Index for Volume 379continued
A Am Au B Bi Bo Bu C Ci Cr D Di Du E Ef Ex F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu I Ir J Ju K Kh L Li Lu M Mc Mi Mu N O P Pr Ps Q R Rh Rw S Si So St T Ti Tu U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Board of Inland Revenue
Boateng, Rt Hon Paul, Financial Secretary, Treasury
Debates etc.
Tax Credits Bill, Rep and 3R (07.02.02) 1105-10
Aggregates levy, Scotland 8w, 638w
Climate change levy, Costs 74w
Customs and Excise, Criminal investigation 517w
Customs and Excise, Criminal proceedings 515-8w, 565w
Customs and Excise, Manpower 514w
Customs and Excise, Newhaven 370w
Customs and Excise, Northern Ireland 371w
Developing countries, Debts 637-8w
Developing countries, International assistance 1138w
Environment protection, Treasury 953-4w
Excise duties, Fuels 636w
Inland Revenue, Manpower 691-2w
Landfill tax credit scheme, Buckingham 48w
Members, Correspondence 513w
Taxation, Company cars 637w
VAT, Listed buildings 369w
VAT, Personal care services 692-3w
Body searches
Bomb disposal
Borrow, Mr David
Antisocial behaviour orders, Lancashire 657-8w
Boswell, Mr Tim
Debates etc.
Accidents, Fees and charges 1234w
Employment rehabilitation 414w
New deal for disabled people 416w
Pensions, Temporary employment 506w
Pensions Schemes Registry 1019w
Police, Public appointments 665w
Public Record Office, Census 710w
Social security benefits, Medical examinations 413-4w
Social security benefits, Patients 759w
Stakeholder pensions, Advisory services 534w
Bottomley, Peter
Automatic train protection 731-2w
House of Commons, Wheelchairs 655w
Information officers, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 191-2w
Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards 1175w
Press, House of Commons Commission 1175w
Public relations, House of Commons Commission 1175-6w
Boundary Commission for Scotland
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy
Bovine tuberculosis
Bradley, Rt Hon Keith, Minister of State, Home Office
Debates etc.
Crime, Reading (05.02.02) 840-2
Antisocial behaviour orders 601-4
Victim support schemes, Finance 396w
Victim support schemes, Witnesses 1128-9w
Bradley, Peter
Sittings in Westminster Hall
British overseas territories, Passports 807w
Listed buildings, Repairs and maintenance 455w
Bradshaw, Mr Ben, Parliamentary Secretary, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Afghanistan, Armed conflict 1201w
Afghanistan, EC external relations 1071w
Afghanistan, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1071w
Afghanistan, International assistance 796w
Afghanistan, Peace keeping operations 943w
Afghanistan, Politics and government 372w, 766w
Afghanistan, Terrorism 796w
Ambassadors for British business 806w
Azerbaijan, Civil rights 808w
Azerbaijan, Political prisoners 807-8w
Barghouthi, Mustapha 953w
British overseas territories, Passports 807w
Czech Republic, Entry clearances 491w
Entry clearances, Applications 530-1w
Georgia, Politics and government 802w
Health insurance, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 953w
Holiday leave, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 945-6w
Indian subcontinent, Entry clearances 952w
Iraq, Chemical and biological warfare 730-1
Iraq, Foreign policy 492w
Kamel, Mohamed Mustafa 949w
Kashmir, Foreign relations 951-2w
Kenya, Entry clearances 492w
Manpower, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 806w
Middle East, Armed conflict 37w
Palestinians, Poverty 795w
Queen Elizabeth II, Anniversaries 732-4
Saudi Arabia, Prisoners 951w
Sierra Leone, Legal systems 32w
Southern Rhodesia Act 1979 805w
Syrian Arab Republic, Oil 768w
Turkey, Entry clearances 491-2w
Zimbabwe, Foreign policy 492w
Brady, Mr Graham
Debates etc.
Education Bill, Programme motion, Rep and 3R (06.02.02) 969-70, 973-8, 990
Deregulation, Dept for Education and Skills 131w
Local government finance 172w
Secondary education, Per capita costs 232w
Brake, Tom
Debates etc.
London Underground, Points of order (07.02.02) 1092
London Underground, Public private partnerships (07.02.02) 1133
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Civil servants, Private sector 860w
Export credit guarantees, Electricity generation 959-60w
Export credit guarantees, Fossil fuelled power stations 958-60w, 1192-4w
Export credit guarantees, Philippines 959w
Export credit guarantees, Thailand 960w
Fuels, Government departments 637w
Secondment, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 984w
Secondment, Dept for Education and Skills 1217w
Secondment, Dept for International Development 914w
Secondment, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1074w
Secondment, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 957w
Speed limits, Cameras 196w
Brazier, Mr Julian
Debates etc.
