Index for Volume 380continued
A Al As B Bi Bo Bu C Ce Cl Cr D Dh Du E Ec Ep F Fo Fr G Gu H He Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Jo Ju K Kh L Li Lu M Ma Me Mi Mu N Nu O P Pi Pr Ps Q R Rh Ru S Se Sk So Sq Sw T Th Tr Tw U V W Wh Wo X Y Z
Michael, Rt Hon Alun, Minister of State, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
Debates etc.
Agriculture, Dorset (25.02.02) 538-42
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Countryside Access Recovery Fund 647-8w
Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 935w
Foot and mouth disease 647w
Foot and mouth disease, Exmoor 270w
Foot and mouth disease, Public footpaths 647w
Horses, EC internal trade 662w
National parks, Regional assemblies 91w
Parish councils, Wiltshire 655w
Rights of way, Inquiries 1595w
Rural areas, Bus services 79-80w
Tourism, Isle of Wight 933w
Middle East
Milburn, Rt Hon Alan, Secretary of State for Health
Heart diseases, Health services 1093w
NHS, Private sector 546-9
Miliband, Mr David
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Departmental expenditure limits, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1111w
Public libraries, Internet 706w
Military aircraft
Military bases
Military exercises
Millennium Exhibition
Repairs and maintenance 22w
Millennium Experience
see New Millennium Experience
Millennium landmark projects
Museums and galleries 707w
Miller, Mr Andrew
Sports, North West region 435-6
Ministerial Briefing Unit
Ministerial duties
Ministerial policy advisors
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1535w
Dept for Education and Skills 1543w
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1277-8w
Ministerial powers
Lord Chancellor's Dept 615w
Ministerial statements
Rulings and statements (27.02.02) 709
Sixsmith, Martin (26.02.02) 563-77
Yarls Wood Detention Centre (25.02.02) 441-52
Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food (Dissolution) Order 2002
Debates etc.
Ministry of Defence
City of London Corporation 692w
Departmental expenditure limits 1135-6w
Employment tribunals 1290w
Festivals and special occasions 686w
Ministry of Defence Police
Misuse of Drugs Act 1971
Mitchell, Mr Andrew
Mitchell, Mr Austin
Debates etc.
Companies Act 1989 (Amendment) Bill, 1R (28.02.02) 861
Arthur Andersen, Cabinet Office 563-4w
Arthur Andersen, Dept for Education and Skills 737w
Arthur Andersen, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 1365w
Arthur Andersen, Dept of Trade and Industry 60-1w
Enron, Dept for Education and Skills 1541w
Enron, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 920w
Enron, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 1513w
Enron, Dept of Trade and Industry 63-4w
Personal care services, EC countries 1305w
Public appointments, Dept for Education and Skills 725w
Public appointments, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1353w
Public appointments, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 536-7w
Public appointments, Ministry of Defence 571w
Social rented housing, Construction 1170w
Mittal, Lakshmi
198-9, 610w, 612-4w, 856-7w, 1161-4w, 1314w, 1452w, 1465w, 1482-3w, 1570w, 1600w
Mixed oxide fuel
MMR vaccine
South Cheshire Health Authority 1033w
Mobile homes
Mobile libraries
Mobile phone masts
Mobile phones
Modernisation of the House of Commons Select Committee
Moffatt, Laura
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Armed forces, Northern Ireland 193-4
Haemophilia, Medical treatments 1025w
Moonie, Dr Lewis, Parliamentary Under-Secretary, Ministry of Defence
Ammunition, Procurement 174w
Archives, Ministry of Defence 1287w
Armed forces, Health services 689w
Armed forces, Human rights 177w
Armoured fighting vehicles 1146w
Arms trade, Offset arrangements 1148w
Arms trade, Pakistan 690w
Army Base Repair Organisation, Manpower 1285w
Atomic Weapons Establishment, Higher education 1454w
Battle of Trafalgar, Anniversaries 699w
Billing, Ministry of Defence 684w
British Forces Post Office, Manpower 1289w
City of London Corporation, Ministry of Defence 692w
Clyde submarine base, Police 1148w
Conferences, Ministry of Defence 689w
Courier services, Ministry of Defence 694w
Data protection, Ministry of Defence 685-6w
Defence Analytical Services Agency, Manpower 1285w
Defence Aviation Repair Agency, Manpower 1289w
Defence Bills Agency, Manpower 1287w
Defence Bills Agency, Standards 1136-7w
Defence Engineering and Science Group, Manpower 1284-5w
Defence Estates, Manpower 1286w
Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, Manpower 1286w
Defence Export Services Organisation, Manpower 1289w
Defence Logistics Organisation, Manpower 1289-90w
Defence Medical Services, Manpower 689w
Defence Procurement Agency, Manpower 1287w
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, Manpower 1290w
Defence Scientific Advisory Council, Manpower 1288w
Defence Secondary Care Agency, Manpower 1286w
Defence Storage and Distribution Agency, Bicester 1-2w
Director General Commercial Organisation, Manpower 1286w
Disposal Services Agency, Manpower 1287w
Employment tribunals, Ministry of Defence 1290w
Eyesight, Ministry of Defence 698-9w
Fair trade initiative, Ministry of Defence 359w, 1144-5w
Future large aircraft, Germany 1149w
Hacking, Ministry of Defence 174-5w
Hydrographic Office, Manpower 1288w
Information technology, Ministry of Defence 166-7w
International Visits Control Office, Manpower 1288-9w
Iraq-Kuwait conflict, Civilians 177w
Iraq-Kuwait conflict, Organophosphates 178w
Meteorological Office, Manpower 1287-8w
Military aircraft, Contracts 1148w
Military aircraft, Electronic warfare 1459w
Military bases, Carpets 1146w
Military bases, Security 1459w
Ministry of Defence Police, Manpower 1289w
Ministry of Defence Police, Reserve forces 1459w
Ministry of Defence Police, USA 1460w
