Index for Volume 377continued
A Am Au B Bi Bo Bu By C Ci Cr D Dh Du E Ef Ey F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Je K Kh L Ll Ly M Me Mo Mu N O P Pl Ps Q R Rh Ry S Si So Sq Sy T Th Tr U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Wicks, Malcolm, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Work and Pensions
Child Support Agency, Accountancy 180w
Child Support Agency, Compensation 180-1w
Child Support Agency, Standards 181-2w
Civil servants, Dept for Work and Pensions 929-30w
Council tax benefits 383w
EU Employment and Social Policy Council 415-7w
Housing benefit, Abuse 685w
Housing benefit, Administrative delays 684w
Housing benefit, Greater London 376w
Means tested benefits 927w
National insurance contributions 155w
Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration, Dept for Work and Pensions 700w
Property, Dept for Work and Pensions 700w
Social security benefits, Asylum 697w
Social security benefits, Capital rules 608w
Social security benefits, Disclosure of information 366w
Social security benefits, Earnings rules 689w
Social security benefits, Forms 365w
Social security benefits, Greater London 154-5w
Social security benefits, High Wycombe 150w
Social security benefits, Maladministration 685w
Social security benefits, Take-up 366w
Social security benefits, Voluntary work 158w
Social security benefits, Widowed people 929w
Social Security Benefits Agency, Greater London 998-1000w
Teesside, Dept for Work and Pensions 687w
Widdecombe, Rt Hon Ann
Debates etc.
School choice, Kent (18.12.01) 263-5
Bioindustry Association 97w
Blakenhurst Prison, Standards 490w
Widowed people
Social security benefits 929w
Wiggin, Mr Bill
Debates etc.
Afghanistan, Peace keeping operations (19.12.01) 316
Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Bill (HL), 2R (08.01.02) 496-7
Foot and mouth disease, Petitions (09.01.02) 644
Afghanistan, Armed conflict 287
Dental services, Herefordshire 631-2w
Education, Herefordshire 944w
Motorcycling Advisory Group 230w
War pensions, Hearing impaired 825w
Wild animals
Wilkinson, Mr John
Debates etc.
Laeken Summit (EC) (17.12.01) 31
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Willetts, Mr David
Advertising, Dept for Work and Pensions 381w
Carers, Social security benefits 704w
Disability living allowance, Administrative delays 927-8w
Disability living allowance, Children 929w
National insurance, Fraud 965-6w
ONE programme, Costs 1049w
Pensioners, Social security benefits 703w
Social security benefits, Take-up 366w
Stakeholder pensions 327w
Television, Licensing 548w
Working families tax credit 806-7w
Working families tax credit, Abuse 323-4w
Williams, Mrs Betty
Victim support schemes, Standards 92w
Zimbabwe, Overseas aid 1031w
Williams, Hywel
Cambrian coast railway line 130-1
Freedom of Information Act 2000 882-3w
Williams, Mr Roger
Foot and mouth disease, Hunting 729w
Willis, Mr Phil
Curriculum, Citizenship 720w
Headteachers, Manpower 395w
Schools, Administration 655
Wills, Mr Michael, Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Dept
Debates etc.
Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Bill (HL), 2R (08.01.02) 422-35, 442
Freedom of Information Act 2000 882-3w
Government bills, Human rights 256-7w
Magistrates, Allowances 99w
Magistrates' courts, Closures 98-9w
Wilshire, Mr David
Debates etc.
Northern Ireland Arms Decommissioning (Amendment) Bill, Rem stages (09.01.02) 598-602
Sinn Fein, House of Commons services (18.12.01) 154, 229-32
Unparliamentary expression, Points of order (18.12.01) 147
Bournewood Community and Mental Health NHS Trust 645w
Wilson, Mr Brian, Minister of State for Industry and Energy, Dept of Trade and Industry
Sittings in Westminster Hall
British Coal Corporation, Pensions 108w
British Nuclear Fuels, Liabilities Management Authority 871w
Central Asia Gas Pipeline Limited 870w
Coal operating aid scheme 869w
Electric cables, Health hazards 108w
Gas and Electricity Markets Authority 870w
Gas fired power stations 109w
Gas Industry Emergency Committee 109w
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Sellafield 259-60w
Iron and steel, Wales 868w
Liabilities Management Authority, Nuclear power stations 105w
Monument Oil and Gas 257w
Non-fossil fuel obligation 267-8w
Radioactive wastes, Storage 105w
Sellafield, Republic of Ireland 472w
Serco, United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority 875w
Standards, Dept of Trade and Industry 471-2w
Vibration white finger, St Helens 473w
New deal for young people 382w
Wind power
Winnick, David
Debates etc.
House of Lords, Reform (10.01.02) 706-7
Members, Correspondence 569w
Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards 331-2w
Political parties, Membership 523w
Winter fuel payments
Winterton, Mrs Ann
Agriculture, Environmental impact assessment 434-5w
Battery hens, EC action 749w
Broadband, Congleton 1039w
Broadband, Rural areas 1039w
Farmers, Supermarkets 748w
Foot and mouth disease 739w
Foot and mouth disease, South West region 733w
Rural Payments Agency, Standards 126w
Winterton, Mr Nicholas
Debates etc.
Sinn Fein, House of Commons services (18.12.01) 237, 242
Community development 602w
Foot and mouth disease, Macclesfield 742w
Local government finance, Disadvantaged 140
Manufacturing industries, Government assistance 112-3w
Rural Payments Agency, Administrative delays 990w
Winterton, Ms Rosie, Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Dept
Access to Justice Act 1999 608w
Community Legal Service 391-3w
Consolidated Fund, Lord Chancellor's Dept 393w
Departmental expenditure limits, Lord Chancellor's Dept 394-5w
Judiciary, Public appointments 393-4w
Legal aid scheme, Greater London 390w
Manpower, Lord Chancellor's Dept 393w
Older workers, Lord Chancellor's Dept 394w
Public Guardianship Office, Standards 257w
Public records, Disclosure of information 609-10w
Sick leave, Lord Chancellor's Dept 99w
New deal for 50 plus 358w
Wirral Young Carers' Project
Wishart, Pete
Debates etc.
House of Lords, Reform (10.01.02) 764-6
Cherished number plates 15-6w
Motor vehicles, Insurance 787-8w
Vehicle number plates, Sales 222w