Index for Volume 379continued
A Am Au B Bi Bo Bu C Ci Cr D Di Du E Ef Ex F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu I Ir J Ju K Kh L Li Lu M Mc Mi Mu N O P Pr Ps Q R Rh Rw S Si So St T Ti Tu U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Liaison Committee
see House of Commons Liaison Committee
Licensing laws
Liddell, Rt Hon Mrs Helen, Secretary of State for Scotland
Accountancy, Scotland Office 1121w
Air traffic control, Prestwick 706-7w
Billing, Scotland Office 1120w
Boundary Commission for Scotland, Finance 1118-9w
Devolution, Scotland 1121w
Disclosure of information, Scotland Office 1120w
Health insurance, Scotland Office 1014w
Information technology, Scotland Office 1119w
Modernising government programme, Scotland Office 1119w
Operating costs, Scotland Office 1120w
Pay, Scotland Office 1121w
Public expenditure, Scotland Office 1119w
Resource accounting and budgeting, Scotland Office 1120w
Standards, Scotland Office 1121w
Television, Scotland Office 707w
Liddell-Grainger, Mr Ian
Debates etc.
Postal services (29.01.02) 239-40
Middle East, Peace negotiations 718
Ordnance Survey, Trading funds 443-4w
Sexual offences, Somerset 394w
South West Regional Development Agency, Advertising 507w
Lidington, Mr David
Debates etc.
Public Record Office, Census (04.02.02) 708
Stoke Mandeville Hospital (08.02.02) 1231-5
Combined heat and power 747-8w
Health authorities, Disclosure of information 1044-5w
Health services, South East region 785-6w
Hospitals, Private finance initiative 421w
Hospitals, Waiting lists 775w
Insurance premium tax 226w
Insurance premium tax, Trade competitiveness 226w
Lung diseases, Health services 144w
Primary care groups, Prescriptions 1233-4w
Public Record Office, Census 710w
Respiratory system, Training 144w
Social services, Standard spending assessments 621w
Written questions, Administrative delays 919w
Life imprisonment
Lilley, Rt Hon Peter
Debates etc.
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Schools, Private finance initiative 1013
Limited liability
Line of route
Linton, Martin
Debates etc.
Line of route (31.01.02) 507-11
Asylum, Voucher schemes 666w
Liquefied petroleum gas
Listed buildings
Repairs and maintenance 455w
Lister Hospital
Accident and emergency departments 930-1w
Developing countries 311w
Lloyd, Mr Tony
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Manufacturing industries (05.02.02) 193-4wh
Central Africa, Armed conflict 727-8
Commonwealth Games, Manchester 860, 933w
Immigration, Administrative delays 682w
Llwyd, Mr Elfyn
Debates etc.
Afghanistan, Reconstruction (28.01.02) 29
Police grant (30.01.02) 334-6
Council housing, Fires 191w
Future of Farming and Food Policy Commission 166
Housing, Fire prevention 191w
Local government, Reform 143
National Assembly for Wales 570w
Public expenditure, Cabinet Office 939w
Public expenditure, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1198w
Public expenditure, Dept for International Development 914w
Public expenditure, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 1003w
Public expenditure, Treasury 688w
Tipping of waste, Health hazards 988-9w
Local authorities
Local Authorities (Mayoral Elections) (England and Wales) Regulations 2002
Debates etc.
Local child curfew schemes
Local government
Local Government Boundary Commission for England
Local Government Commission for England (Transfer of Functions) Order 2001
Local government finance
"Local Government Finance (England) Report, 2002/03"
Local government services
Government departments 194w
London allowance
London Development Agency Bill 2001/02
Debates etc.
2R order read (29.01.02) 135, (06.02.02) 843
London Underground
Ministerial statements (07.02.02) 1126-47
Lone parents
Long term unemployed
Lord Chancellor's Dept
Bloody Sunday Tribunal of Inquiry 90w
Fair trade initiative 1229w
Private finance initiative 711w
Regulatory impact assessments 255w
Lord Mayor Treloar Hospital
Lords Lieutenant
Lost working days
Rural Payments Agency 899w
Loughton, Tim
Debates etc.
Museums Bill, 1R (05.02.02) 776-9
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Ambulance services, Greater London 924w
Ambulance services, Sick leave 1233w
Autism, Social security benefits 577w
Autism, Special education 633-4w
Autism, Speech therapy 625w
Hospitals, Disease control 1150w
Kidnapping, Romania 1240w
Terminal care, Training 1041w
Love, Mr Andrew
Debates etc.
Disadvantaged (08.02.02) 1214
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Afghanistan, Sanctions 766w
Central Office of Information 858-9w
Dental services, Enfield 271-2w
Greater London Authority, Grants 740-1w
Low birthweight babies
Low flying
Low incomes
Low pay