Index for Volume 373continued
A Am B Bi Br Bu C Ci Cr D Dh Du E En F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu I Ip J Ju K Ki L Li M Mc Mi Mu N O P Pn Pu Q R Ri Ry S Si So Sq T Ti Tu U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Wicks, Malcolm, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Work and Pensions
Children, Maintenance 54-5w, 751w
Cold weather payments 181w
Housing benefit, Abuse 752w
Housing benefit, Databases 242w
Housing benefit, Young people 440w
Independent Case Examiner for the Child Support Agency, Standards 180-1w
Jobseeker's allowance 54w
National insurance 644w, 750w
Social security benefits, Automated credit transfer 441-2w
Social security benefits, Overpayments 642-3w
Social security benefits, Overseas residence 439w
Social Security Benefits Agency 248-9w
Wicks Committee
see Committee on Standards in Public Life
Widdecombe, Rt Hon Ann
Debates etc.
Sex Discrimination (Election Candidates) Bill, 2R (24.10.01) 342, 352-4, 359
Home detention curfews 82-4w
Wiggin, Mr Bill
Debates etc.
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, Sheep (22.10.01) 28
Ministerial policy advisors (23.10.01) 231-5
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, Sheep 547w
Equitable Life Assurance Society 882w
Foot and mouth disease, Herefordshire 362w
Surgery, European economic area 309w
Zimbabwe, Politics and government 133w, 257w
Wilkinson, Mr John
Debates etc.
Afghanistan, International assistance (24.10.01) 301
Aerospace industry, Government assistance 989
Willetts, Mr David
Debates etc.
Social Security (Jobcentre Plus Interviews) Regulations (25.10.01) 472-9, 495
Pensions, Self-employed 752w
Publicity, Dept for Work and Pensions 525w
Social security benefits, Abuse 438-9w
Social security benefits, Automated credit transfer 441-2w
Social security benefits, Overseas residence 439w
Working families tax credit, Mortgages 376w
Williams, Rt Hon Alan
Debates etc.
Robinson, Geoffrey, Members' suspension (31.10.01) 889-90, 897-8
Williams, Mrs Betty
Debates etc.
Weapons, Northern Ireland (24.10.01) 316
Williams, Hywel
Debates etc.
Homelessness Bill, Rep and 3R (22.10.01) 101-2
Afghanistan, Armed conflict 257w
Economic situation, Wales 492w
Institutional care, Wales 350-1w
Pakistan, Civil disorder 257-8w
Secondment, Dept of Trade and Industry 415w
Secondment, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 492-3w
State retirement pensions, Age addition 177w
Willis, Mr Phil
Debates etc.
Advanced skills teachers 472-3w
Church schools, Disadvantaged 40w
Extracurricular activities, Allergies 40-1w
Individual learning accounts, Fraud 618-9w
Local education authorities, Assets 468w
Schools, Sponsorship 709w
Sixth form education, Finance 41w, 773w
Special education 37-8w, 470-1w
Teachers, Career structure 39w
Teachers, Foreign workers 473w
Teachers, Recruitment 39w, 453w
Teachers, Training 465-8w
Wills, Mr Michael, Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Dept
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Magistrates' courts, Greater London (31.10.01) 268-72wh
Aviation, Lord Chancellor's Dept 49w
Community Legal Service 858-9w
Computers, Lord Chancellor's Dept 755-6w
Criminal proceedings, Administrative delays 50w
Entry clearances, Appeals 337w
Freedom of Information Act 2000 46-8w
Judges, Official cars 528w
Judiciary, Public appointments 754w
Magistrates, Leeds 752-3w
Magistrates' courts, Computers 753w
Magistrates' courts, Trials 755w
Magistrates' Courts Service Inspectorate, Annual reports 756w
Maintenance, Children 46w
Medical records, Fees and charges 754-5w
Repossession orders, Rented housing 50w
Select committees, Lord Chancellor's Dept 49w
Wilshire, Mr David
Refugees, Spelthorne 611w
Wilson, Mr Brian, Minister of State for Industry and Energy, Dept of Trade and Industry
Aerospace industry, Terrorism 581w
Combined heat and power 704w
Electronic equipment, Waste disposal 872w
Embedded Generation Working Group 778-9w
Engineering, Climate change levy 585w
Equal pay, Nottinghamshire 588w
Future large aircraft 696w
Manufacturing industries 994-6
Natural gas, Imports 586w
Petrol, Retail trade 695w
Written questions, Administrative delays 874w
Wind power
Winnick, David
Debates etc.
Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards, Points of order (22.10.01) 38
Social Security (Jobcentre Plus Interviews) Regulations (25.10.01) 480, 483
Weapons, Northern Ireland (24.10.01) 315
Afghanistan, Armed conflict 750-1
Members, Correspondence 75w
Written questions, Administrative delays 874w
Winter fuel payments
Winterton, Mrs Ann
Agriculture, Manpower 275w
Bovine tuberculosis, Disease control 409w
Foot and mouth disease 735w
Foot and mouth disease, Disease control 164w
Livestock, Veterinary services 545w
Monetary compensatory amounts 919-20w
Winterton, Mr Nicholas
Debates etc.
Electoral Fraud (Northern Ireland) Bill, Rep and 3R (31.10.01) 951-2, 955
Commonwealth Games, Manchester 758w
Emergencies, Planning 864-5
Midwives, Personation 553w
Satellite communications, Procurement 317-8w
Zimbabwe, Politics and government 271-2, 599w
Winterton, Ms Rosie, Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Dept
Children, Domestic violence 351w
Children, Kidnapping 50-3w
Extradition, Terrorism 753-4w
Insurance, Accidents 201-2w
Judiciary, Ethnic groups 905w
Legal profession, Hearing impaired 424w
Manpower, Lord Chancellor's Dept 50w
Parental responsibility 201w
Press releases, Lord Chancellor's Dept 201w
Queen Elizabeth II, Anniversaries 48-9w, 400w
Registration of births deaths and marriages, Islam 528w
Royal family, Marriage 858w
Wishart, Pete
Debates etc.
Afghanistan, Uranium 877w
Armed forces, Health hazards 879w
Aviation, Dept of Trade and Industry 14w
Buildings, Cabinet Office 293-4w
Buildings, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 402-3w
Chemical and biological warfare, Vaccination 881w
Commonwealth Games, Manchester 758w
Manpower, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 356w, 359w
Manpower, Lord Chancellor's Dept 50w
Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 261-2w
National Lottery, Scotland 358w
Pay, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 227w
Pay, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 351w
Public relations, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 594-5w
Select committees, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 182w