Index for Volume 378continued
A Al At B Be Bi Bo Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Du E Eg Ex F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Ju K Ki L Li Lu M Me Mi Mu N O P Pl Ps Q R Ri S Sh So Sq Sw T Th Tr U V W Wh Wo X Y Z
Tami, Mark
Chronic fatigue syndrome 764-5w
Manufacturing industries, Wales 856w
Motor vehicles, Licensing 191w
Motor vehicles, Testing 357w
Tapsell, Sir Peter
Afghanistan, Peace keeping operations 4
Tax allowances
Tax avoidance
Tax burden
Tax Credits Bill 2001/02
Tax evasion
Tax rates and bands
Tax yields
Road traffic offences 189w
Taylor, Rt Hon Ann
Driving offences, Prosecutions 1101w
Taylor, Ms Dari
Debates etc.
Community care (16.01.02) 379-82
Mental health services, Standards 751w
Taylor, Mr David
Debates etc.
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Cancer, Health services 380w
Economic and monetary union 991-2
Hospitals, Management 168
Industrial diseases, Compensation 404-5w
Married personal allowance, Pensioners 651-2w
Social security benefits, Mentally ill 1023w
Tax allowances, Pensioners 237-8w
Taylor, Mr John
CALA Homes, Solihull 1045w
Solihull Hospital, Accident and emergency departments 533w
Temporary employment, Costs 59w
Taylor, Matthew
Advertising, Treasury 656w
Departmental expenditure limits, Dept of Trade and Industry 411w
Export Credits Guarantee Dept, Finance 1067w
Investment appraisal 432w
Members, Correspondence 705w
Ministerial policy advisors, Cabinet Office 891w
Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 726w
Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 1041w
Ministerial policy advisors, Prime Minister 594w
Pilot schemes, Treasury 231-2w
Private finance initiative, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 425w
Private finance initiative, Schools 215-6w
Private finance initiative, Treasury 514w
Public expenditure, Dept of Trade and Industry 508w
Public private partnerships, London Underground 195w
Public private partnerships, NHS 766w
Public sector, Productivity 292w
Radioactive wastes, Waste management 1054-5w
VAT, Institutional care 1149w
Taylor, Dr Richard
Debates etc.
Community care (16.01.02) 385-6
National Health Service Reform and Health Care Professions Bill, Rep (15.01.02) 212-3
Sittings in Westminster Hall
United Engineering Forgings (22.01.02) 242wh
Accident and emergency departments 730
Contraceptives, Young people 965-6w
Hospitals, Management 168-9
NHS trusts, West Midlands 542w
Worcestershire Royal Hospital, Medical records 387w
Worcestershire Royal Hospital, Parking 387w
Taylor, Sir Teddy
Debates etc.
Oral question time intervention (14.01.02) 19
Firing ranges, Shoeburyness 18-9
Immigration, Applications 349w
Local government finance, Rochford 337w
Members, Correspondence 528w
Prostitution, Eastern Europe 467-8w
Southend Hospital, Cancer 768w
Teacher Training Agency
Performance appraisal 25w
Starter home initiative 197w
Teenage pregnancy
Tees Health Authority
Telecommunications cables
Telecommunications masts
Telephone services
Social security benefits 632-3w
Telephone tapping
Temporary employment
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 3w
Tenancy deposit scheme
Terminal care
New Opportunities Fund 341w
Termination of employment
Immigration Appellate Authorities 638w
Territorial Army
Individual learning accounts 817w