Index for Volume 380—continued

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Bacon, Mr Richard

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall


    Accountancy, Dept for Work and Pensions 112w

    Armed forces, Manpower 14-5

    Buildings, Treasury 1212w

    Orchestras, Finance 711w


    see also Bovine tuberculosis

BAE Systems RO Defence

    see RO Defence


Bailey, Mr Adrian

                  Debates etc.

    Proceeds of Crime Bill, Rep and 3R (27.02.02) 758-60

Baird, Vera

                  Debates etc.

    Proceeds of Crime Bill, Programme motion and Rep (26.02.02) 614-6, 623-4, 657-9


    Arms trade, India 690w

    Arms trade, Pakistan 690w

    Criminal Cases Review Commission 456-60w

    Criminal Cases Review Commission, Administrative delays 459-60w

    Criminal Cases Review Commission, Applications 305w

    Criminal Cases Review Commission, Legal opinion 305w

    Criminal Cases Review Commission, Manpower 459w

    Employment Rights Act 1996 77w, 871w

    International Criminal Court 37w

    Magistrates, Allowances 79w

    Medical treatments, EC countries 1083-4w

    Social security benefits, Patients 780w

    Vietnam, Religious freedom 1161w

    Voluntary organisations, Finance 1425-6w

Baker, Norman

                  Debates etc.

    Sixsmith, Martin (26.02.02) 572


    Ballistic missile defence, USA 6w

    Circuses, Animal welfare 90w

    Domestic visits, Prime Minister 1269-70w

    Economic and monetary union, Referendums 681-2w

    Hacking, Home Office 309w

    Hacking, Ministry of Defence 174-5w

    Hinduja Passport Inquiry 76w

    Ministerial Briefing Unit, Home Office 461w

    Official residences 1445w

    Parliamentary questions 1278w

    Parliamentary questions, Home Office 47w

    Public libraries, East Sussex 706-7w

    Regional assistance, Sussex 72-3w

    10 Downing Street, Official hospitality 1445-9w

Balance of trade

Baldry, Tony

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Afghanistan, International assistance (28.02.02) 315-22wh

    Social services, Oxfordshire (27.02.02) 294wh


    Angola, Overseas aid 883w

    Defence Storage and Distribution Agency, Bicester 1-2w

    Republic of Congo, Water supply 895w

Ballistic missile defence

Bank of Credit and Commerce International

Bank services


Banks, Mr Tony

                  Debates etc.

    Business questions intervention (28.02.02) 853

    Hunting, Points of order (28.02.02) 860


    Business questions 847

Barker, Mr Gregory


    Council tax, East Sussex 1170w

    Police, East Sussex 1240w

    Queen Elizabeth II, Anniversaries 430

    Radiotherapy, Maidstone 336w

    Radiotherapy, Waiting lists 992w

    Sussex Ambulance Service, Standards 1557-8w

    Sussex Police, Manpower 46-7w

    Trade competitiveness 1426w

Barking power station

Barnes, Mr Harry

                  Debates etc.

    Fireworks, Petitions (11.02.02) 44-5

    Land Registration Bill (HL), Rep and 3R (11.02.02) 36

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall


    Members, Correspondence 678w

    Public expenditure 831

    Terrorism, Northern Ireland 205-6

Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals NHS Trust

Baron, Mr John


    Accident and emergency departments, Waiting lists 675w

    Armed forces, Manpower 1w

    Business questions 327

    Hospitals, Waiting lists 141w

Barrett, John


    Air traffic control, Prestwick 143w

    Asylum, RAF Turnhouse 907w

    Carbon dioxide, Motor vehicles 930w

    Fossil fuels, Scotland 529w

    Immigration and Nationality Directorate, Telephone services 1382-4w

    Members, Correspondence 520w

    Winter fuel payments, Scotland 104-5w

Barron, Rt Hon Kevin


    National Institute for Clinical Excellence, Standards 321w

Basic education

    Jobseeker's allowance 1266w


    Higher education 94w


    Crime prevention 705

Battle of Trafalgar

Bayley, Hugh

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Floods, Yorkshire and Humberside (27.02.02) 276-81wh


