Index for Volume 373continued
A Am B Bi Br Bu C Ci Cr D Dh Du E En F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu I Ip J Ju K Ki L Li M Mc Mi Mu N O P Pn Pu Q R Ri Ry S Si So Sq T Ti Tu U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
McWalter, Mr Tony
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Maghaberry Prison
Magistrates' courts
Magistrates' Courts Service Inspectorate
Magnetic resonance imagers
Mahmood, Mr Khalid
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Television, Sports (24.10.01) 118-9wh
Ethical trading initiative 263-4
Further education, Teachers 405
Social security benefits, Abuse 749w
Mahon, Mrs Alice
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Breast cancer (23.10.01) 28-9wh
Maiden speeches
Bacon, Richard (29.10.01) 685-9
MacDougall, John (30.10.01) 785-7
Genetically modified organisms 552-3w
Malins, Mr Humfrey
Crime prevention, Young people 8-9
Entry clearances, Appeals 337w
Racial violence, Prosecutions 853w
Racially aggravated offences 852w
Refugees, Children in care 853w
Refugees, Employment 333w
Refugees, Voucher schemes 333-5w
Work permits, Information technology 332w
Mallaber, Judy
Debates etc.
Sex Discrimination (Election Candidates) Bill, 2R (24.10.01) 331
Antisocial behaviour orders 70w
Government Office for the East Midlands 693w
Manufacturing industries 995-6
Commonwealth Games 758w, 760w
Mann, John
Debates etc.
Ministerial policy advisors (23.10.01) 223-5
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Air routes, Greater London (31.10.01) 280-1wh
Defence equipment, Procurement 513-4w
Equal pay, Nottinghamshire 588w
Queen Elizabeth II, Anniversaries 760w
Special education, Nottinghamshire 458w
Manufactured goods
Manufacturing industries
Maples, Mr John
Community transport, Excise duties 797w
Extradition, Terrorism 753-4w
Marine Wildlife Conservation Bill 2001/02
Debates etc.
Married people
Married personal allowance
Marris, Rob
Debates etc.
Ministerial policy advisors (23.10.01) 234
Marsden, Mr Gordon
Marsden, Mr Paul
Debates etc.
Ministerial policy advisors (23.10.01) 206-8, 244
Radioactive wastes, Waste management 24w
Terrorism, Police interrogation 74w
Marshall-Andrews, Mr Robert
Debates etc.
Afghanistan, International assistance (24.10.01) 295
Hare coursing (29.10.01) 728
Martlew, Mr Eric
Debates etc.
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, Sheep (22.10.01) 27
Mass media
Maternal mortality
Maternity services
Hemel Hempstead Hospital 648-9w
Mates, Mr Michael
Debates etc.
Weapons, Northern Ireland (24.10.01) 312
May, Mrs Theresa
Debates etc.
Homelessness Bill, Rep and 3R (22.10.01) 109-11
Sex Discrimination (Election Candidates) Bill, 2R (24.10.01) 333-8, 368-9
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Buildings, Dept for Education and Skills 462-3w
Buildings, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 543w
Buildings, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 256w
Civil service agencies, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 223w
Council housing, Empty property 223w
Council tax, Greater London 229w
Disclosure of information, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 96-7w
Hackney Borough Council, Standards 905-6w
Housing, Capital investment 236w
Local government, Elections 475w
Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 909w
Non-departmental public bodies, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 223-4w
Press releases, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 225w, 394w
Regional development agencies 427-8w
Regional planning and development, South West region 226w
Meacher, Rt Hon Michael, Minister of State for the Environment, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
Debates etc.
Abandoned vehicles (22.10.01) 122-6
Marine Wildlife Conservation Bill, 2R (26.10.01) 588-94
British Waterways Board, Public appointments 921w
Climate Change Convention 732w
Combined heat and power, Climate change levy 533w
Energy, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 593w
Genetically modified organisms, Maize 552-3w
Nuclear power, Environment protection 544-5w
Radioactive wastes, Waste management 24w, 275w
Recycling, Industrial wastes 535w
Tipping of waste, Methane 410-1w
Waste disposal, Tyres 23-4w
Water supply, Greater London 176w
Medical examinations
Social security benefits 53w
Medical records
Medical treatments
Medicines Control Agency
Mediterranean region
EC external relations 602w
Information technology 323w
Members' suspension
Robinson, Geoffrey (31.10.01) 885-906
Mental health
Mental Health Act 1983
Mental health services
Mental patients
Mentally ill
Mentally incapacitated
Mercer, Patrick
Debates etc.
Electoral Fraud (Northern Ireland) Bill, Rep and 3R (31.10.01) 918-9
Armed forces, Schools 625
Merchant shipping
Merron, Ms Gillian
Armed forces, Young people 512-3w
Emergencies, Planning 692w
Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus
Metropolitan Police