Index for Volume 376continued
A Am Av B bi Bo Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Du E Ef Ex F Fr G Gr Gu H Hi Hu I Ir J Ju K Kh L Li Lu M Mc Mi Mu N Nu O P Pr Q R Rh Ry S Sh So Sq Sy T Ti Tu U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Pre-Budget Report 2001
Prentice, Ms Bridget
Jubilee line, Standards 13-4w
Prentice, Mr Gordon
Debates etc.
Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Bill, Lords amendts (12.12.01) 939
European Communities (05.12.01) 389
Accident and emergency departments, North West region 179w
Appointments Commission, Annual reports 466w
Appointments Commission, Manpower 466w
Appointments Commission, Working hours 466w
Channel tunnel railway line 878w
Digital broadcasting, Low incomes 38w
Government departments, Legal representation 990w
Higher education, Standards 821w
House of Lords, Reform 507w
House of Lords composition 625w
Income support, Pendle 600w
Police, Northern Ireland 321-2w
Royal prerogative, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 467w
Pre-school education
Petitions (12.12.01) 968-9
Prescription drugs
Prescription Pricing Authority
Preserved Rights (Transfer of Responsibilities to Local Authorities) Regulations 2001
President of the Council
Fair trade initiative 311w
Press freedom
Press releases
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 549-50w
Price, Adam
Debates etc.
Education Bill, 2R (04.12.01) 230-3
Civil servants, Manpower 243-4w
National Assembly for Wales 691w
Regional planning and development 199w
Price fixing
Primarolo, Ms Dawn, Paymaster General
Debates etc.
Annuities, Competition 206w
Corporation tax, Small businesses 207w
Customs and Excise, Annual reports 67w
Excise duties, Northern Ireland 200-2w
Financial institutions, Pay 527w
Members, Correspondence 527w
National insurance contributions 513w, 521w
Stamp duties, Exemptions 530w
Tax allowances, Vocational training 521w
Working families tax credit 204w
Working tax credit, Training 769w
Primary care groups
Primary education
Primary health care
Prime Minister
Prisk, Mr Mark
Debates etc.
Tax Credits Bill, 2R (10.12.01) 599, 601-2
Disabled, Small businesses 579
Excise duties, Beer 1003w
Orders and regulations, Dept for Education and Skills 957w
Orders and regulations, Ministry of Defence 741w
Prison accommodation
Prison sentences
Prison Service
Prisoners of war
Prisoners' transfers
Private education
Private finance initiative
Private Hire Vehicles (Carriage of Guide Dogs Etc) Bill 2001/02
Debates etc.
Private sector
Prize money
Proceeds of crime
Proceeds of Crime Bill 2001/02
European fighter aircraft 350-1w
Satellite communications 965-6w
Proof of identity
Church Commissioners 15-6
Prosser, Mr Gwyn
Protection of Children Act 1999
Public appointments
Armed Forces Pay Review Body 972w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 211w
Local Government Commission for England 793w, 795-6w
Regional development agencies 758-9w
Public bodies
Public expenditure
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 298w
Dept for Education and Skills 82w, 255w
Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 25w
Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 685w
Dept of Trade and Industry 150w
Public finance
Public houses
Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998
Public libraries
Public order
Public participation
Public private partnerships
Council of Economic Advisers 999w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 210w
National Air Traffic Services 383-4w
Public relations
Dept for Education and Skills 247-50w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 626-8w
Public sector debt
Public sector net cash requirement
Pugh, Dr John
Debates etc.
Government information services (03.12.01) 35, 52, 69-72
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Pupil exclusions
Purnell, James
Debates etc.
Working tax credit, Training 769w