Index for Volume 380continued
A Al As B Bi Bo Bu C Ce Cl Cr D Dh Du E Ec Ep F Fo Fr G Gu H He Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Jo Ju K Kh L Li Lu M Ma Me Mi Mu N Nu O P Pi Pr Ps Q R Rh Ru S Se Sk So Sq Sw T Th Tr Tw U V W Wh Wo X Y Z
Heald, Mr Oliver
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Institutional care, Lancashire (26.02.02) 194-5wh
Connexions Service, Mentally ill 1599w
Depressive illnesses 342w
Disadvantaged, EC action 1324w
East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust 1005w
General practitioners 962w
General practitioners, Access 962-3w
Haemophilia, Medical treatments 966-7w
Lister Hospital, Accident and emergency departments 480w
Mental health services, Admissions 472w
Mental health services, Armed forces 469-70w
Mental health services, Capital investment 341-2w
Mental health services, Children 341w, 959w
Mental health services, Community care 471w, 473-4w
Mental health services, Ethnic groups 471w
Mental health services, Females 471w
Mental health services, Greater London 341w, 1017w
Mental health services, Manpower 470w, 472w
Mental health services, Prisons 472-4w
Mental health services, Private finance initiative 471w
Mental hospitals, Admissions 943w
Mentally ill, Employment 943w
Mentally ill, Prescriptions 1017w
Minerals, Planning permission 825-6w
National Clinical Director for Children 960-1w
National Institute for Mental Health, Finance 473w
Nurses, Foreign workers 1616w
Patients' forums, Finance 1555w
Primary health care, Derbyshire 544-5
Social Exclusion Unit, Mentally ill 959-60w
Workforce Numbers Advisory Board, Finance 986w
Healey, John, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Education and Skills
Class sizes, Merseyside 97w
Distance learning, Prisoners 1598-9w
Further education, Bureaucracy 426w
Further education, Finance 430w
Further Education Funding Council for England, Finance 725w
Individual learning accounts, Fraud 603w
Individual learning accounts, Special education 604w
Learning and Skills Council for England, Finance 429-30w
Members, Correspondence 740w
Schools, Playing fields 735-7w
Schools, Repairs and maintenance 415-8w
Sector Skills Development Agency, Public appointments 740w
Teachers, Information technology 424-5w
Health action zones
Health and Safety Laboratory
Health and Social Care Act 2001
Health and Social Care Bill 2000/01
Health authorities
Health centres
Health education
Health hazards
Health insurance
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1503w
Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 541-2w
Northern Ireland Office 763w
Health Reform (Education and Public Involvement) Bill 2001/02
Debates etc.
Health services
Public participation 962w
Health Trends Review
Hearing aids
Hearing impaired
Heart diseases
Hull Royal Infirmary 1405w
Heartlands Hospital
Heath, Mr David
Debates etc.
Employment Bill, Rep and 3R (12.02.02) 129
Entertainments, Licensing laws (27.02.02) 807-10
Social security benefits up-rating and guaranteed minimum pensions increase orders (25.02.02) 515-6
Avon and Somerset Constabulary, Finance 56w
Immigration, Administrative delays 454-5w
Immigration and Nationality Directorate, Standards 1242-3w
Military bases, Carpets 1146w
Heathcoat-Amory, Rt Hon David
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Heathrow Airport
Heavily indebted poor countries initiative
Hedges and ditches
Henderson, Mr Ivan
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Property development, Pedestrian areas 826w
Hendrick, Mr Mark
Child tax credit, Lancashire 1432-3w
Hendry, Mr Charles
Antisocial behaviour orders 1586w
Hepburn, Mr Stephen
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Queen Elizabeth Hospital Gateshead (26.02.02) 242-3wh
Redundancy (26.02.02) 226wh
Closed circuit television, South Tyneside 54w
Defence equipment, Procurement 12
Disabled, Social security benefits 1648w
Employment zones, South Tyneside 1471w
Further education, North East region 727w
Ports, Fees and charges 799w
Regional planning and development, North East region 1375w
Social security benefits, Medical examinations 1621-2w
Teenage pregnancy, South Tyneside 979w
Herbal medicine
Hereford and Worcester Ambulance Service NHS Trust
Hermon, Lady
Police, Northern Ireland 190-1
Hertfordshire Health Authority
Hesford, Stephen
Hewitt, Rt Hon Ms Patricia, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry
Advertising, Dept of Trade and Industry 1574-8w
Agriculture, Trade agreements 1130-1w
Arthur Andersen, Contracts 1479w
Arthur Andersen, Dept of Trade and Industry 60-1w, 854w
Better Regulation Task Force 286w
Cable and Wireless, Government shareholding 73-4w
Cellular phones, Dept of Trade and Industry 71w
Church of England, Discrimination 535w
City of London Corporation, Dept of Trade and Industry 853w
Community development 519w
Consignia, Redundancy 517w
Consignia, Standards 295-7
Courier services, Dept of Trade and Industry 857w
Daresbury Laboratory 530w
Departmental expenditure limits, British Trade International 447w
Departmental expenditure limits, Dept of Trade and Industry 447-51w, 1484-6w
Empty property, Dept of Trade and Industry 1117-8w
Energy, Dept of Trade and Industry 63-4w
Enron, Dept of Trade and Industry 63-4w
Export Credits Guarantee Dept 1482w
Eyesight, Dept of Trade and Industry 858w
Fair trade initiative, Dept of Trade and Industry 295w
Females, Re-employment 310
Foreign investment in UK, Japan 518w
General Agreement on Trade in Services 1130w
General Agreement on Trade in Services, Higher education 530-1w
Imports, Origin marking 862w
Industrial disputes, Dept of Trade and Industry 857w
Information technology, Dept of Trade and Industry 64-5w
Intellectual property, Developing countries 1130w
Intellectual property, Trade agreements 859-60w
Investment, North East region 858w
Ispat International, Dept of Trade and Industry 525-6w
Manpower, Dept of Trade and Industry 863-4w
Official cars, Dept of Trade and Industry 1578w
Overseas aid, Developing countries 1130w
Overseas investment, Government assistance 1484w
Post offices, Bank services 1306w
Postal services, Scotland 850-1w
Postal Services Commission 297-9
Public appointments, Dept of Trade and Industry 1487w
Public expenditure, Dept of Trade and Industry 289w
Public private partnerships, Dept of Trade and Industry 859w
Publications, Dept of Trade and Industry 851w
Railways, Dept of Trade and Industry 1119w
Secondment, Dept of Trade and Industry 524-5w
Sector skills councils 72w
Stress, Dept of Trade and Industry 851-2w
Theft, Dept of Trade and Industry 848-9w
Trade competitiveness, EC action 520-1w
Trade unions, Dept of Trade and Industry 855-6w
Visits abroad, Dept of Trade and Industry 864w
Women and Equality Unit, Finance 1134w
Work sharing, Dept of Trade and Industry 531w
Working hours, Dept of Trade and Industry 531w
World Trade Organisation 1131w
Written questions, Dept of Trade and Industry 532w