Index for Volume 375continued
A Al As B Bi Bo Bu By C Ce Ci Cr D Dh Du E Ef Ex F Fo Fu G Gr Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Je K Kh L Li Lu M Mc Mi Mu N Nu O P Po Ps Q R Ri Rw S Sh Sk So Sq Sy T Th Tr U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Bacon, Mr Richard
Debates etc.
Home Energy Conservation Bill, 2R (30.11.01) 1258-60
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Floods, Cambridgeshire (20.11.01) 8wh
see also Bovine tuberculosis
BAE Systems
Bailey, Mr Adrian
Debates etc.
Home Energy Conservation Bill, 2R (30.11.01) 1253-4
Departmental expenditure limits, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 991w
Further education, Standards 450w
Regulatory impact assessments 1090
Child Support Agency 826w
Baird, Vera
Debates etc.
Human Rights Act 1998 (Designated Derogation) Order (19.11.01) 129, 139-40
Secondary education, Inner city areas 455w
Baker, Norman
Debates etc.
Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Bill, 2R (19.11.01) 37
Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Bill, Programme motion and Com (21.11.01) 328, 359, 375, 416-7
Human Rights Act 1998 (Designated Derogation) Order (19.11.01) 137-9, 146
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Floods, Cambridgeshire (20.11.01) 16wh
Child Protection on the Internet Taskforce 16-7
Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976 332-3w
Foot and mouth disease, Hunting 1171w
Forward Strategy Unit 104w
Genetically modified organisms, Salmon 1023w
House of Commons Commission 487w
House of Lords composition 628w
Lewes-Uckfield railway line 45w
Metropolitan Police, Complaints 247w
Metropolitan Police, Police informers 96w
Ministry of Defence Police, Finance 671w
Ministry of Defence Police, RAF Menwith Hill 8w
Official engagements 104w
Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards 486w, 871w
Refugees, Democratic Republic of Congo 354w
Balance of payments
Baldry, Tony
Debates etc.
Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Bill, 2R (19.11.01) 35
Bicester, Ministry of Defence 657-8w
Thames Valley Police, Manpower 9-10
United Nations, International assistance 313w
Ballistic missile defence
Bank of Credit and Commerce International
Company liquidations 362w
Bank services
Banks, Mr Tony
Afghanistan, Armed conflict 964
Barker, Mr Gregory
Debates etc.
Age Equality Commission Bill, 2R (23.11.01) 613-4
Employment Bill, 2R (27.11.01) 900-3
East Sussex Fire Brigade, Manpower 505w
Educational exchanges, Russia 52w
Export controls, Russia 2w
Fire stations, East Sussex 504w
Higher education, East Sussex 922w
Marines, Recruitment 515w
Official cars, Electric vehicles 495w
Postal services, Bexhill 671w
Regional assemblies, South East region 504w
Barking and Havering Health Authority
Barnes, Mr Harry
British Coal Corporation, Equal pay 1101-2
Higher education, Student numbers 452w
Nigeria, Foreign relations 802w
Terrorism, Northern Ireland 767w
Baron, Mr John
Debates etc.
Home Energy Conservation Bill, 2R (30.11.01) 1268-70
Written questions, Points of order (29.11.01) 1121
Trade competitiveness 1038w
Barrett, John
Air traffic control, Privatisation 286w
Railway stations, Scotland 386-7w
Barron, Rt Hon Kevin
British Coal Corporation, Equal pay 161w
Basic education
Baton rounds
Battle, Mr John
Afghanistan, International assistance 301
Financial Services Compensation Scheme 277-8w
Bayley, Hugh
Terrorism, Civil defence 94w
World Trade Organisation 309w
Beckett, Rt Hon Margaret, Secretary of State for Environment Food and the Regions
Agriculture development scheme 1022w
Air Quality Standards Expert Panel, Public appointments 201w
Belfast City Council, Procurement 840w
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, Disease control 64w
Departmental expenditure limits, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1032-3w
EC Agriculture Council 692w
Environment Agency, Navigation 198-9w
Foot and mouth disease, Inquiries 74w
Future of Farming and Food Policy Commission 1095w
Gas fired power stations, Carbon dioxide 1033w
Genetically modified organisms, Animal feed 835w
Green Ministers Committee 840-1w
Incinerators, Dioxins 1031w
Industrial disputes, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1029-30w
Nitrogen dioxide, Health hazards 202w
Nuclear power, Security 62-3w
Sellafield, Mixed oxide fuel 203w
Bedford Hospital NHS Trust
Begg, Miss Anne
Debates etc.