Business questions (07.02.02) 1046
Education Bill, Rep (05.02.02) 785
Local government finance (30.01.02) 361
Travel Concessions (Eligibility) Bill (HL), Rep and 3R (31.01.02) 447-8
Breast feeding
Breed, Mr Colin
Agriculture, Subsidies 618w
Common agricultural policy, Reform 617w
Devonport Dockyard, HMS Vanguard 498w
Devonport Dockyard, Trident submarines 498w
Foot and mouth disease, Government assistance 742-3w
Post offices, Rural areas 66w, 506w
Rural areas, Government assistance 987-8w
Rural Payments Agency, Lost working days 899w
Brennan, Kevin
Debates etc.
Antisocial behaviour orders 657w
Degrees, Foreign students 1021-2
Long term unemployed, Cardiff 1-2
British Broadcasting Corporation
British Council
British National Space Centre
British Nuclear Fuels
British overseas territories
British Overseas Territories Bill (HL) 2001/02
British Petroleum
British Waterways Board
Broadband Fund
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 821w
National Assembly for Wales 850w
Broadcasting programmes
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 820-2w
Brooke, Mrs Annette L
Debates etc.
Local government finance (30.01.02) 385-7
Police grant (30.01.02) 300, 314
Dental services, Dorset 273-4w
Refrigerators, Waste disposal 900w
Brown, Rt Hon Gordon, Chancellor of the Exchequer
Brown, Rt Hon Nicholas, Minister for Work, Department for Work and Pensions
Accountancy, Dept for Work and Pensions 754w
Civil service, Vacancies 47w
Employment, Disabled 535w
Employment rehabilitation 414w
Employment schemes, Cynon Valley 756w
Employment schemes, Disabled 417w
Employment schemes, Mining 42w
Incapacity benefit, Appeals 1018-9w
Incapacity benefit, Occupational pensions 40w
Industrial diseases, Cervical spondylosis 46w
Industrial disputes, Dept for Work and Pensions 538-9w
Industrial injuries disablement benefit 416-7w
Information officers, Dept for Work and Pensions 756w
Jobcentre Plus, Crimes of violence 755w
Jobcentre Plus, Disabled 46-7w
Jobcentre Plus, Teesside 537-8w
Jobcentre Plus, Working conditions 535-6w
Jobcentres, Minimum wage 757w
Long term unemployed, Cardiff 1-2
New deal for disabled people 416w
New deal for lone parents 539w
New deal for long term unemployed 39w
New deal for young people 39w
New deal for young people, Ethnic groups 1177w
New deal schemes, Publicity 539-40w
New deal schemes, Wales 753-4w
Pay, Dept for Work and Pensions 1176w
Public expenditure, Dept for Work and Pensions 760w
Public relations, Dept for Work and Pensions 540w
Social security benefits, Buckingham 417w
Social security benefits, Medical examinations 413-4w
Standards, Dept for Work and Pensions 536w
Unemployment, Young people 756w
Unfair dismissal, Dept for Work and Pensions 261-2w
Urban aid, Dept for Work and Pensions 537w
Brown, Mr Russell
Debates etc.
Travel, Concessions (28.01.02) 129
Browne, Mr Desmond
Administration of justice, Northern Ireland 650w
Administration of justice, Young people 649-50w
Criminal Cases Review Commission, Northern Ireland 650w
Northern Ireland government 3-4w
Religiously aggravated offences, Northern Ireland 605w
Victim support schemes, Northern Ireland 651-2w
Browning, Mrs Angela
Debates etc.
Local government finance (30.01.02) 348
Postal services (29.01.02) 183
Future of Farming and Food Policy Commission 162
Written questions, Administrative delays 690w
Bruce, Malcolm
Debates etc.
Environmental Impact Assessment (Uncultivated Land and Semi-Natural Areas) (England) Regulations (31.01.02) 487-91
Environment protection, Business 92-3w
Nature Conservancy Council for England, Planning 59w
Planning, Sustainable development 442w
Refrigerators, Waste disposal 413-4
Bryant, Mr Chris
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Employment schemes, Mining 42w
Young people, Homelessness 934w
see Bovine spongiform encephalopathy