Index for Volume 376continued
A Am Av B bi Bo Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Du E Ef Ex F Fr G Gr Gu H Hi Hu I Ir J Ju K Kh L Li Lu M Mc Mi Mu N Nu O P Pr Q R Rh Ry S Sh So Sq Sy T Ti Tu U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Baby care units
Bacon, Mr Richard
Debates etc.
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Ministerial powers, Appeals 498-9w
BAE Systems
Bailey, Mr Adrian
Debates etc.
Education Bill, 2R (04.12.01) 202
Pensioners, Fuel poverty 601w
Baird, Vera
Debates etc.
Common fisheries policy (06.12.01) 557-9
Baker, Norman
Debates etc.
Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Bill, Business motion (04.12.01) 297, 301, 309, (05.12.01) 378-80
Government information services (03.12.01) 29
Written questions, Points of order (11.12.01) 734
Al Maktoum, Shamsa, Kidnapping 973w
Bishops, Official residences 10-1w
Buildings, Cabinet Office 361w
Church Commissioners, Disadvantaged 17
Hospital beds, East Sussex 733w
Intelligence services, Complaints 8w
Investigatory Powers Tribunal 475w
MI5, Conditions of employment 232w
Monarchy, Succession 623w
Nuclear weapons, Transport 345-6w
Radioactive wastes, Transport 647w
Royal family, Marriage 623w
Royal prerogative, Orders and regulations 599w
Taxation, Royal family 767w
Telecommunications, Data protection 227-8w
Telecommunications, Disclosure of information 474-5w
Balance of trade
Baldry, Tony
Debates etc.
Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Bill, Lords amendts (12.12.01) 934
Middle East, Terrorism 340
Ballistic missile defence
Bank services
Banks, Mr Tony
Debates etc.
Licensed premises, Music 11-2
Barker, Mr Gregory
Debates etc.
Education Bill, 2R (04.12.01) 202, 246-9
Immigration and Nationality Directorate, Manpower 696w
Teachers, Crimes of violence 249w
Teachers, East Sussex 634w
Barnes, Mr Harry
Debates etc.
Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Bill, Lords amendts (12.12.01) 940-1
Northern Ireland government 317
Terrorism, Northern Ireland 752-3w
Barnet Hospital
Barnsley Health Authority
Baron, Mr John
Debates etc.
Police, Petitions (10.12.01) 688
New deal for young people 587
Weapons, Northern Ireland 317-8w
Barrett, John
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Schools, Transport (05.12.01) 125-6wh
Barron, Rt Hon Kevin
Bristol Royal Infirmary Inquiry 139w
National Institute for Clinical Excellence, Reviews 139w
Tobacco, Retail trade 205w
Baton rounds
Battle, Mr John
Debates etc.
Asbestos, Standing Order No 24 applications (13.12.01) 1020-1
Battle of Britain
Bayley, Hugh
Debates etc.
Afghanistan, Armed conflict (12.12.01) 879-81, 886
York Health Services NHS Trust, Hospital beds 735w
Digital broadcasting 41-2w
Office of Communications 7-9
Political impartiality 3-4
BBC External Services
Beard, Mr Nigel
Debates etc.
Tax Credits Bill, 2R (10.12.01) 617
Manufacturing industries 457
Beckett, Rt Hon Margaret, Secretary of State for Environment Food and the Regions
Agriculture, Waste management 672w
Animal Health Bill 2001/02, European Convention on Human Rights 920w
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy 266w
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, Sheep 489-90w
Castle Cement, Air pollution 918w
Climate change levy, Combined heat and power 681w
Common agricultural policy 993-6
Farming and Rural Conservation Agency, Annual reports 953w
Foot and mouth disease, Animal feed 674w
Foot and mouth disease, Compensation 498w, 674w
Foot and mouth disease, Cumbria 263-4w
Foot and mouth disease, Disclosure of information 263w
Foot and mouth disease, Disease control 264w
Horticulture Research International 684w
Industrial disputes, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 672-3w
Integrated administration and control system, Administrative delays 954w
Internet, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 275w
Job satisfaction, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 266w
Pay, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 266-7w
Rural areas, Voluntary work 946w
Sellafield, Mixed oxide fuel 681w
Sustainable development 988-90
Social services (12.12.01) 970-7
Begg, Miss Anne
BBC, Digital broadcasting 41-2w
Beggs, Mr Roy
Beith, Rt Hon A J
Debates etc.
Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Bill, Business motion (04.12.01) 288-90
Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Bill, Lords amendts (12.12.01) 897, (13.12.01) 1109
Ministerial statement intervention (04.12.01) 177
Stamp duties, Northumberland 771w
Bell, Mr Stuart, Second Church Estates Commissioner
Debates etc.
Bishops, House of Lords composition 18
Bishops, Official residences 10-1w
Church Commissioners, Disadvantaged 17-8
Church Commissioners, Property 15-6
Clergy, Conditions of employment 16-7
Bellingham, Mr Henry
Debates etc.
Common fisheries policy (06.12.01) 555-7
Local government finance (04.12.01) 178
Foreign investment in UK, Wales 859-60w
Mentally ill, Homelessness 709
Police, Northern Ireland 321w
Belmont School Cleveland
Benefits Agency
see Social Security Benefits Agency
Benn, Hilary, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for International Development
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Central Africa, Armed conflict (11.12.01) 192-8wh
Bennett, Andrew
Debates etc.
