Index for Volume 380continued
A Al As B Bi Bo Bu C Ce Cl Cr D Dh Du E Ec Ep F Fo Fr G Gu H He Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Jo Ju K Kh L Li Lu M Ma Me Mi Mu N Nu O P Pi Pr Ps Q R Rh Ru S Se Sk So Sq Sw T Th Tr Tw U V W Wh Wo X Y Z
Jack, Rt Hon Michael
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Institutional care, Lancashire (26.02.02) 181-2wh
Correspondence, Prime Minister 76w
European fighter aircraft 1144w
Future large aircraft 5-6
Railways, Scotland Office 142w
Jackson, Ms Glenda
Debates etc.
Homelessness Bill, Lords amendts (25.02.02) 459-61, 485-7
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Poverty, Greater London (12.02.02) 31-2wh
Ballistic missile defence, USA 14
Jackson, Helen
Departmental expenditure limits, Dept for Education and Skills 607-10w
Females, Public appointments 309
Maternity pay, Self-employed 1642-3w
Jackson, Mr Robert
Smallpox, Vaccination 987w
James Paget Hospital
Jamieson, Mr David, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions
Debates etc.
Railways, Bromley (12.02.02) 185-8
Air traffic control, Prestwick 810w
Automatic train protection 230-1w
Aviation, EC grants and loans 222-3w
Aviation, Foreign workers 239w
Aviation, Government assistance 21-2w
Aviation, Organophosphates 241w
Channel tunnel, Illegal immigrants 802w
Driving, Cellular phones 801w
Exhaust emissions, Testing 815w
Galileo project, Finance 812w
Glasgow Airport, Railways 805w
Helicopters, Greater London 23-4w
Helicopters, Rescue services 378w
Highways Agency, Broadspring Wood 1588w
Level crossings, Tilbury 1373w
London Underground, Safety 378w
London Underground, Sick leave 224-5w
M25, Heathrow Airport 1373w
Metropolitan line, Railway stations 397w
Motor vehicles, Excise duties 1519w
National Air Traffic Services, Employee share ownership schemes 809w
National Air Traffic Services, Finance 23w, 809w
Ports, Fees and charges 799w
Prisoner escorts, Working hours 627-8w
Public transport, Closed circuit television 792w
Radioactive materials, Transport 225w
Railtrack, Newt International 785w
Railway stations, Disabled 800-1w
Railways, Borders region 822w
Railways, South West region 1370-1w
Railways, Speed limits 813w
"Reforming Motorcycle Vehicle Excise Duty Consultation Paper" 547w
Regional airports, Finance 548-9w
Research, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 815-6w
Road traffic control, South East region 825w
Roads, Agricultural machinery 1186-7w
Roads, Greater London 1366w
Roads, Repairs and maintenance 1182w
Shipping, Working conditions 240w
Speed limits, Road signs and markings 1185-6w
Strategic Rail Authority 221w
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Authority, Circulars 1522w
Swanwick Air Traffic Control Centre 810w
Terrorism, Insurance 822w
Trains, Overcrowding 804w
Transport, South East region 802-3w
Vehicle Inspectorate, Manpower 803w
Foreign investment in UK 518w
Jenkin, Mr Bernard
Afghanistan, Peace keeping operations 173w
Armed forces, Housing 1138w
Qinetiq, Ministry of Defence Police 363w
RFA Wave Knight, Repairs and maintenance 17w