Index for Volume 378continued
A Al At B Be Bi Bo Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Du E Eg Ex F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Ju K Ki L Li Lu M Me Mi Mu N O P Pl Ps Q R Ri S Sh So Sq Sw T Th Tr U V W Wh Wo X Y Z
Cefn Croes
Cellular phone masts
Cellular phones
Central line
Central Railway
Central Trains
Challen, Mr Colin
Debates etc.
Industrial and Provident Societies Bill, 2R (25.01.02) 1138
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Homeworking, Home Office 468-9w
Hunting, Public order 99w
Challenger tanks
"Change to the Decent Home Definition Consultation Paper"
Channel Five Broadcasting
Chapman, Mr Ben
Debates etc.
Mersey Tunnels Bill, Petitions (23.01.02) 981
House of Commons, Electronic voting 170w
Judiciary, Public appointments 174-5w
Chapman, Sir Sydney
Debates etc.
National Heritage Bill (HL), 2R (18.01.02) 583-6
"Change to the Decent Home Definition Consultation Paper" 327w
Charter of Fundamental Rights (EU)
Chaytor, Mr David
Disability living allowance, Kidney patients 813w
Married personal allowance 705w
Police, Northern Ireland 300w
Sellafield, Mixed oxide fuel 151w
World Summit on Sustainable Development 473w
Chemical and Biological Defence Establishment
Chemical and biological warfare
Chemical weapons
Chidgey, Mr David
Post offices, Cash dispensing 1072-3w
Chief Medical Officer
Child benefit
Child care tax credit
Child protection registers
Child Support Agency
Child tax credit
Mental health services 674w
Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service
Children and Young People's Unit
Children in care
Children's Commissioner for Wales
Children's rights
Children's tax credit
Chiltern railway line
Chope, Mr Christopher
Debates etc.
Industrial and Provident Societies Bill, 2R (25.01.02) 1147-52
Early excellence centres 290w
Education action zones, Accountancy 450-1w
Individual learning accounts 444-6w
National insurance contributions, Incapacity benefit 1144w
Television, Licensing 470w
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Church of England Children's Society
Citizens' Council
City of London (Ward Elections) Bill 1998/99
Debates etc.
Order for further consideration read (24.01.02) 991
Civil defence
Civil servants
Dept for Education and Skills 519-20w
Dept of Trade and Industry 156w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 128w, 131w
Lord Chancellor's Dept 104w
Civil service agencies
Clapham, Mr Michael
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Industrial diseases, Compensation 854w, 884-5
Clappison, Mr James
Child care tax credit 434w
New deal for long term unemployed 463w
New deal for young people, Qualifications 363w
Post offices, Bank services 634w
Social security benefits, Abuse 44-5w
Social security benefits, Automated credit transfer 634w
Social security benefits, Post offices 634-5w
Welfare tax credits, Abuse 433w
Working families tax credit, Abuse 987w, 989w
Clark, Mrs Helen
Debates etc.
Office of Communications Bill (HL), 2R (14.01.02) 104-5
Entry clearances, Appeals 942w
Ordnance Survey, Finance 571-2w
Clark, Dr Lynda, Advocate General for Scotland
Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Act 2001 169w
Correspondence, Advocate General for Scotland 1129w
Human Reproductive Cloning Act 2001, Scotland 169w, 596w
Human rights, Scotland 143
Internet, Advocate General for Scotland 1128w
Legislative process, Scotland 142-3
Manpower, Advocate General for Scotland 1128-9w
Ministerial duties, Advocate General for Scotland 1126w
Public expenditure, Advocate General for Scotland 1127w
Scottish Parliament, Public bills 1127w
Clarke, Rt Hon Kenneth
Debates etc.
Class sizes
Cleaning services
Cleansing Service Group
Clearing banks
Cleft palate
Cleveland Constabulary
Clifton-Brown, Mr Geoffrey
Debates etc.
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Illegal immigrants, Housing 424w
Wimbledon Football Club 16w
Climate Change Convention
Climate change levy
Clocks and watches
Clwyd, Ann
Debates etc.
Afghanistan, Prisoners (21.01.02) 627
Afghanistan, Peace keeping operations 318w
Afghanistan, Prisoners 132w
Cambodia, Politics and government 133w
Crime prevention, Wales 877
Industrial diseases, Compensation 151-2w
Iraq, International assistance 132-3w
Regional planning and development, Wales 1005w
Zimbabwe, Politics and government 129w