Index for Volume 374continued
A Am B Bi Bo Bu C Ci Cr D Di Du E Ef Ex F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Ju K Kh L Li Lu M Mc Mo Mu N O P Pr Pu Q R Ri S Se So Sq T Th Tr U V W Wh Wo X Y Z
Ladyman, Dr Stephen
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Laing, Mrs Eleanor
Debates etc.
Railtrack, Finance (13.11.01) 731
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Lait, Mrs Jacqui
Debates etc.
Drugs, Misuse (09.11.01) 503-5
Devolution, Cabinet Office 783w
Devolution, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 829w
Devolution, Scotland Office 748w
Devolution, Treasury 915w
Housing benefit, Scotland 704w
Individual learning accounts, Bromley 247-8w
Scottish Parliament, House of Lords composition 286w
Scottish Parliament, Members 93-4
Lamb, Norman
Debates etc.
World Trade Organisation (15.11.01) 1008
Energy, Conservation 814w
Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 456w
Social security benefits, Widowed people 784w
Lammy, David
London Underground, Crime 503-4w
English Partnerships 726w
Land use
Landfill tax
Sustainable development 72w
Landfill tax credit scheme
Landing rights
Lansley, Mr Andrew
Debates etc.
Export Control Bill, Rep and 3R (08.11.01) 417
World Trade Organisation (07.11.01) 265-6, (15.11.01) 1003
Flood control, Cambridgeshire 966
Law officers
Disclosure of information 833w
Law Society
Lawrence, Mrs Jackie
British Sky Broadcasting 756w
Crime prevention, Wales 762-3w
Haemophilia, Medical treatments 855
Queen Elizabeth II, Anniversaries 490w
State retirement pensions 574w
Laws, Mr David
Debates etc.
Railtrack, Finance (13.11.01) 721
Assets, Cabinet Office 204w
Assets, Dept for Education and Skills 247w
Assets, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 145w
Assets, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1w
Assets, Lord Chancellor's Dept 487w
Assets, Ministry of Defence 23w
Assets, Northern Ireland Office 483w
Assets, Prime Minister 286w
Correspondence, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 444w
Disadvantaged, Home Office 879w
Disadvantaged, Treasury 765-6w
Education, Private sector 538w
General certificate of secondary education, Standards 406w
General practitioners 108w
Government art collection 501-2w
Health authorities, Standards 222w
Health services, Private sector 111-2w
Local education authorities, Private sector 406-7w
Schools, Bureaucracy 43-4w
Wines, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 746-7w
Laxton, Mr Bob
Gibraltar, Telecommunications 122w
Lazarowicz, Mr Mark
Sittings in Westminster Hall
East coast railway line (13.11.01) 242-5wh
East coast railway line 144w
Economic situation, Scotland 873w
Electoral register, Scotland 872w
Financial services, EC action 770-1w
Housing benefit, Young people 893-4w
Human rights, Scotland 98
Occupational pensions, EC action 772w
Railways, Private sector 293w
Seas and oceans, Environment protection 144-5w
Strategic Rail Authority, Rapid transit systems 506w
West coast railway line 502w
Learndirect centres
Learning disability
Learning support units
Lee Valley Regional Park Authority
Legal aid
Legal profession
Legislative process
Leigh, Mr Edward
Debates etc.
International Development Bill (HL), 2R (07.11.01) 277, 290, 309-11
Foot and mouth disease 588w
Lepper, Mr David
Haemophilia, Medical treatments 210w
Leslie, Mr Christopher, Parliamentary Secretary Cabinet Office
Debates etc.
Assets, Cabinet Office 204w
Buildings, Cabinet Office 404-5w
Civil servants, Pensions 959w
Civil servants, Working hours 961w
Computers, Cabinet Office 308w
Consultation papers, Cabinet Office 308w
Devolution, Cabinet Office 783w
Energy, Cabinet Office 203w
Equitable Life Assurance Society 203-4w
Ministerial policy advisors 76w
Non-departmental public bodies 202w
Parliamentary questions, Cabinet Office 404w
Private finance initiative, Conditions of employment 307w
Publications, Cabinet Office 204w
Technology Advisory Group 961w
Written questions, Cabinet Office 959-60w
Letwin, Mr Oliver
Intelligence services, Finance 778w
Levitt, Mr Tom
Debates etc.
House of Lords, Reform (07.11.01) 255
Broadcasting reception, High Peak 268w
Lewis, Mr Ivan, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Education and Skills
Assets, Dept for Education and Skills 247w
Computers, Dept for Education and Skills 246-7w
Consultation papers, Dept for Education and Skills 710-1w
Departmental responsibilities, Dept for Education and Skills 861w
Education, Assessments 720w
Education, Fees and charges 797w
Education, Standards 716w
Freedom of Information Act 2000, Dept for Education and Skills 864w
General certificate of secondary education, Standards 51w, 406w, 539w
Manpower, Dept for Education and Skills 245w
Modern apprenticeships 856w
Publicity, Dept for Education and Skills 707w
School leaving, Qualifications 858w
Schools, Annual reports 247w
Sixth form education 246w
Sixth form education, Finance 809w
Sixth form education, Worcestershire 809-10w
Written questions, Dept for Education and Skills 930w
Lewis, Dr Julian
Debates etc.
Drugs, Misuse (09.11.01) 487
Lifelong learning (06.11.01) 120
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Railtrack, Finance (13.11.01) 211wh
Eastern Europe, Nuclear weapons 663w
Economic situation, Terrorism 347-8
Education, Political impartiality 869w
Identity cards, Terrorism 387-8w
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia 743w
Mass media, Afghanistan 878w
Nuclear power stations, Security 846w
Nuclear shelters, Sales 777-8w
Prisoners, Medical treatments 555w
Sierra Leone, Peace keeping operations 662-3w
Teachers, Crimes of violence 423w