Index for Volume 377continued
A Am Au B Bi Bo Bu By C Ci Cr D Dh Du E Ef Ey F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Je K Kh L Ll Ly M Me Mo Mu N O P Pl Ps Q R Rh Ry S Si So Sq Sy T Th Tr U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Dalyell, Mr Tam
Afghanistan, Armed conflict 1066-7w
Climate Change Convention 822-3w
Departmental responsibilities, Solicitor-General 879w
Higher education, Scotland 954-5w
International Criminal Court 819w
Iraq, Chemical and biological warfare 412
Jobcentre Plus, Crimes of violence 704w
Darling, Rt Hon Alistair, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions
Members, Correspondence 156w
Social security benefits, Belgium 683w
Data protection
Individual learning accounts 407-8w
Data Protection Act 1998
Davey, Mr Edward
Taxation, Assessments 796w
Davey, Mrs Valerie
Debates etc.
Ballistic missile defence, Petitions (10.01.02) 779
Disability living allowance, Sickle cell diseases 377w
Further education, Student numbers 952w
David, Mr Wayne
Indonesia, Religious freedom 958w
Ukraine, EC enlargement 917w
Davidson, Mr Ian
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Economic and monetary union, Scotland 975w
New deal for long term unemployed 681-2w
Davies, Geraint
Davies, Mr Quentin
Debates etc.
Northern Ireland Arms Decommissioning (Amendment) Bill, 2R (17.12.01) 40, 50-61, 76, 112
Davis, Rt Hon David
Supply teachers, East Riding 56w
Dawson, Mr Hilton
Dean, Mrs Janet
Infant mortality, Burton 680-1w
Integrated administration and control system, Administrative delays 765w
Livestock, Electronic tagging 765w
Pre-school education, Staffordshire 719w
Debt Management Office
see UK Debt Management Office
Developing countries 996w
Defence Analytical Services Agency
Defence equipment
Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
Defence Logistics Organisation
Democratic Republic of Congo
Denham, Rt Hon John, Minister of State, Home Office
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Alcoholic drinks, Young people 91-2w
Antisocial behaviour orders 75-6w
Antisocial behaviour orders, Buckingham 780-1w
Antisocial behaviour orders, Greater London 781w
Antisocial behaviour orders, Wales 76w
Burglary, Buckingham 779w
Closed circuit television, Buckingham 781w
Community support police officers, Greater London 82w
Crime and disorder partnerships, Finance 91w
Criminal investigation 779w
Criminal Records Bureau 790w
Cycling, Road traffic offences 487w
Driving under influence, Buckingham 780w
Metropolitan Police, Resignations 786-7w
Metropolitan Police Authority 489w
Motor vehicles, Insurance 787-8w
Neighbourhood wardens, Buckingham 480w
Neighbourhood watch schemes 237w
North Wales Police, Manpower 244w
Northumbria Police, Manpower 242w
Parenting orders, Buckinghamshire 954w
Police, Greater London 793w
Police, Information technology 489w
Police Complaints Authority 491w
Public expenditure, Home Office 253-4w
Publicity, Home Office 253w
Special constables, Buckingham 779-80w
Young people, Public participation 712w
Young people, Voting behaviour 713w
Denham Ministerial Group
see Older People Ministerial Group
Dental services
Departmental coordination
Departmental expenditure limits
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 314w
Dept for Education and Skills 418w
Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 851w
Dept for Work and Pensions 383w
Dept of Trade and Industry 472-3w
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 94w, 372w, 876w
Departmental responsibilities
Depleted uranium
Dept for Culture Media and Sport
Departmental expenditure limits 314w
Federation Internationale de L'Automobile 886w
Orders and regulations 36w
Private finance initiative 316w
Public private partnerships 316w
Dept for Education and Skills
Departmental expenditure limits 418w
New deal for long term unemployed 418w
New deal for young people 418w
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
Fair trade initiative 742w
New deal for young people 128w
Orders and regulations 133w
Public private partnerships 731w
Dept for International Development
Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions
Departmental expenditure limits 851w
New deal for young people 8-9w
Dept for Work and Pensions
Departmental expenditure limits 383w
New deal for young people 378w
Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration 152w, 700w
Regional planning and development 359-60w
Dept of Health
New deal for young people 625-6w
Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration 614w
Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions
Dept of Trade and Industry
Departmental expenditure limits 472-3w
Fair trade initiative 460w
Government information services 119w
Non-departmental public bodies 461w
Deregulation and Regulatory Reform Select Committee
Deregulation (Disposals of Dwelling-houses by Local Authorities) Order 2001
Debates etc.
Iraq-Kuwait conflict 250w
Detection rates
Developing countries
UN Convention Against Organised Transnational Crime 844w
Development aid
Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 540-2w
Foot and mouth disease (18.12.01) 62-8wh
Local government finance 590-1w