Index for Volume 373continued
A Am B Bi Br Bu C Ci Cr D Dh Du E En F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu I Ip J Ju K Ki L Li M Mc Mi Mu N O P Pn Pu Q R Ri Ry S Si So Sq T Ti Tu U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Soames, Mr Nicholas
Debates etc.
Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty 615-6
Social clubs
Social Exclusion Unit
Social rented housing
Social security benefits
Automated credit transfer 441-2w
Highlands of Scotland 749w
Social Security Benefits Agency
Social Security (Incapacity Benefit) Miscellaneous Amendments Regulations 2000
Social Security (Jobcentre Plus Interviews) Regulations 2001
Debates etc.
Social services
Social workers
Sole traders
Soley, Mr Clive
Afghanistan, Armed conflict 622
Solihull Hospital
Accident and emergency departments 151-2w
Foot and mouth disease 735w
South East region
South Tyneside
South Wales Police
South West region
Regional planning and development 226w
South Yorkshire
Road traffic control 236w
Southern Africa
Southworth, Ms Helen
Debates etc.
Ministerial policy advisors (23.10.01) 149
Terrorism (01.11.01) 1022
Armed forces, Telecommunications 513w
Competition, North West region 777w
Space for sport and arts programme
Speaker and deputies
Debates etc.
Conduct of proceedings (22.10.01) 30, 65, 97, (23.10.01) 139, 161, 163, 178, 200, 231, 244-5, (24.10.01) 286, 308-9, 314, 323, 338, 348, 357, 361, 369, (25.10.01) 397, 403, 405, 410, 428, 432-3, 472, 479, 495, (26.10.01) 542, 574, 600, (29.10.01) 609, 629, 642, 692, 694, (30.10.01) 815, 846, (31.10.01) 876, 893, 895, 898-9, 902-4, 930, 948, 971, (01.11.01) 996, 998, 1002, 1013, 1034, 1050, 1056, 1070, 1073, 1096, 1100-1, 1105, (02.11.01) 1113, 1132, 1138, 1155-7, 1161
Points of order (22.10.01) 38, (23.10.01) 145, 157, 176, 178, 190, 233, (24.10.01) 320, (29.10.01) 648, (30.10.01) 753, (01.11.01) 1062, 1105, (02.11.01) 1116, 1149
Private Members' bill orders (02.11.01) 1182
Rulings and statements, Fifteen minutes rule (30.10.01) 767
Rulings and statements, General elections (23.10.01) 145
Rulings and statements, Ministerial statements (22.10.01) 37
Rulings and statements, Political impartiality (30.10.01) 753
Rulings and statements, Private Members' bills (02.11.01) 1113-4
Rulings and statements, Refugees (29.10.01) 647
Rulings and statements, Select committees (24.10.01) 320
Rulings and statements, Ten minutes rule (24.10.01) 328, (01.11.01) 1032
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Conduct of proceedings (23.10.01) 24wh, 40wh, (24.10.01) 80wh, 104-5wh, 113wh, 118-9wh, 121wh, 127wh, (25.10.01) 148wh, 151wh, 161wh, 182wh, (30.10.01) 221-2wh, 227wh, (31.10.01) 263wh, 276wh, 294-5wh, 299wh, 303wh, (01.11.01) 351wh
Rulings and statements, Adjournment debates (31.10.01) 305-7wh
Rulings and statements, Written questions (30.10.01) 250wh
Special constables
West Midlands Police 214-5w, 450w
Special education
Specialist schools
Speed limits
Spellar, Rt Hon John, Minister for Transport, Department for Transport Local Government and the Regions
Debates etc.
Air routes, Northern Ireland 476w
Aviation, Government assistance 225-6w
Civil Aviation Authority, Public appointments 199-200w
Driving Standards Agency 429w
East Midlands Airport, Night flying 429w
Heathrow Airport, Night flying 385-6w
London Underground, Public private partnerships 186w
National Air Traffic Services 428w
Paddington Rail Accident Inquiry 478-9w
Public transport, Greater Manchester 144
Regional airports, Landing rights 476w
Road traffic control, Greater London 133-6
Strategic Rail Authority 670w
Thameslink railway line 568w
West coast railway line 186-7w
Spelman, Mrs Caroline
Debates etc.
Afghanistan, International assistance (24.10.01) 285-8
Sex Discrimination (Election Candidates) Bill, 2R (24.10.01) 350, 369, 376-8
Developing countries, Maternal mortality 269-70
Spicer, Sir Michael
Standard spending assessments 130
Spinal injuries
Spink, Bob
Debates etc.
Essex Police, Manpower 9-10
Sport England
see English Sports Council
Voluntary organisations 185w
Sports Aid Foundation
Spring, Mr Richard
Hospital beds, Suffolk 875