Navy, Defence equipment 692-3w
Nimrod aircraft, Procurement 1453-4w
Orders and regulations, Ministry of Defence 694-5w
Press, Ministry of Defence 173w
Public appointments, Ministry of Defence 571w, 687-8w
Publications, Ministry of Defence 1455-7w
Qinetiq, Crown immunity 691w
Qinetiq, Ministry of Defence Police 363w
Queen Elizabeth II, Anniversaries 568w
RAF Volunteer Reserve, Medals 686-7w
River Clyde, Shipbuilding 5w
RO Defence, Pakistan Ordnance Factories 175w
Satellite communications, Procurement 1137-8w
Secondment, Ministry of Defence 693-4w
Strategic and Combat Studies Institute, Manpower 1285w
Stress, Ministry of Defence 569w
Territorial Army, Scotland 1147w
Tomahawk missiles, Procurement 1141w
Trident missiles, Safety 165w
TSC 503 satellite system 360w
UK Defence Standardization Team, Manpower 1288w
United Kingdom National Codification Bureau, Manpower 1286w
Visits abroad, Ministry of Defence 567w
War pensions, Taxation 178w
War Pensions Agency, Manpower 1287w
Warship Support Agency, Manpower 1288w
Warships, Guided weapons 1145w
Wood, Ministry of Defence 363w
Work sharing, Ministry of Defence 690w
Working hours, Ministry of Defence 569w
Moore, Jo
Moran, Margaret
Electronic government, Local authorities 405w
Select committees, Witnesses 593w
Social rented housing, Domestic violence 230w
Morgan, Julie
Debates etc.
Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service, Information technology 149-50w
Domestic violence, Wales 1273w
Morley, Mr Elliot, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept of Environment Food and Rural Affairs
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Accountancy, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 91w
Agriculture, Archaeological sites 1196w
Agriculture, Cooperatives 658w
Billing, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1198-9w
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, Disease control 661w
Bovine tuberculosis 1510w
Bovine tuberculosis, Press releases 653w
Bovine tuberculosis, Republic of Ireland 1510-1w
Circuses, Animal welfare 90w
Common agricultural policy, North Yorkshire 1192w
Correspondence, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 264-5w
Countryside stewardship scheme 90-1w
Courier services, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1351w
Dairy farming, Veterinary services 88w
Departmental expenditure limits, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 250w
Dorset, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 92w
Environmentally sensitive areas 270-1w
Eyesight, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1193-4w
Fair trade initiative, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 270w
Fisheries, Protection 1509w
Fishermens' Association 1355w
Fishery agreements, Mauritania 1351w
Fishing vessels, Engines 275w
Foot and mouth disease, Dumfries and Galloway 85-6w
Foot and mouth disease, Inquiries 1346w
Foot and mouth disease, North Yorkshire 646-7w
Foot and mouth disease, Pigs 85w
Foot and mouth disease, Press releases 1199w
Foot and mouth disease, Rodents 645w
Foot and mouth disease, Throckmorton airfield 646w
Foot and mouth disease, Waste disposal 1345-6w
Forestry Commission, Departmental expenditure limits 513-4w
Health insurance, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1503w
Horses, Animal welfare 649w
Hotels, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1339-40w
Industrial disputes, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 271w, 1193w
Information technology, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 276-8w, 654w
Integrated administration and control system 1509w
Livestock, Waste disposal 263w
Mackerel, Fishing catches 658w
Manpower, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 264w
Offices, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1507w
Official cars, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 262w
Official hospitality, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1340w
Orders and regulations, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1339w
Organic farming, Manpower 1340w
Organic farming, Standards 651w
Pornography, Magazine press 662w
Public appointments, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1353-4w
Public expenditure, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 271w
Queen Elizabeth II, Anniversaries 644w
Retirement, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1197w
Risk assessment, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1507w
River Thames, Floods 1505w
Rodents, Pest control 275w
Rural areas, Databases 1200w
Rural Payments Agency, Information technology 274w
Secondment, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 262-3w, 659-61w
Sheep premiums, Applications 269w
Shellfish, Poisoning 649w
State Veterinary Service, Manpower 1345w
Stress, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 655-6w
Theft, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 645w
Trade unions, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1201-2w
Veterinary medicine 1203w
Veterinary medicine, Standards 1350-1w
Visits abroad, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 94w, 1342w
Work sharing, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1341w
Written questions, Administrative delays 1511-2w
Written questions, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1352w
Morris, Dean
Morris, Rt Hon Ms Estelle, Secretary of State for Education and Skills
Fraud, Dept for Education and Skills 1541-2w
Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for Education and Skills 1543w
Public expenditure, Dept for Education and Skills 418-9w
Moss, Mr Malcolm
Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) Regulations 2001 1185w
Policy development grant 1184w
Motor vehicles
Mottram, Richard