Index for Volume 379continued
A Am Au B Bi Bo Bu C Ci Cr D Di Du E Ef Ex F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu I Ir J Ju K Kh L Li Lu M Mc Mi Mu N O P Pr Ps Q R Rh Rw S Si So St T Ti Tu U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Buck, Ms Karen
Debates etc.
London Underground, Public private partnerships (07.02.02) 1136
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Council housing, Construction 141-2
Schools, Per capita costs 720-1w
Social rented housing, Greater London 732w
Standards Fund, Greater London 885-7w
Welfare to work, Greater London 6-7
Work permits, Seasonal workers 304w
Working families tax credit, Housing benefit 257w
Landfill tax credit scheme 48w
Social security benefits 417w
Blood transfusion services 270w
Environment protection 896w
Learning support units 127w
Pupil referral units 127w
Voluntary organisations 183-4w
Buckinghamshire Health Authority
Budget April 2002
Burden, Richard
Barghouthi, Mustapha 953w
Burgon, Colin
Burnett, Mr John
Debates etc.
Education Bill, Programme motion, Rep and 3R (06.02.02) 871, 884, 913, 937-8
Police grant (30.01.02) 317
Crown Prosecution Service, North Yorkshire 1024
Future of Farming and Food Policy Commission 163
Burnham, Andy
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Wimbledon Football Club (30.01.02) 80-2wh
Health services, Private sector 1042-3w
Heart diseases, Medical treatments 557w
Regional planning and development, North West region 844
Rugby, National Lottery 1111w
Burns, Mr Simon
Dental services, Waiting lists 1231w
General practitioners, Greater London 772w
Health authorities, Public appointments 1232w
Institutional care, Fees and charges 136w
Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust, Waiting lists 135-6w
NHS, Public appointments 268w
Paediatrics, Waiting lists 773-6w
Widford bridge, Chelmsford 589w
Burnside, David
Debates etc.
London Underground, Public private partnerships (07.02.02) 1144
Vehicle number plates, Northern Ireland 179w
Burstow, Mr Paul
Debates etc.
Local government finance (30.01.02) 349-50, 368
Civil servants, Retirement 940-1w
Departmental coordination, Environment protection 938w
Drugs, Side effects 1236w
Hacking, Government departments 974w
Health authorities, Greater London 789w, 1048w
Home care services, Training 1172w
Home energy efficiency scheme 93-4w
Hospitals, Waiting lists 919w
Incapacity benefit, Appeals 1018-9w
Influenza, Vaccination 1149w
Institutional care, Standards 1049w
Medical profession, Recruitment 777-8w
Mentally incapacitated, Abuse 422w
National Care Standards Commission, Pharmacy 1048-9w
Neurology, Waiting lists 548-9w
NHS, Classification schemes 558-9w
NHS, Public appointments 1238w
NHS Professionals, Standards 1040w
Official hospitality, Home Office 1244w
Older workers, Dept of Trade and Industry 961w
Social workers, Recruitment 1235-6w
Theft, Ministry of Defence 599w
Written questions, Administrative delays 1048w
Burt, Alistair
Higher education, Social class 714-5w
Bus lanes
Bus services
Environment protection 92-3w
Business links
Business statements
Butterfill, Mr John
Debates etc.
Byers, Rt Hon Stephen, Secretary of State for Transport Local Government and the Regions
Debates etc.
London Underground, Ministerial statements (07.02.02) 1126-47
Arthur Andersen, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 1091w
Local authorities, Debts 1187w
Local government, Reform 142-3
London Underground, Public private partnerships 137-9, 1097-8w
Official engagements, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 728-9w
Railways, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 181w, 588-9w
Treasury, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 1004w