Index for Volume 379continued
A Am Au B Bi Bo Bu C Ci Cr D Di Du E Ef Ex F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu I Ir J Ju K Kh L Li Lu M Mc Mi Mu N O P Pr Ps Q R Rh Rw S Si So St T Ti Tu U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Kamel, Mohamed Mustafa
Kaufman, Rt Hon Gerald
Debates etc.
Civil Defence (Grant) Bill, Rep and 3R (28.01.02) 70-1
Education Bill, Programme motion, Rep and 3R (06.02.02) 933, 965
Keeble, Ms Sally, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions
Debates etc.
Housing, Haringey (07.02.02) 1152-4
Travel, Concessions (28.01.02) 130-4
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Housing, Greater London (06.02.02) 292-4wh
Aerials, Buckinghamshire 58w
Aerials, Planning permission 58w
Aerials, South Tyneside 738w
Asylum, Throckmorton airfield 452w
British Waterways Board, Planning permission 832w
Bus services, Concessions 731w
Bus services, Finance 830w
Bus services, Greater London 324-5w
Community transport, Excise duties 833w
Community transport, Finance 739w
Community transport, Gloucestershire 202-3w
Council housing, Construction 140-2
Council housing, Property transfer 52w
Council housing, Repairs and maintenance 1088-90w
Housing, Construction 171w
Housing, Overcrowding 329w
Housing, Property transfer 64w
Inner city areas, Regional planning and development 1006w
Members, Correspondence 453w
Millennium Exhibition, Repairs and maintenance 729w
Millennium Exhibition, Safety 729w
Mortgages, Repossession orders 328-9w
Nature Conservancy Council for England, Planning 59w
Neighbourhood renewal community chests 63w
Ordnance Survey, Local authorities 330w
Ordnance Survey, Trading funds 443-4w
Passenger transport executives 736-7w
Planning, Sustainable development 442w
Planning permission, Administrative delays 1103-4w
Planning permission, Appeals 739-40w
Planning permission, Satellite broadcasting 729-30w
Property development, Worcestershire 833w
Public appointments, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 732-3w
Public expenditure, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 51-2w
Public transport, Fares 834w
Railway stations, Security 55-7w
Rapid transit systems, Merseyside 197-8w
Regional planning and development 60w
Social rented housing, Evictions 145-6
Social rented housing, Greater London 732w
Social rented housing, Loans 443w
Social rented housing, Overseas residence 731w
Speed limits, Bredhurst 453w
Starter home initiative 833w
Starter home initiative, Epsom 833w
Tenancy deposit scheme 59w
Tipping of waste, Bootle 999w
Urban areas, Regional planning and development 831w
Urban Green Spaces Task Force 1103w
Voluntary organisations, Buckinghamshire 183-4w
Waste disposal, Farms 64w
Wind power, Planning permission 441w
Keen, Alan
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Wimbledon Football Club (30.01.02) 70-1wh
Welfare tax credits, Greater London 690w
Keen, Ann
Keetch, Mr Paul
Armed forces, Deployment 856w
Armoured fighting vehicles 598w
Tornado aircraft, Italy 1081w
Tornado aircraft, Military bases 1081w
Kelly, Ruth, Economic Secretary, Treasury
Average earnings, Greater London 697w
Balance of trade, Gibraltar 700w
Economic and monetary union, Interest rates 223w
Empty property, Treasury 227w
Equitable Life Independent Inquiry 513w
Euro, Government departments 859w
Euro Preparations Advisory Group 842w
Financial institutions, EC action 369w
Financial services, EC action 694w
Financial services, Fees and charges 688w
Financial Services Authority 841w
Health insurance, Buckingham 695-6w
Health insurance, Treasury 955w
Insurance premium tax 226w
Insurance premium tax, Trade competitiveness 226w
Manufacturing industries, Manpower 356w
Manufacturing industries, Uxbridge 357w
Minimum wage, Barnsley 12w
Minimum wage, Greater London 703w
Minimum wage, Motherwell 12w
Ministerial policy advisors, Treasury 696-7w
Official cars, Treasury 698w
Official engagements, Treasury 701w
Public expenditure, Treasury 688w
Public Works Loan Board, Interest rates 10w
Registration of births deaths and marriages, Microforms 225w
Secondment, Treasury 848w
Unemployment, Greater London 752-3w
Unemployment, Young people 361-2w
Visits abroad, Treasury 954w
Written questions, Ministerial policy advisors 954w
Kemp, Mr Fraser, An Assistant Whip
Debates etc.
Civil Defence (Grant) Bill, Rep and 3R (28.01.02) 70
Kennedy, Rt Hon Charles
London Underground, Public private partnerships 855
Skye bridge, Private finance initiative 345w
Kennedy, Jane, Minister of State, Northern Ireland Office
Baton rounds, Northern Ireland 858w
Terrorism, Republic of Ireland 667-8w
Kent and Canterbury Hospital
Kettering Hospital
Key, Mr Robert
Debates etc.
Education Bill, Programme motion, Rep and 3R (06.02.02) 974, 992
Postal services (29.01.02) 245
Construction, Contracts 167-8w