Index for Volume 379continued
A Am Au B Bi Bo Bu C Ci Cr D Di Du E Ef Ex F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu I Ir J Ju K Kh L Li Lu M Mc Mi Mu N O P Pr Ps Q R Rh Rw S Si So St T Ti Tu U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Higher civil servants
Higher education
Highways Agency
Doctors' list of patients 436-7w
Hinduja Passport Inquiry
Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England
HIV infection
HM Chief Inspector of Schools
see Office for Standards in Education
HMS Bulwark
HMS Coventry
HMS Gannet
HMS Invincible
HMS Sheffield
HMS Vanguard
Hoban, Mr Mark
Debates etc.
Education Bill, Programme motion, Rep and 3R (06.02.02) 930, 935-9, 941, 946
Office for Standards in Education, Annual reports (05.02.02) 764
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Entry clearances, Appeals 493w
Inland Revenue, Manpower 691-2w
Institutional care, Hampshire 1231-2w
Kenya, Entry clearances 492w
Members, Correspondence 565w
Police, Job satisfaction 660-1w
Standards Fund, Hampshire 122-4w
Taxation, Regulatory impact assessments 689w, 843w
Taxation, Self-assessment 842w
Hodge, Margaret, Minister of State for Universities, Dept for Education and Skills
Adult education, National vocational qualifications 1056w
Higher education, Mature students 719-20w
Higher education, Student numbers 631w, 1057w
Higher education, Wales 1022
Learning and skills councils 629-30w
Pre-school education 1055w
Pre-school education, Chesham 627-8w
Pre-school education, Finance 127w
Pre-school education, Uxbridge 628w
Hoey, Miss Kate
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Holiday leave
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 820w
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 893-4w
Dept for International Development 580w
Dept for Work and Pensions 824w
Dept of Trade and Industry 1193w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 945-6w
Northern Ireland Office 651w
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 570w
Holmes, Paul
Debates etc.
Learning disability (01.02.02) 556-9, 575
Holocaust Memorial Day
Home care services
Home detention curfews
Home Energy Conservation Act 1995
Home Energy Conservation Bill 2001/02
Home energy efficiency scheme
Home helps
Home Office
Official hospitality 1244w
Regulatory impact assessments 300-1w
Sustainable development 295w
Home zones
Hood, Mr Jimmy
EC Environment Council 94-6w
EC Foreign Affairs Council 946-8w
Hoon, Rt Hon Geoffrey, Secretary of State for Defence
Armed forces, Deployment 600w
Ballistic missile defence, USA 598w
EC common foreign and security policy 683-4w
EC defence policy, Terrorism 501-2w
Nuclear weapons, USA 597w
Radioactive materials 1078w
Hope, Phil
Debates etc.
"Local Government Finance (England) Report, 2002/03" 64-5w
Hopkins, Mr Kelvin
Debates etc.
Horam, Mr John
Horserace Betting Levy Board
Hospital beds
Ashford and St Peter's Hospital NHS Trust 1163w
Hospital wards
Private finance initiative 421w
House insurance
House of Commons
House of Commons Commission
House of Commons Liaison Committee
Housel, Tracey
Housing benefit
Working families tax credit 257w
Howarth, Rt Hon Alan
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Manufacturing industries (05.02.02) 188-92wh
Howarth, Mr George
Debates etc.
Afghanistan, Reconstruction (28.01.02) 30
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Audit, Lord Chancellor's Dept 709w
Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service, Standards 253w
Clergy, Public appointments 1022w
Community Legal Service, Publications 1130-1w
Community Legal Service, Training 1130w
Complaints, Lord Chancellor's Dept 1129w
Council on Tribunals 1130w
Council on Tribunals, Finance 1022w
Council on Tribunals, Public appointments 1022w
Disability living allowance, Medical examinations 823w
European Communities 1021w
European Convention on Human Rights, Administration of justice 901w
Freedom of Information Act 2000 707w
Gibraltar, Balance of trade 700w
Gibraltar, EC internal trade 949w
Gibraltar, Overseas residence 949w
Government departments, Location 194w
Health and Safety Executive, Manpower 197w
Information Commissioner, Members 1224-5w
Information technology, Lord Chancellor's Dept 708w
Internet, Lord Chancellor's Dept 906w
Isle of Man, Lord Chancellor's Dept 1021w
Judiciary, Public appointments 1025w
Land Registry, Complaints 903w
Land Registry, Manpower 904w
Land Registry, Parking 1226w
Law Commission, Publications 1225w
Legal profession, EC enlargement 1130w
Legal Services Commission, Finance 901-2w
Legal Services Commission, Public appointments 1131w
Legal Services Commission, Publications 1131-3w
Legal Services Ombudsman 1030w
Lords Lieutenant, Public appointments 568w
Magistrates' courts, Merseyside 708-9w
Members' constituency work 344w
NHS, Public participation 1042w
Official Solicitor's Dept 1027w
Official Solicitor's Dept, Manpower 1026w
Official Solicitor's Dept, Visits abroad 1026w
Public Guardianship Office 904-5w
Public Guardianship Office, Correspondence 905w
Public Guardianship Office, Training 1023w
Public Guardianship Office, Visits abroad 905-6w
Public Record Office 1226w
Public Trust Office 1028w
Rapid transit systems, Merseyside 197-8w
Regional selective assistance, North West region 160-4w
Visits abroad, Lord Chancellor's Dept 1024w
Working families tax credit, Sick leave 844w
Howarth, Mr Gerald
Bloody Sunday Tribunal of Inquiry 287-8
Howells, Dr Kim, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Culture Media and Sport
BBC, Broadcasting programmes 813-4w
BBC, Digital broadcasting 814w
Billing, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 983w
Broadcasting, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 821w
Broadcasting programmes, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 820-2w
Contracts, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1110w
Digital broadcasting, Advisory bodies 811w
Digital broadcasting, Publications 811-2w
Dorset, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 336-7w
Empty property, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 336w
English Heritage, Finance 542w
Fair trade initiative, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1109w
Foot and mouth disease, Youth hostels 1111w
Health insurance, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1112w
Holiday leave, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 820w
Information officers, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1197w
Information technology, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1109-10w
King Edward VII Convalescent Home for Servicemen 1114w
KPMG, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 543w
Licensing laws, Greater London 984w
Listed buildings, Buckinghamshire 541-2w
Listed buildings, Repairs and maintenance 455w
Market research, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 335w
Museums and galleries, Finance 337-8w
National Lottery, Retail trade 984w
Parliamentary questions, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 575-6w
Pay, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 334-5w, 577w
Private finance initiative, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 981w
Public expenditure, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1198w
Public libraries, Hillingdon 543w
Public service broadcasting 812-3w
Regional arts boards 1109w
Regional arts boards, Finance 544w
Religious broadcasting, Licensing 339w
Retirement, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1108w
Royal Parks Constabulary, Retirement 1110-1w
Rugby, National Lottery 1111w
Secondment, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 576w, 984-5w
Television, Advertising 338-9w
Television, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 811w
Tourist boards, Finance 338w
Visits abroad, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1106w
Hoyle, Mr Lindsay
Debates etc.
Travel, Concessions (28.01.02) 126-30
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Arthur Andersen, Enron 505w
Closed circuit television 587
Export Credits Guarantee Dept, Trading funds 1068w
Gibraltar, Fisheries 590w
Military aircraft, Transport 600-1w