    Civil defence, Grants 1500w

    Common agricultural policy, North Yorkshire 1192w

    Females, Science 536w

    Foot and mouth disease, North Yorkshire 646-7w

    Local government finance, York 381-2w

    Surgery, Waiting lists 555-6


Beard, Mr Nigel


    Business, Investment 1430w

    EC defence policy 3

    River Thames, Floods 1505w

    Stability Pact 836

Beckett, Rt Hon Margaret, Secretary of State for Environment Food and the Regions


    Aggregates levy 81w

    Airports, South East region 919-20w

    Climate Change Convention 1504w

    Departmental expenditure limits, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 512-3w

    Departmental expenditure limits, Office of Water Services 512w

    Energy, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 920w

    Enron, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 920w

    Foot and mouth disease, Disease control 918w

    Public expenditure, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 82w

    Sellafield, Mixed oxide fuel 84w, 918w

    Suckler cow premiums 80w


Begg, Miss Anne

                  Debates etc.

    Social security benefits up-rating and guaranteed minimum pensions increase orders (25.02.02) 503, 511, 513


    Energy, Scotland 144w

    Entry clearances, Appeals 66

Beith, Rt Hon A J


    Economic and monetary union, Referendums 681-2w

    Electoral Commission, Referendums 682w

    Voting rights, Young people 179w


    Immigration and Nationality Directorate 467w

    National Lottery 714w

Belize dam

Bell, Mr Stuart, Second Church Estates Commissioner

                  Debates etc.

    Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards (13.02.02) 224-8, 235, 267-9


    Church Commissioners, Farms 212w

    Church Commissioners, Investment 436-7

    Clergy, Conditions of employment 681w

Bellingham, Mr Henry


    Business questions 326

    Byers, Stephen 705

    Foot and mouth disease, Wales 692-3

    Security, Northern Ireland 353w

    Small businesses, Scotland 141-2w

Benefit Fraud Inspectorate

Benefits Agency

    see Social Security Benefits Agency

Benn, Hilary, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for International Development

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    Afghanistan, International assistance (28.02.02) 349-56wh


    Afghanistan, Tuberculosis 366w

    Burkina Faso, International assistance 347-8w

    Burkina Faso, Overseas aid 348w

    Burundi, Politics and government 347w

    Commonwealth Development Corporation 575w

    Commonwealth Development Corporation, Overseas investment 576w

    Commonwealth Development Corporation, Sub-Saharan Africa 575w

    Contracts, Dept for International Development 1465w

    Departmental expenditure limits, Dept for International Development 574-5w

    Developing countries, Disease control 365-6w

    Fair trade initiative, Supermarkets 576-7w

    Legal costs, Dept for International Development 345-6w

    Malawi, Overseas aid 348w

    Publications, Dept for International Development 346-7w

    Secondment, Dept for International Development 346w

    South Africa, Water supply 347w

    Sudan, Overseas aid 1466w

    Voluntary Service Overseas, Insurance 345w

    Wood, Dept for International Development 366-7w

Bennett, Andrew

                  Debates etc.

    Sixsmith, Martin (26.02.02) 567


    Select committees, Internet 148-50w

Bercow, Mr John

                  Debates etc.