Local government (11.12.01) 719
Bercow, Mr John
Debates etc.
Oral question time intervention (05.12.01) 328
Sibthorpe, Yoko (10.12.01) 689-94
Accountancy, Cabinet Office 940w
Administration of justice, Standards 830w
Advertising, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 362w
Annuities, Competition 206w
Assets Recovery Agency 231w
Aston Clinton bypass 564w
Asylum, Applications 103w
British Educational Communications and Technology Agency, Finance 955w
Business, Buckingham 1002w
Charity Commission, Standards 830-1w
Civil servants, Equal opportunities 595w
Climate change levy, Manufacturing industries 690w
Conditional fee agreements 841w
Consultants, Dept for Education and Skills 641w
Consultants, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 1017w
Consultants, Dept of Trade and Industry 649w
Corporation tax, Small businesses 207w
Correspondence, Cabinet Office 805w
Crime prevention, Standards 701-2w
Crime reduction programme 480w
Criminal proceedings, Standards 229w
Dental services, Finance 366w
Departmental expenditure limits, Cabinet Office 595w
Departmental expenditure limits, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1028w
Departmental expenditure limits, Dept for Education and Skills 896w
Departmental expenditure limits, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 843-4w
Departmental expenditure limits, Dept for International Development 546w
Departmental expenditure limits, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 385w
Departmental expenditure limits, Dept of Trade and Industry 648w
Departmental expenditure limits, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 826w
Departmental expenditure limits, Lord Chancellor's Dept 506w
Departmental expenditure limits, Ministry of Defence 533w
Departmental expenditure limits, Scotland Office 803w
Developing countries, Debts 152-3w
Employment tribunals, Buckingham 863w
Excise duties, Fuels 207w
Funding Agency for Schools 429w
General practitioners, NHSnet 166-7w
Government, Public participation 597-8w
Government departments, Modernisation 596w
Government departments, Standards 595-6w
Government information services, Digital broadcasting 436w
Grandparents mentoring scheme 258-9w
Higher education, Finance 68-9w
Housing benefit, Standards 780w
Industrial disputes, Buckingham 1001-2w
Information technology, Dept for Work and Pensions 514w
Jobcentre Plus, Costs 994w
Local government finance, Buckinghamshire 14w
London Underground, Public private partnerships 380w
Manufacturing industries 691w
Medical Devices Agency, Finance 716w
Medicines Control Agency, Expenditure 364w
Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus, Buckinghamshire 366w
MMR vaccine, Buckingham 182w
National Institute for Clinical Excellence, Standards 714w
National insurance contributions 521w
National Probation Service for England and Wales, Standards 478-9w
New businesses, Buckinghamshire 1001w
New businesses, Publications 690-1w
New deal for long term unemployed, Dept of Trade and Industry 649w
New deal for young people, Buckingham 606w
New deal for young people, Cabinet Office 939-40w
New deal for young people, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 549-50w
New deal for young people, Dept for International Development 545w
New deal for young people, Dept of Trade and Industry 649w
New deal for young people, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 826w
New deal for young people, Ministry of Defence 739w
New deal for young people, Treasury 762-3w
Non-domestic rates, Buckinghamshire 1019-20w
Offenders, Rehabilitation 480w
Patients, Buckingham 173w
Pay, Dept for Work and Pensions 614w
Performance and Innovation Unit 508w
Pre-school education, Closures 811w
Pre-school education, Finance 415w
Prescriptions, Fraud 167w
Prisoners, Rehabilitation 479w
Private finance initiative 522w
Property transfer, Government departments 763w
Public expenditure, Cabinet Office 596w, 598w
Public expenditure, Dept for Education and Skills 82w
Public expenditure, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 25w
Public expenditure, Dept for Work and Pensions 899-900w, 996w
Public expenditure, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 685w
Public private partnerships 761w
Public sector, Procurement 648w
Public sector, Standards 595w
Public sector net cash requirement 329w
Publications, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 825w
Regulatory impact assessments 597w
Sick leave, Cabinet Office 804-5w
Sick leave, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 547w
Sick leave, Dept for International Development 544w
Sick leave, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 787w
Sick leave, Dept of Trade and Industry 649w
Sick leave, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 855w
Sick leave, Home Office 230w
Sick leave, Ministry of Defence 965w
Sick leave, Treasury 763w
Social security benefits, Debts 899w
Social security benefits, Overpayments 899w
Standards, Dept for Work and Pensions 777-9w
Surgery, Buckinghamshire 366-7w
Taxation, Alcoholic drinks 772w
Teenage pregnancy, Buckingham 205w
Trade unions, Buckingham 941w
Unemployment, Rural areas 764-5w
Unemployment, Young people 763-4w
Vocational training, Costs 634-5w
War Pensions Agency, Operating costs 115-6w
War Pensions Agency, Standards 4-5w
Welfare to work, Finance 995w
Beresford, Sir Paul
Local authorities, Trade 836
Berry, Mr Roger
Best, Mr Harold
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Best value
Betts, Mr Clive
Debates etc.
Local government (11.12.01) 723
"Planning Delivering a Fundamental Change Consultation Paper" 881-2w