Index for Volume 377continued
A Am Au B Bi Bo Bu By C Ci Cr D Dh Du E Ef Ey F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Je K Kh L Ll Ly M Me Mo Mu N O P Pl Ps Q R Rh Ry S Si So Sq Sy T Th Tr U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Labour turnover
Arts Council of England 550w
Regional arts boards 550w
Ladyman, Dr Stephen
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Laeken Summit (EC)
Ministerial statements (17.12.01) 19-37
Lait, Mrs Jacqui
Debates etc.
Pension Annuities (Amendment) Bill, 2R (11.01.02) 796
Betts Way Residential Centre, Abuse 166-7w
Scottish Parliament, Members 95w
Lamb, Norman
Debates etc.
House of Lords, Reform (10.01.02) 769-71
Landscape design
Lansley, Mr Andrew
Ambulance services, Emergency calls 640-1w
Government offices for the regions 821w
Latin America
Lawrence, Mrs Jackie
Economic and monetary union 793-4w
Electronic government, Contracts 26w
Uk Debt Management Office 325w
Laws, Mr David
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Standard spending assessments, Somerset (09.01.02) 249wh
Defence equipment, Procurement 556w
Elderly, Standard spending assessments 1059-61w
Health services, Finance 200w
Post offices, Bank services 270w
Post offices, Closures 1039w
Post offices, Pilot schemes 460w
Post offices, Rural areas 474w
Post offices, Social security benefits 1039w
Private finance initiative, Home Office 237-8w
"Reforming Britain's Economic and Financial Policy" 197w
Social services, Somerset 641w
Taxation, Access to work programme 1037w
Uranium, Health hazards 641w
Laxton, Mr Bob
Debates etc.
Conditions of employment (17.12.01) 125
Lazarowicz, Mr Mark
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Afghanistan, Peace keeping operations 576w
Palestinians, Overseas aid 343-4w
Waverley railway line 1055w
World Summit on Sustainable Development 423w
Learning and Skills Act 2000
Learning and Skills Council for England
Learning and skills councils
Learning disability
Learning support units
Leave of absence
Legal aid
Legal aid scheme
Pre-school education 709w
Leisure facilities
Lepper, Mr David
Debates etc.
Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Bill (HL), 2R (08.01.02) 489-92
Leslie, Mr Christopher, Parliamentary Secretary Cabinet Office
Central Office of Information, Advertising 1007w
Civil servants, Greater London 822w
Civil servants, Training 98w
Civil service, Codes of practice 586w
Civil service, Personnel management 1008-9w
Civil service agencies, Lobbying 97w
Emergencies, Planning 530-1
Government Car and Despatch Agency 256w
Government Car and Despatch Agency, Annual reports 824w
Government departments, Broadband 529
Government departments, Information technology 334w
Higher civil servants, Recruitment 255w
Manpower, Cabinet Office 256w
Non-departmental public bodies 585-6w
Office of the E-envoy, Annual reports 97-8w
Planning, Emergencies 821w
Regulatory impact assessments, Standards 822w
Teesside, Cabinet Office 334w
Letwin, Mr Oliver
Arrest warrants, EC action 16
Charities, Standards 246w
Lewes Prison
Lewis, Mr Ivan, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Education and Skills
Disadvantaged, Dept for Education and Skills 1066w
Education of children at home, Finance 723-4w
Educational maintenance allowance 945w
Educational maintenance allowance, Buckinghamshire 421w
Fair trade initiative, Dept for Education and Skills 289-90w
GCE A level, Buckingham 722w
General certificate of secondary education, Buckingham 412w
Health education, Teaching aids 1065w
Homeworking, Dept for Education and Skills 58w
Manpower, Dept for Education and Skills 718w
Primary education, Standards 723w
Pupil exclusions, Buckinghamshire 713-4w
Pupil exclusions, Greater London 945-6w
Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, Reviews 302w
Schools, Buckinghamshire 717w
Schools, Information technology 657-8
Science, Qualifications 954w
Sixth form education, Greater London 1065w
Special education, Buckingham 294w
Special education, Buckinghamshire 716-8w
Special education, City of Durham 709w
Special Educational Needs Tribunal 414-6w
Urban aid, Dept for Education and Skills 944-5w
Vocational education 421w
Lewis, Dr Julian
Arrest warrants, EC action 15
Ministerial policy advisors 822w
Sierra Leone, Overseas aid 346w
Liabilities Management Authority
British Nuclear Fuels 871w
Nuclear power stations 105w
Politics and government 923w
Libyan Arab Republic
Licensing laws
Liddell, Rt Hon Mrs Helen, Secretary of State for Scotland
Channel tunnel, Freight 878w
Civil servants, Scotland Office 878w
Computers, Scotland Office 975-6w
Constituencies, Scotland 370w
Economic and monetary union, Scotland 975w
Homeworking, Scotland Office 877-8w
International relations, Scotland 95-6w
Manpower, Scotland Office 178w
New deal for young people, Scotland Office 877w
Non-departmental public bodies, Scotland Office 178-9w, 877w
Older workers, Scotland Office 370w
Press releases, Scotland Office 368-9w
Public expenditure, Scotland 879w
Public relations, Scotland Office 368-9w
Publicity, Scotland Office 369w
Queen Elizabeth II, Anniversaries 878w
Scottish Executive, Overseas workers 95w
Scottish Parliament, Members 95w, 179w
Liddell-Grainger, Mr Ian
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Standard spending assessments, Somerset (09.01.02) 250-1wh
Further education, Manpower 402-3w
Individual learning accounts 405w
Individual learning accounts, Fraud 299w
Low flying, Somerset 175w
Lidington, Mr David
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Climate change levy, Whisky 195w
Customs and Excise, Standards 329w
Heavily indebted poor countries initiative 1037w
Smuggling, Alcoholic drinks 329w
Smuggling, Northern Ireland 890w
Stoke Mandeville Hospital 933-4w
Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Private finance initiative 933w
Lifelong education
Lilley, Rt Hon Peter
Debates etc.
Pension Annuities (Amendment) Bill, 2R (11.01.02) 805
Class sizes, Hertfordshire 943w
Railways, Public appointments 1052w
Teachers, Hertfordshire 949w
Teachers, Qualifications 711w
Lincolnshire County Council
Linton, Martin
Antisocial behaviour orders, Greater London 781w
Community support police officers, Greater London 82w
Housing, Greater London 19w
Pensioners, Income support 697-8w
Public transport, Greater London 511-2w
Rents, Greater London 223w
Winter fuel payments, Battersea 380w
Listed buildings
Planning permission 1057w