    Oral question time intervention (28.02.02) 839


    Accident and emergency departments, Administrative delays 969w

    Accountancy, Cabinet Office 877w

    Accountancy, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 182-3w

    Accountancy, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 91w

    Accountancy, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 226w

    Accountancy, Dept for Work and Pensions 1470w

    Accountancy, Dept of Trade and Industry 71w

    Accountancy, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 432w

    Accountancy, Lord Chancellor's Dept 1284w

    Accountancy, Ministry of Defence 571-2w

    Accountancy, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 664w

    Accountancy, President of the Council 1112w

    Accountancy, Prime Minister 611w

    Accountancy, Treasury 117w

    Advertising, Cabinet Office 1267w

    Advertising, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1535w

    Advertising, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 1516-7w

    Advertising, Dept of Trade and Industry 1574-8w

    Advertising, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 44w

    Billing, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1198-9w

    Billing, Lord Chancellor's Dept 615-6w

    Billing, Ministry of Defence 684w

    Buckinghamshire Health Authority, Waiting lists 124w

    Buildings, Cabinet Office 560w

    Buildings, Scotland Office 630w

    Catering, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1534w

    Catering, Prime Minister 1451w

    Cellular phones, Cabinet Office 1362-3w

    Cellular phones, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 183w

    Cellular phones, Dept for Education and Skills 1220w

    Cellular phones, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 226-8w

    Cellular phones, Dept for Work and Pensions 775-6w

    Cellular phones, Dept of Trade and Industry 71w

    Cellular phones, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 720-1w

    Cellular phones, Lord Chancellor's Dept 838w

    Cellular phones, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 663-4w

    Cellular phones, President of the Council 1112w

    Cellular phones, Solicitor-General 1114-5w

    Cellular phones, Treasury 116w

    Conferences, Cabinet Office 877-8w

    Conferences, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 179w

    Conferences, Dept for Education and Skills 732w

    Conferences, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 539w

    Conferences, Dept for Work and Pensions 106w

    Conferences, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 720w

    Conferences, Lord Chancellor's Dept 847-8w

    Conferences, Ministry of Defence 689w

    Conferences, Northern Ireland Office 642w

    Conferences, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 43w

    Conferences, President of the Council 702w

    Conferences, Prime Minister 1269w

    Consultants, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 185-6w

    Consultants, Dept for International Development 897-8w

    Consultants, Dept for Work and Pensions 1264w

    Consultants, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1150w

    Consultants, President of the Council 1113w

    Departmental expenditure limits 249w

    Empty property, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1109w

    Empty property, Dept for Education and Skills 1542w

    Empty property, Dept for International Development 1116w

    Empty property, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 1172w

    Empty property, Dept of Trade and Industry 1117-8w

    Empty property, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1491w

    Empty property, Lord Chancellor's Dept 1190w

    Empty property, Treasury 1212w

    Equipment, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1535w

    Fixed penalties, Buckinghamshire 223w

    Fraud, Dept for Education and Skills 1541-2w

    General practitioners, Buckinghamshire 122-3w

    Holiday leave, Dept for Education and Skills 96w

    Holiday leave, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 536w

    Holiday leave, Scotland Office 631w

    Hospitals, Buckinghamshire 326w

    Hospitals, Travel 326w

    Hospitals, Waiting lists 315w

    Hotels, Cabinet Office 559w

    Hotels, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 180w

    Hotels, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1339-40w

    Hotels, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 227-8w

    Hotels, Lord Chancellor's Dept 837-8w

    Industrial disputes, Cabinet Office 558w

    Industrial disputes, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 715w

    Industrial disputes, Dept for Education and Skills 728w

    Industrial disputes, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1193w

    Industrial disputes, Dept for International Development 892w

    Industrial disputes, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 548w

    Industrial disputes, Dept for Work and Pensions 1324w

    Industrial disputes, Dept of Trade and Industry 857w

    Industrial disputes, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1152w

    Industrial disputes, Home Office 1237w

    Industrial disputes, Northern Ireland Office 768w

    Industrial disputes, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1228w

    Industrial disputes, President of the Council 634w

    Industrial disputes, Scotland Office 1292w

    Industrial disputes, Treasury 1048w

    Internet, Cabinet Office 558w

    Internet, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 718w

    Internet, Dept for International Development 890-1w

    Internet, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 795-6w

    Internet, Dept for Work and Pensions 1262-3w

    Internet, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1157w

    Internet, Lord Chancellor's Dept 842w

    Internet, President of the Council 1278w

    Land, Buckingham 262w

    Legal costs, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 179w

    Legal costs, Dept for International Development 345-6w

    Legal costs, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 227w

    Legal costs, Home Office 464-5w

    Legal costs, Lord Chancellor's Dept 839w

    Legal costs, Northern Ireland Office 764w

    Legal costs, Prime Minister 611w

    Manpower, Dept for Work and Pensions 1474w

    Market research, Home Office 50-2w

    Market research, Scotland Office 629w

    Ministerial policy advisors, Treasury 115-6w

    National Savings Agency 1209w

    Offices, Cabinet Office 1500w

    Offices, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1109w

    Offices, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1507w

    Offices, Dept for International Development 1115w

    Offices, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 1371w

    Offices, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1491w

    Official cars, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 262w

    Official cars, Dept of Trade and Industry 1578w

    Official cars, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1227w

    Official hospitality, Cabinet Office 559w

    Official hospitality, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 179-80w

