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Private finance initiative (17.07.01) 30-1wh
Incinerators, Planning permission 359-60w
Kidderminster Hospital, Surgery 738-9w
Worcestershire Health Authority, Pay 733w
Taylor, Sir Teddy
Debates etc.
European Communities (Amendment) Bill, Com (18.07.01) 356, 369, 374-7
European Communities (Amendment) Bill, 3R (17.10.01) 1207
Select committees (16.07.01) 41, 72-4
Sittings in Westminster Hall
C2C, Industrial disputes (18.07.01) 119-22wh
Entry clearances, Administrative delays 45w
Food, Waste disposal 1268w
Unemployment, Southend 830w
Information technology 1178w
Teaching aids
Teenage pregnancy
Telecommunications masts
Telephone services
United Kingdom Passport Agency 354w
Temple Sowerby bypass
Termination of employment
Territorial Army
(14.09.01) 617-70, (04.10.01) 689-810, 818w, (08.10.01) 830-902, 861w, 933w, 962-4w, 966w, (16.10.01) 1053-141, 1236-7w, 1358w, 1363w
International cooperation 972-4w
Terrorism Act 2000
Testicular cancer