Index for Volume 377continued
A Am Au B Bi Bo Bu By C Ci Cr D Dh Du E Ef Ey F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Je K Kh L Ll Ly M Me Mo Mu N O P Pl Ps Q R Rh Ry S Si So Sq Sy T Th Tr U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Khabra, Mr Piara S
Debates etc.
Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Bill (HL), 2R (08.01.02) 472-4
Asylum, Administrative delays 11
Public appointments, Equal opportunities 526
Kidney, Mr David
Dental services, Stafford 935w
Driving, Disqualification 1024w
Drug treatment and testing orders 81w
Pensioners, Income support 998w
Postal services, Manpower 1038w
Schools, Per capita costs 62-4w
Kiley, Robert
Kilfoyle, Mr Peter
Debates etc.
Afghanistan, Peace keeping operations (19.12.01) 316-7
Sinn Fein, House of Commons services (18.12.01) 175-6
Iraq, Chemical and biological warfare 412
King, Ms Oona
Council housing, Tower Hamlets 979-80w
Democratic Republic of Congo, Peace negotiations 578w
Housing, Multiple occupation 11-3w
Kirkbride, Miss Julie
Special education, Boarding schools 624-5w
Kirkwood, Mr Archy
Sittings in Westminster Hall
House of Commons, Euro 879w
House of Commons, Manpower 212-3w
House of Commons Commission 332-3w
Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration, Dept for Work and Pensions 152w
Standards and Privileges Select Committee, Manpower 332w
Knight, Rt Hon Greg
Debates etc.
House of Lords, Reform (10.01.02) 774-6
Knight, Jim
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Iraq, Chemical and biological warfare 411
Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, Reviews 302w
Peace keeping operations 838w
Kumar, Dr Ashok
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Railways (09.01.02) 214wh
Disability Rights Task Force 379w
Mentally ill, Children 168w
Sixth form education, Hospitals 274-5w
Small businesses, Dept for Education and Skills 293w
Small businesses, Dept for Work and Pensions 696-7w
Teesside, Cabinet Office 334w
Teesside, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 743w
Teesside, Dept for Work and Pensions 687w
Urban aid, Dept for Education and Skills 944-5w
Urban aid, Dept of Trade and Industry 873w