Index for Volume 378continued
A Al At B Be Bi Bo Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Du E Eg Ex F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Ju K Ki L Li Lu M Me Mi Mu N O P Pl Ps Q R Ri S Sh So Sq Sw T Th Tr U V W Wh Wo X Y Z
Coaker Mr Vernon
Disadvantaged, Young people 21w
Kosovo, Peace keeping operations 48w
Coastal areas
Coastal erosion
Coffey, Ms Ann
Genetically modified organisms, Registration 498w
Cohen, Harry
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Metropolitan Police (16.01.02) 114wh
London Underground, Public private partnerships 9w
Portcullis House, Paintings 693w
Working families tax credit, Greater London 651w
Cold weather payments
Collins, Mr Tim
Correspondence, Deputy Prime Minister 35w
Correspondence, Members 928w
Ministerial policy advisors 426w
Ministers, Official residences 599w
Visits abroad, Cabinet Office 35-6w
Visits abroad, Deputy Prime Minister 35-7w
Westmorland Hospital, Accident and emergency departments 1083-4w
Colman, Mr Tony
Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Act 2001, Orders and regulations 468w
Asylum, South East region 180w
Community energy initiative 1034-5w
Heathrow Airport, Air traffic control 16w
Combined heat and power
Common agricultural policy
Common fisheries policy
Commonwealth Bill 2001/02
Debates etc.
Commonwealth Development Corporation
Commonwealth Games
Community care
Community energy initiative
Community hospitals
Private finance initiative 1092w
Community Legal Service
Community service orders
Conditions of employment
Forward Strategy Unit 594w
Performance and Innovation Unit 594w
Confiscation orders
Congo (Kinshasa)
see Democratic Republic of Congo
Connarty, Mr Michael
Economic and monetary union 981w
Middle East, Peace negotiations 290-1
Postal services, Standards 401w
Scottish courts, Court orders 103w
Connexions Service
Consultation papers
Dept for Work and Pensions 462w
Consumer goods
Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000
Contact lenses
Contingency reserve
Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 333w
Contracts for services
Convention on the Future of Europe
Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons
Conway, Derek
Portcullis House, Clocks and watches 1002w
Cook, Frank
Cook, Rt Hon Robin, President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons
Fraud, President of the Council 598w
House of Commons, Facilities 171w
Members, Oaths and affirmations 149
Parliamentary Contributory Pension Fund, Equitable Life Assurance Society 598w
Public relations, President of the Council 598w
Sick leave, President of the Council 598w
Theft, President of the Council 694w
Cooper, Ms Yvette, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept of Health
Debates etc.
Hospital beds, Bedfordshire (23.01.02) 986-90
Hospitals, Mitcham (18.01.02) 593-6
National Heritage Bill (HL), 2R (18.01.02) 587-8
Alternative medicine 967w
Artificial insemination, Registration of births deaths and marriages 1090w
Breast cancer, Herceptin 537-8w
Breast cancer, Screening 544w
Cancer, Disease control 380w
Cancer, Health services 380w
Chief Medical Officer, Annual reports 72w
Contraceptives, Pupils 767w
Coventry Warwickshire Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health Authority, Public appointments 766w
Dental services, Staffordshire 382w
Dietary supplements, EC action 534w
Digestive system, Diseases 768w
East Cheshire Hospice 1077w
EC Health Council, Scottish Executive 545w
Family practitioner services, Stoke on Trent 538w
Greenhouse effect, Health hazards 753w
Haemophilia, Medical treatments 537w
Health authorities, Public appointments 1085w
Health education, Internet 72-3w
Health education, Sex 736-7
Health services, Disadvantaged 749w
Heart diseases, Death rate 541w
Heart diseases, West Midlands 1089w
Hereford County Hospital, Ancillary staff 386w
HIV infection, Asylum 384w
Hospital beds, Worcestershire 536w
Hospitals, Private finance initiative 538-9w
Infant foods, Pesticides 950w
Members, Correspondence 82w
MMR vaccine, Cheshire 534w
NHS trusts, West Midlands 542w
Nutrition, School meals 291w
Ophthalmic services, Staffordshire 383-4w
Radiation exposure, Medical treatments 803-4w
Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition, Public appointments 66-8w
Smoking, Telephone services 535w
Solihull Hospital, Accident and emergency departments 533w
Southend Hospital, Cancer 768w
Sure start programme 451w
Sure start programme, Battersea 217w
Sure start programme, Warrington 451w
Transplant surgery, Digestive system 541w
Tuberculosis, Vaccination 542-3w
Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust, Public appointments 1085w
Worcestershire Community and Mental Health NHS Trust, Finance 967w
Worcestershire Royal Hospital, Medical records 387w
Worcestershire Royal Hospital, Parking 387w
Corbyn, Jeremy
Debates etc.
City of London (Ward Elections) Bill, Points of order (24.01.02) 1027
Afghanistan, Armed conflict 10
Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Act 2001, Arrests 350w
Ballistic missile defence, USA 19-20
Plumbing, Prosecutions 9-10w
Recycling, Greater London 274w
Social Security Benefits Agency, Greater London 815w
Cormack, Sir Patrick
Debates etc.
Afghanistan, Prisoners (21.01.02) 627-8
Corporation tax
Cleveland Constabulary 1186w
Corston, Jean
Cost of living
Cotswold railway line
Cotter, Brian
Prince's Trust, New deal for young people 371w
Council housing
Council of Europe
Council of Ministers
Council of the Isles
see British Irish Council
Council tax
Council tax benefits
Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000
Countryside stewardship scheme
Court orders
Private finance initiative 172w
Cousins, Mr Jim
Economic and monetary union 993
Further education, Finance 907w
Secondary education, Standard spending assessments 907-9w
State retirement pensions, Females 364w
Local government finance 579w
Coventry Warwickshire Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health Authority
Cox, Mr Tom
Developing countries, Poverty 5w
Manufacturing industries, Greater London 39w
Public private partnerships, Greater London 153w