    Official hospitality, Dept for Education and Skills 732w

    Official hospitality, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1340w

    Official hospitality, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 228w

    Official hospitality, Dept for Work and Pensions 774w

    Official hospitality, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1503w

    Official hospitality, President of the Council 702-3w

    Orders and regulations, Cabinet Office 559w

    Orders and regulations, Dept for Education and Skills 725w

    Orders and regulations, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1339w

    Orders and regulations, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 800w

    Orders and regulations, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1153-6w

    Orders and regulations, Lord Chancellor's Dept 833w

    Orders and regulations, Ministry of Defence 694-5w

    Pay, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 786w

    Pay, Dept for Work and Pensions 782w

    Pay, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 431-2w

    Police, Northern Ireland 761w

    Pregnancy, Buckinghamshire 978w

    Press, Cabinet Office 188w

    Press, Scotland Office 364w

    Private finance initiative, Home Office 453-4w

    Private finance initiative, Scotland Office 630w

    Public expenditure 831

    Public relations, Dept for Work and Pensions 640w

    Public relations, Scotland Office 629w

    Publications, Cabinet Office 1362w

    Publications, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 180-2w

    Publications, Dept for Education and Skills 420w

    Publications, Dept for International Development 346-7w

    Publications, Dept of Trade and Industry 851w

    Publications, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 721w

    Publications, Home Office 1230w

    Publications, Lord Chancellor's Dept 848w

    Publications, Ministry of Defence 1455-7w

    Publications, Northern Ireland Office 642w

    Publications, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 43w

    Publications, President of the Council 633w

    Publications, Prime Minister 260w

    Publicity, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 716w

    Publicity, Dept for International Development 891w

    Publicity, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 795w

    Publicity, Lord Chancellor's Dept 1282-3w

    Railways, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 714w

    Railways, Dept for International Development 884w

    Railways, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 807w

    Railways, Dept of Trade and Industry 1119w

    Railways, Lord Chancellor's Dept 834w

    Refrigerators, Buckinghamshire 83w

    Secondment, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 214-5w

    Secondment, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 161w

    Secondment, Lord Chancellor's Dept 440-1w

    Secondment, Northern Ireland Office 769w

    Secondment, Treasury 113w

    Sick leave, Government departments 511w

    Sick leave, Northern Ireland Office 761w

    Sick leave, Scotland Office 628w

    Social security benefits, Information technology 634w

    Social services, Expenditure 940w

    Surgery, Buckingham 1559w

    Tax allowances, Vocational training 1060w

    Temporary employment, Treasury 1042-4w

    Theft, Cabinet Office 404w

    Theft, Dept for Education and Skills 99w

    Theft, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 645w

    Theft, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 381-2w

    Theft, Dept of Trade and Industry 848-9w

    Theft, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 161w, 432w

    Theft, Lord Chancellor's Dept 834w

    Theft, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 704w, 1227-8w

    Theft, President of the Council 633w

    Theft, Prime Minister 260w

    Theft, Treasury 242w

    Trade unions, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 715-6w

    Trade unions, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1201-2w

    Trade unions, Dept for International Development 890w

    Trade unions, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 794-5w

    Trade unions, Dept of Trade and Industry 855-6w

    Trade unions, Northern Ireland Office 768-9w

    Trade unions, Treasury 591w

    Visits abroad, Dept for Education and Skills 431w

    Visits abroad, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 94w

    Visits abroad, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 214w

    Visits abroad, Dept for Work and Pensions 773w

    Visits abroad, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 37w

    Visits abroad, Home Office 1585w

    Visits abroad, Ministry of Defence 567w

    Written questions, Administrative delays 628w

Berry, Mr Roger


    Electronic government, Disabled 534-5w

Best, Mr Harold

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall


    Departmental expenditure limits, Dept for International Development 574-5w


Better Regulation Task Force

"Better Regulation Task Force Report on Economic Regulators Government Response Economic Regulators"

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