Human Reproductive Cloning Bill (HL), Allocation of time motion and rem stages (29.11.01) 1138, 1173-5, 1185, 1187-8, 1205
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Atlantic Telecommunications (27.11.01) 226wh, 228wh
Beggs, Mr Roy
Northern Ireland Grand Committee 1003w
Welsh Grand Committee 1004w
Beith, Rt Hon A J
Debates etc.
Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Bill, Programme motion and Com (21.11.01) 347
Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Bill, Rem stages (26.11.01) 765, 768-9, 771, 773, 790
Human Reproductive Cloning Bill (HL), Allocation of time motion and rem stages (29.11.01) 1123, 1128-9, 1147-51
Human Rights Act 1998 (Designated Derogation) Order (19.11.01) 134
Foot and mouth disease, Disease control 848w
Community development 589w
Belfast City Council
Bell, Mr Stuart, Second Church Estates Commissioner
Church of England, Ethnic groups 1188w
Church of England, Land 20-1w
Churchwardens Measure 2001 281w
Bellingham, Mr Henry
EC common foreign and security policy 316-8
Standard spending assessments, Coastal areas 169-70
Tax yields, Gambling 634w
Benefits Agency
see Social Security Benefits Agency
Benefits Agency Medical Service
Benn, Hilary, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for International Development
Afghanistan, Reconstruction 306-7
Angola, Overseas aid 303-4
Ivory Coast, Child prostitution 307-8
Bennett, Andrew
Debates etc.
Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Bill, Rem stages (26.11.01) 755-6, 762, 764
Railway Administration Order Rules (22.11.01) 558
Benton, Mr Joe
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Agriculture, North West region (21.11.01) 112-3wh
Bercow, Mr John
Debates etc.
Business questions intervention (22.11.01) 462, (29.11.01) 1105
Written questions, Points of order (21.11.01) 319
Accountancy, Lord Chancellor's Dept 480-1w
Afghanistan, Armed conflict 334w
Animal welfare, Buckingham 844w
Antisocial behaviour orders 702w
Arbitration, Industrial disputes 482w
Assets, Lord Chancellor's Dept 553w
Billing, Lord Chancellor's Dept 478w
British nationality, Applications 955w
Buckingham University 605w
Bypasses, Buckinghamshire 499w
Cancer, National Lottery 976w
Cancer, Waiting lists 987w
Cars, Buckinghamshire 1058w
Cellular phones, Licensing 2w
Child protection registers 987-8w
Children in care, Standards 571-3w
Civil proceedings, Recovery of costs 482w
Class sizes, Buckingham 344w
Community development 62w
Contingency reserve, Lord Chancellor's Dept 481-2w
Correspondence, Home Office 955-6w
Correspondence, Lord Chancellor's Dept 478w
Court Service, Computers 550-1w
Court Service, Internet 228w
Court Service, Sick leave 473w
Court Service, Standards 476w
Courts, Construction 228w
Crime prevention, Standards 812-3w
Criminal justice liaison committees, Costs 480w
Criminal proceedings, Legal advice and assistance 478w
Criminal proceedings, Legal aid 476-7w
Crown courts, Standards 475-6w
Cycling, Lord Chancellor's Dept 550w
Departmental responsibilities, Dept for Work and Pensions 155w
Duty solicitors, Costs 479w
Early excellence centres 50-1w
Economic and monetary union 647w
Economic and monetary union, Scotland 1182w
Electronic government, Lord Chancellor's Dept 551-2w
Energy, Lord Chancellor's Dept 479w
Equitable Life Assurance Society, Buckingham 135w
Ethnic groups, Home Office 816w
