Index for Volume 375—continued

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Wicks, Malcolm, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Work and Pensions

                  Debates etc.

    Employment Bill, 2R (27.11.01) 878


    Child Support Agency, Bailiffs 826w

    Child Support Agency, Complaints 706w

    Devolution, Dept for Work and Pensions 445w

    Disadvantaged, EC action 180w

    Disadvantaged, High Wycombe 713w

    Housing benefit, Lone parents 705w

    Income support, Mortgages 1168w

    Independent Case Examiner for the Child Support Agency, Administrative delays 706-7w

    Industrial injuries disablement benefit 148w

    Institutional care, Income support 144-5w

    Social security 156w

    Social security benefits 708w

    Social security benefits, Automated credit transfer 711-2w

    Social security benefits, Buckinghamshire 153w

    Social security benefits, Northampton 149-50w

Widdecombe, Rt Hon Ann

                  Debates etc.

    Rulings and statements, Points of order (21.11.01) 320


Wiggin, Mr Bill

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Agriculture, North West region (21.11.01) 95wh, 98wh


    Bovine tuberculosis, Hertfordshire 851w

Wilkinson, Mr John

                  Debates etc.

    Heathrow Airport (20.11.01) 188-9


    London Underground, Public private partnerships 159-60

    Rapid deployment forces, EC countries 814

Willetts, Mr David

                  Debates etc.

    Social security benefits (28.11.01) 975-8


    Advertising, Dept for Work and Pensions 828w

    Appeals Service 536w

    Disability living allowance, Appeals 179w

    Housing benefit, Lone parents 705w

    Incapacity benefit 157w

    Income support, Lone parents 1137w

    Jobcentre Plus, Industrial disputes 147w

    Pensioners, Income support 705w

    Pensions, Publicity 147w

    Social security benefits, Automated credit transfer 711-2w

    Social security benefits, Capital rules 536-7w

Williams, Rt Hon Alan


    Government departments, Audit 402-3w

Williams, Mrs Betty

                  Debates etc.

    Employment Bill, 2R (27.11.01) 882-3


    Afghanistan, Politics and government 825

    Departmental expenditure limits, Dept for International Development 1129w

    Railways, Finance 167

    Serbia, Overseas aid 311w

Williams, Hywel

                  Debates etc.

    Employment Bill, 2R (27.11.01) 908-10

    Social security benefits (28.11.01) 985-6


    Foot and mouth disease 1179w

    Livestock, Transport 436w

    Social Security Benefits Agency, Working conditions 176-7w, 825w

Williams, Mr Roger

                  Debates etc.

    Home Energy Conservation Bill, 2R (30.11.01) 1276, 1279

    National Health Service Reform and Health Care Professions Bill, 2R (20.11.01) 245-6


    Foot and mouth disease, Powys 837w

Willis, Mr Phil


    Chemicals, Health hazards 73-4w

    Pollution control 322w

    Schools, Private finance initiative 266w

    Sure start programme 523w

Wills, Mr Michael, Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Dept


    Buildings, Lord Chancellor's Dept 1135-6w

    Court Service, Annual reports 1134w

    Court Service, Computers 550-1w

    Court Service, Internet 228w

    Courts, Construction 228w

    Crown courts, Standards 475-6w

    Defaulters, Gravesend 830w

    Electronic government, Lord Chancellor's Dept 551-2w

    Fair trade initiative, Lord Chancellor's Dept 831-2w

    Freedom of Information Act 2000, Lord Chancellor's Dept 368w

    Judiciary, Standards 552w

    Land Registry, Standards 552w

    Magistrates, Huntingdon 834w

    Magistrates, Recruitment 832-3w

    Magistrates' courts, Standards 474-5w

    Nottingham Crown Court, Disabled 698w

    Open government 831w

    Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration, Lord Chancellor's Dept 1005w

    Private finance initiative, Lord Chancellor's Dept 229w

    Regulatory impact assessments, Lord Chancellor's Dept 831w

    Royal Courts of Justice 230w

    Royal Courts of Justice, Video conferencing 550-1w

    Small claims, Gravesend 830-1w

    Turner and Newall 231w

    Young offenders, Administration of justice 473-5w

Wilshire, Mr David

                  Debates etc.

    Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Bill, Rem stages (26.11.01) 677-8, 700, 704, 709-11

    Heathrow Airport (20.11.01) 184

Wilson, Mr Brian, Minister of State for Industry and Energy, Dept of Trade and Industry

                  Debates etc.

    Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Bill, Rem stages (26.11.01) 734-6

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Industrial diseases, Compensation (27.11.01) 245-8wh


    Aggregates, Imports 565w

    Alternative energy, Orders and regulations 167w

    British Nuclear Fuels 679w

    British Nuclear Fuels, Company accounts 163-4w

    British Nuclear Fuels, Contracts 164w

    British Nuclear Fuels, USA 163w

    Chlorofluorocarbons, Waste disposal 785-6w

    Construction, Standards 994-5w

    Dounreay, Decommissioning 168w

    Energy, Competition 787w

    Energy, Conservation 789w

    Gas and Electricity Consumer Council, Manpower 786w

    Gas fired power stations, Langage 566w

    Hartlepool power station, Security 395w

    Industry, Government assistance 166w

    Manufacturing industries, Climate change levy 1041w

    Methane, Electricity generation 302w

    Natural gas, Northern Ireland 680w

    Petrol, Retail trade 304w

    Radioactive materials, Japan 395w

    Retail trade, Climate change levy 554-5w

    Sellafield, Decommissioning 168w

    Sellafield, Nuclear fuel reprocessing 563w

    United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority 992-3w

    United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Constabulary, Firearms 248w

    United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Constabulary, Manpower 164w

    United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Constabulary, Vehicles 563w


    Dental services 570w

Wind power

Winnick, David

                  Debates etc.

    Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Bill, 2R (19.11.01) 27-8

    Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Bill, Programme motion and Com (21.11.01) 327, 334, 346, 376-7

    Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Bill, Rem stages (26.11.01) 684, 688-9, 707, 757

    Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards, Points of order (26.11.01) 671


    Gas and Electricity Consumer Council, Manpower 786w

    Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards 484-6w, 871w

    Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards, Complaints 485-6w

    Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards, Working hours 486w

    Written questions, Costs 79-80w

"Winning The Generation Game"

Winter fuel payments

Winterton, Mrs Ann

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall


    Agriculture, Subsidies 64-5w

    Bovine spongiform encephalopathy 436-7w

    Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, Sheep 1087w

    Farmers, Borrowing 324w

    Farmers, Licensing 857w

    Food, Labelling 438w

    Foot and mouth disease, Disease control 838-9w

    Foot and mouth disease, Inquiries 431-2w

    Livestock, Transport 436w

    Poultry, Animal housing 437w

    Slaughterhouses, Fees and charges 63w

Winterton, Mr Nicholas

                  Debates etc.

    Afghanistan, Points of order (26.11.01) 672

    British Overseas Territories Bill (HL), 2R (22.11.01) 488, 510-1, 533, 536

    Civil Defence (Grant) Bill, 2R (28.11.01) 1039, 1044

    National Health Service Reform and Health Care Professions Bill, 2R (20.11.01) 233, 258-60

    Railway Administration Order Rules (22.11.01) 548, 555-6

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall


    Afghanistan, Armed conflict 1055w

    BAE Systems, Redundancy 968-70

    Business questions 469

    Departmental coordination, Agriculture 899w

    Industrial disputes, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 207w

    Manufacturing industries, North West region 1039w

    Railtrack, Finance 174

    Rural Payments Agency, Standards 438w

    State retirement pensions 714-5w

    Weapons, Northern Ireland 175-6w

    Zimbabwe, Politics and government 815-6

Winterton, Ms Rosie, Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Dept


    Accountancy, Lord Chancellor's Dept 480-1w

    Arbitration, Industrial disputes 482w

    Assets, Lord Chancellor's Dept 553w

    Barristers, Ethnic groups 101w

    Billing, Lord Chancellor's Dept 478w

    Civil proceedings, Legal aid 831w

    Civil proceedings, Recovery of costs 482w

    Community Legal Service, Finance 1187w

    Community Legal Service, Internet 553w

    Conditional fee agreements 1187w

    Contingency reserve, Lord Chancellor's Dept 481-2w

    Correspondence, Lord Chancellor's Dept 478w

    Court Service, Sick leave 473w

    Court Service, Standards 476w

    Criminal justice liaison committees, Costs 480w

    Criminal proceedings, Legal advice and assistance 478w

    Criminal proceedings, Legal aid 476-7w

    Cycling, Lord Chancellor's Dept 550w

    Departmental expenditure limits, Lord Chancellor's Dept 1134-5w

    Devolution, Lord Chancellor's Dept 232w

    Duty solicitors, Costs 479w

    Energy, Lord Chancellor's Dept 479w

    Entry clearances, Appeals 554w

    Family law, Standards 478w

    "Funds in Court Unclaimed Balances" 229w

    Legal advice and assistance, Prisoners 552-3w

    Legal aid, Fraud 473w

    Legal aid, Standards 479w

    Northern Ireland Court Service, Public private partnerships 230w

    Northern Ireland Court Service, Standards 473w

    Orders and regulations, Costs 229w

    Public expenditure, Lord Chancellor's Dept 481w

    Public Record Office 100w

    Public Record Office, Health services 99w

    Public Record Office, Sick leave 99-100w

    Public Trust Office 228w

    Refugees, Administrative delays 101w

    Rights of accused, Standards 698w

    Sick leave, Lord Chancellor's Dept 480w

    Standards, Lord Chancellor's Dept 479w

    Terrorism, Finance 368w

    Training, Lord Chancellor's Dept 472-3w

    Written questions, Lord Chancellor's Dept 832w


    Standard spending assessments 212w

Wishart, Pete

                  Debates etc.

    Heathrow Airport (20.11.01) 192

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Rural areas, Scotland (28.11.01) 258-61wh


    Business questions 1115

    Ministerial policy advisors, Dept of Trade and Industry 671-2w

    Pay, Home Office 409w

    Pay, Scotland Office 410w

    Public expenditure, Scotland Office 197w

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