Index for Volume 374continued
A Am B Bi Bo Bu C Ci Cr D Di Du E Ef Ex F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Ju K Kh L Li Lu M Mc Mo Mu N O P Pr Pu Q R Ri S Se So Sq T Th Tr U V W Wh Wo X Y Z
High Peak
Broadcasting reception 268w
Higher education
Hinchliffe, Mr David
Independent Reconfiguration Panel, Public appointments 946-7w
HIV infection
HM Chief Inspector of Schools
see Office for Standards in Education
HM Customs and Excise
HMS Fearless
HMS Ocean
Hoaxes and false alarms
Hoban, Mr Mark
Debates etc.
Drugs, Misuse (09.11.01) 516, 538-9
Sex Discrimination (Election Candidates) Bill, Rep and 3R (14.11.01) 898-9
Local authorities, Insurance 737w
Office of the Rail Regulator 735w
Voluntary organisations 548w
Hodge, Margaret, Minister of State for Universities, Dept for Education and Skills
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Further education, Standards Fund 861w
Higher education, Finance 705w
Higher education, Information technology 39-40w
Higher education, Teachers 411-2w
Sign language, Training 4w
Sixth form education, Finance 717w
Hoey, Miss Kate
Foot and mouth disease, Hunting 695-6w
Hogg, Rt Hon Douglas
Debates etc.
Afghanistan, Armed conflict (14.11.01) 871
Animal Health Bill, 2R (12.11.01) 583-4
Business questions intervention (08.11.01) 373, (15.11.01) 981, 985, 990
House of Lords, Reform (07.11.01) 247-8
Human Rights Act 1998 (Designated Derogation) Order, Points of order (12.11.01) 572
Ministers, Points of order (06.11.01) 110
Railtrack, Finance (13.11.01) 723
Maintenance, Children 552
Northern Ireland government 224
Holiday leave
Holmes, Paul
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Higher education (08.11.01) 154-8wh
Holocaust Memorial Day
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 267w
Home detention curfews
Home energy efficiency scheme
Home Office
Fair trade initiative 970w
Freedom of Information Act 2000 917-8w
Public private partnerships 969w
Hood, Mr Jimmy
EU Justice Home Affairs and Civil Protection Council 315-6w
Hoon, Rt Hon Geoffrey, Secretary of State for Defence
Afghanistan, Armed forces 825w
Nuclear power stations, Security 378w
Rapid deployment forces, EC countries 379w
Hopkins, Mr Kelvin
Debates etc.
City of London (Ward Elections) Bill, Motion to proceed in present session (15.11.01) 1055
Railtrack, Finance (13.11.01) 753, 766
Horam, Mr John
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Climate Change Convention 964
Hospital beds
Hospital Inspectorate Bill 2001/02
Debates etc.
Hospital wards
Private finance initiative 112-3w
Industrial health and safety 511w
House of Commons
House of Commons Liaison Committee
House of Commons Modernisation Select Committee
see Modernisation of the House of Commons Select Committee
House of Lords
Ministerial statements (07.11.01) 239-55
House of Lords Appointments Commission
see Appointments Commission
House of Lords composition
House sellers pack
Housing associations
Shared ownership schemes 510w
Housing benefit
Housing improvement
Housing market
Howard, Rt Hon Michael
Debates etc.
Oral question time intervention (08.11.01) 363
Climate change levy, Manufacturing industries 841w
Post offices, Closures 532w
Privy Council, Silverware 532w
Social security benefits, Expenditure 938w
Howarth, Mr Gerald
Debates etc.
Export Control Bill, Rep and 3R (08.11.01) 446-8, 463-4
Human Rights Joint Select Committee (15.11.01) 1022
Ministers, Points of order (06.11.01) 109-10
Parliamentary procedure, Sub judice (15.11.01) 1017-9
Armed forces, Housing 827w
Military bases, Aldershot 827w
Military bases, Churches 827w
Howells, Dr Kim, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Culture Media and Sport
Debates etc.
Coastal areas, Economic situation (15.11.01) 1073-6
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Architecture, Rotherham 1-3
BBC, Public appointments 636w
BBC, Television channels 271w
Broadcasting reception, High Peak 268w
Coastal areas, Economic situation 636-7w
Computers, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 345w
Consultation papers, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 343-4w
Creative partnerships initiative 636w
Cultural heritage, Lancashire 267w
European City of Culture 343w
European Year of People with Disabilities 2003 951w
Fair trade initiative, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 952w
Film, EC grants and loans 494-5w
Foot and mouth disease, Tourism 61w
Government art collection 501-2w
Grace and favour housing 634-6w
Holocaust Memorial Day, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 267w
Holocaust Memorial Day, Television 950w
Members, Correspondence 345w
Millennium Exhibition 343w
Office of Communications, Scotland 951-2w
Office of Communications, Wales 61w
Public private partnerships, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 882w
Public service broadcasting 494w
Publicity, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 634w
Royal Parks Constabulary, Employment tribunals 951w
Written questions, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 952w
Youth Hostels Association, Finance 634w
Hoyle, Mr Lindsay
Debates etc.
World Trade Organisation (15.11.01) 1007
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Armed forces, Recruitment 22w
English Sports Council, Finance 271w
Farms, Diversification 593w
Foot and mouth disease, Chorley 346w
Football, Industrial disputes 748-9w
Gibraltar, Anniversaries 27w
Higher education, Finance 705w
Housing, Construction 456w
Institute of Directors 330w
Institute of Management 331w
Institutional care, Fees and charges 943w
Manufacturing industries 531w
Ministry of Defence Police, Finance 826w
Ministry of Defence Police, Redundancy 826w
Ministry of Defence Police, United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Constabulary 826w
Northern Ireland government 273w
Regional planning and development, Chorley 650w
Road traffic offences, Fines 80w
Royal Gibraltar Regiment 381w
Royal Ordnance, Chorley 542w
Security, Private sector 322w
Sportsgrounds, Manchester 344w