Index for Volume 378continued
A Al At B Be Bi Bo Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Du E Eg Ex F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Ju K Ki L Li Lu M Me Mi Mu N O P Pl Ps Q R Ri S Sh So Sq Sw T Th Tr U V W Wh Wo X Y Z
White, Brian
Debates etc.
Office of Communications Bill (HL), 2R (14.01.02) 57, 64, 107-8
Whitehead, Dr Alan, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Standard spending assessments, Gloucestershire (22.01.02) 234-8wh
Standard spending assessments, Havering (23.01.02) 311-4wh
Advertising, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 207w, 1037w
Building inspectors, Standards 209-10w
Buildings, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 570-2w
Council tax, Patients 1051w
Council tax benefits, Devon 196w
Environment protection, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 578-9w
Fire services, Finance 875w
Genetically modified organisms, Registration 498w
Industrial diseases, Compensation 854w
Industrial health and safety, Agriculture 1046w
Industrial health and safety, EC action 427w
Information officers, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 1048w
Local authorities, Repairs and maintenance 198w
Local government, Inspections 717-8w
Local government, South East region 336w
Local government finance, Coventry 579w
Local government finance, Devon 199w
Local government finance, District councils 709-10w
Local government finance, Greenbelt 714w
Local government finance, Rochford 337w
Local government finance, Wiltshire 572w
Local government finance, Worcestershire 15w
Local government services, Standards 1040w
Market research, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 425w
Ministerial policy advisors 426w
Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 1041w
Non-domestic rates, Rural areas 335w
Non-domestic rates, Uxbridge 427w
Plumbing, Prosecutions 9-10w
Private finance initiative, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 425w
Public buildings, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 199w
Regional planning and development, East Midlands 1053w
Regulatory impact assessments, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 1038w
Sick leave, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 207w
Smoke alarms, Buckinghamshire 333w, 424w
Written questions, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 719w
Whittingdale, Mr John
Bananas, EC external trade 744-5w
Fisheries, Compensation 1058w
Small Business Service 561w
Whittington Barracks
Whittington Hospital
Wicks, Malcolm, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Work and Pensions
Child Support Agency, Accountancy 1022w
Child Support Agency, Standards 630-1w
Disadvantaged, Dept for Work and Pensions 809w
Foot and mouth disease, Social security benefits 371-2w
Housing benefit, Lone parents 1141w
Housing benefit, Standards 1143w
Independent Review Service, Costs 369w
Means tested benefits 370w
Post offices, Bank services 634w
Social security benefits, Automated credit transfer 634w
Social security benefits, Belgium 808-9w
Social security benefits, Telephone services 632-3w
Social security benefits, Widowed people 371w
Social Security Benefits Agency, Greater London 815w
Widford bridge
Widowed people
Social security benefits 371w
Wigan and Bolton Health Authority
Wiggin, Mr Bill
Debates etc.
Public sector (22.01.02) 763
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Economic and monetary union (15.01.02) 1-5wh
Zimbabwe (23.01.02) 253wh
Digestive system, Diseases 768w
Exhaust emissions, Labelling 569-70w
Financial services, Regulation 231w
Financial Services Authority, Manpower 231w
London Underground, Public private partnerships 329w
Wild animals
Wilkinson, Mr John
Export credit guarantees, Dominican Republic 417
Future large aircraft 10-1
Willetts, Mr David
Debates etc.
Child Support Agency, Standards 630-1w
Consultation papers, Dept for Work and Pensions 462w
Housing benefit, Standards 1143w
Jobcentre Plus, Manpower 1139w
Local government services, Standards 1040w
Personal savings, Interest charges 46w
Social security benefits, Abuse 45w, 629w
Social security benefits, Automated credit transfer 634w
Social security benefits, Forms 810-1w
Stakeholder pensions 1143w
Statistics, Dept for Work and Pensions 814w
Working families tax credit 246w
Williams, Mrs Betty
Debates etc.
Williams, Hywel
Debates etc.
National Health Service Reform and Health Care Professions Bill, Rep (15.01.02) 257
Crime prevention, Wales 878
Hospitals, Management 164
Social workers, Manpower 530w
Williams, Mr Roger
Debates etc.