Family law, Standards 478w
Fire prevention, Housing 501w
"Funds in Court Unclaimed Balances" 229w
General practitioners, Standards 978w
Grendon Prison, Habitual offenders 544w
Habitual offenders, Standards 700-1w
Hedges and ditches, Buckinghamshire 609w
Higher education, Buckingham 49w
Higher education, EC grants and loans 918-20w
Hospitals, Private finance initiative 414-5w
Institutional care, Buckinghamshire 981w
International organisations, EC grants and loans 641w
Investors in people, Buckingham 343-4w
Jobcentres, Information technology 152w
Judiciary, Standards 552w
Kainos Community, Prisons 1220w
Land Registry, Standards 552w
Legal advice and assistance, Prisoners 552-3w
Legal aid, Standards 479w
Local Government Act 1988, Scotland 1117w
Magistrates, Recruitment 832-3w
Magistrates' courts, Computers 229-30w
Magistrates' courts, Standards 474-5w
Members, Correspondence 13w
National insurance contributions 135w
National Lottery, Buckingham 193w
National Lottery, Churches 400w
National Lottery, Grants 194w
New deal for young people, Buckingham 446w
NHS, Private finance initiative 124w
NHS Modernisation Agency 978w
NHS Performance Fund, Finance 977w
NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency 979-80w
NHS trusts, Procurement 987w
Northern Ireland Court Service, Public private partnerships 230w
Northern Ireland Court Service, Standards 473w
Orders and regulations, Costs 229w
Owner occupiers, Buckingham 222w
Patient advice and liaison services 576w
Planning permission, Buckingham 930w
Playing fields, Sales 792w
Prescription Pricing Authority, Costs 575w
Private finance initiative, Lord Chancellor's Dept 229w
Probation and aftercare, Standards 956w
Procurement, Home Office 956w
Public expenditure, Lord Chancellor's Dept 481w
Public Record Office 100w
Public Record Office, Health services 99w
Public Record Office, Sick leave 99-100w
Publications, Dept for Education and Skills 262w
Publications, Dept for Work and Pensions 150-1w
Publications, Dept of Trade and Industry 6-7w
Publications, Scotland Office 790w
Railways, Buckinghamshire 953w
Refugees, Administrative delays 1219w
Refugees, Deportation 1124w
Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 819-20w
Regulatory impact assessments, Dept of Trade and Industry 161-2w
Regulatory impact assessments, Treasury 360w
Rights of accused, Standards 698w
Royal Courts of Justice 230w
Royal Courts of Justice, Video conferencing 550-1w
Schools, Buckingham 1209w
Sentencing Advisory Panel, Expenditure 822w
Sexual offences, Buckingham 242-3w
Sick leave, Lord Chancellor's Dept 480w
Sites of special scientific interest, Buckingham 72w
Social security benefits, Buckinghamshire 153w, 1016w
Social services, Finance 1196w
Stamp duties, Buckingham 639w
Standards, Lord Chancellor's Dept 479w
Teachers, Buckingham 771w
Tobacco, Fire prevention 364-5w
Training, Lord Chancellor's Dept 472-3w
Treaty of Nice, Republic of Ireland 868w
Unemployment, Buckingham 645w
Working families tax credit 1203w
Young offenders, Administration of justice 473-5w
Youth offender panels, Expenditure 822w
General practitioners 125w
Berry, Mr Roger
Debates etc.
Age Equality Commission Bill, 2R (23.11.01) 576-7, 589-93
Community care plans 740w
Best, Mr Harold
Debates etc.
Home Energy Conservation Bill, 2R (30.11.01) 1249-51
Best value
Betts, Mr Clive