National Health Service Reform and Health Care Professions Bill, Rep (15.01.02) 256
Economic situation, Wales 879
Willis, Mr Phil
Grant maintained schools, Finance 591w
Pupils, Ethnic groups 590w
Schools, Per capita costs 900-1w
Schools, Repairs and maintenance 446-8w
Written questions, Administrative delays 1137w
Wills, Mr Michael, Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Dept
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Buildings, Lord Chancellor's Dept 972w
Courts, Private finance initiative 172w
Legal profession, Ethics 529w
Local authorities, Private finance initiative 1179-80w
Magistrates' courts, Closures 171w, 485w
Magistrates' courts, Colchester 808w
Magistrates' courts, Manpower 485w
Magistrates' courts, Trials 485w
Parental responsibility, EC action 1025w
Parliamentary questions, Lord Chancellor's Dept 1178w
Private finance initiative 1179w
Railways, Lord Chancellor's Dept 643-4w
Scottish courts, Court orders 103w
Terrorism, Isle of Man 973w
Wilshire, Mr David
Members, Correspondence 132w
Wilson, Mr Brian, Minister of State for Industry and Energy, Dept of Trade and Industry
Sittings in Westminster Hall
British Nuclear Fuels, Liabilities Management Authority 153w, 156w
British Nuclear Fuels, Magnox Electric 153w
British Nuclear Fuels, Privatisation 155w
Coal, Pollution control 405w
Electric cables, Health hazards 1065w
Electric cables, North Yorkshire 41w, 1065w
Environment protection, Dept of Trade and Industry 1066-7w
Environment protection, Scotland 509w
European Energy Charter 511w
Government assistance, Disclosure of information 1058w
Hawk aircraft, India 1063w
Landscape design, Industrial health and safety 1063-4w
Manufacturing industries, Manpower 1072w
Members, Correspondence 37-8w
Mineworkers' pension scheme 402-4w
Natural gas, Northern Ireland 1075w
Nuclear fuel reprocessing, Licensing 155w
Nuclear power, Government assistance 1055-6w
Nuclear power stations, Decommissioning 38w, 155w
Nuclear power stations, Health hazards 1054w
Nuclear power stations, Security 511w
Oil and Gas Directorate, Manpower 1064w
Oldbury power station 161w
Overseas trade, Tanzania 153w
Petrol, Offshore drilling 323-4w
Radioactive wastes, Waste management 1054-5w
Sellafield, Conditions of employment 154-5w
Sellafield, Decommissioning 1056w
Sellafield, Foreign companies 154w
Sellafield, Mixed oxide fuel 151w
Sellafield, Operating costs 511w
Shipbuilding, EC action 737w
Telecommunications cables 158w
Wind power, Planning permission 1059-60w
Arable area payments scheme 1031w
Local government finance 572w
Wimbledon Football Club
Wind power
Environmental impact assessment 559-60w
Winnick, David
Debates etc.
Afghanistan, Prisoners (21.01.02) 625
Members, Correspondence 344w
Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards 153
Winter fuel payments
Winterton, Mrs Ann
Countryside stewardship scheme 933-4w
Farms, Waste disposal 1162w
Foot and mouth disease, Disease control 1157w
Sea fisheries committees 1162w
Winterton, Mr Nicholas
Agriculture, Subsidies 1001
Bloody Sunday Tribunal of Inquiry, Costs 289
Future large aircraft 11-2
Members, Oaths and affirmations 149
Public expenditure, Scotland 140
Weapons, Northern Ireland 301w
Winterton, Ms Rosie, Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Dept
Administration of estates 148
Advertising, Lord Chancellor's Dept 641-2w
Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service 172w
Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service, Information technology 970-1w
Civil servants, Lord Chancellor's Dept 104w
Community Legal Service 146-7
Entry clearances, Appeals 970w
Environment protection, Lord Chancellor's Dept 637-8w
Fraud, Lord Chancellor's Dept 486w
Government departments, Documents 374-6w
Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction 1025-6w
Immigration Appellate Authorities, Codes of practice 639w
Immigration Appellate Authorities, Qualifications 639w
Immigration Appellate Authorities, Termination of employment 638w
Immigration Appellate Authorities, Training 639w
Judiciary, Public appointments 174-5w
Market research, Lord Chancellor's Dept 971-2w
Marriage guidance, Grants 486w
Metropolitan Police, Disclosure of information 804w
MI5, Disclosure of information 804w
Public Guardianship Office 172-3w
Public Guardianship Office, Complaints 373w
Public Guardianship Office, Correspondence 173-4w
Publications, Lord Chancellor's Dept 972w
Sick leave, Lord Chancellor's Dept 486-8w
Urban aid, Lord Chancellor's Dept 104-6w
Wishart, Pete
Debates etc.
Public sector (22.01.02) 765-6
Railways (16.01.02) 306-7
Commonwealth Games, Manchester 600
Scottish Parliament, Members 166w