Index for Volume 380continued
A Al As B Bi Bo Bu C Ce Cl Cr D Dh Du E Ec Ep F Fo Fr G Gu H He Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Jo Ju K Kh L Li Lu M Ma Me Mi Mu N Nu O P Pi Pr Ps Q R Rh Ru S Se Sk So Sq Sw T Th Tr Tw U V W Wh Wo X Y Z
Prentice, Ms Bridget
Institutional care, Standards 1615w
Prentice, Mr Gordon
Debates etc.
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Institutional care, Lancashire (26.02.02) 177-80wh
Accident and emergency departments, Lancashire 1557w
Agriculture, Archaeological sites 1196w
Armed forces, Northern Ireland 352w
Automatic train protection 230-1w
Employment, Equal opportunities 637w
European fighter aircraft 1144w
Higher education, Lancashire 737w
Hospital beds, North West region 1093w
Institutional care, Internet 1015-6w
Police, Northern Ireland 764w
Queen Elizabeth II, Anniversaries 711w
Royal prerogative, Parliamentary scrutiny 69
Sierra Leone, Sanctions 1315w
Television, Licensing 1110w
Pre-school education
Prescott, Rt Hon John, Deputy Prime Minister and First Secretary of State
Cabinet Office, Departmental expenditure limits 403-4w
Departmental coordination, Rural areas 58-9w
Queen Elizabeth II, Anniversaries 403w
President of the Council
Festivals and special occasions 211w
Information technology 44-5w
Press releases
Foot and mouth disease 1199w
Price, Adam
Debates etc.
Convention on the Future of Europe 439w
Dental services, Manpower 1025w
Economic and monetary union, Wales 705-6w
Foot and mouth disease, Disease control 649w
Health hazards, Tipping of waste 996w
Iron and steel, Balance of trade 856w
Iron and steel, EC enlargement 856w
Ispat International, Dept of Trade and Industry 525-6w
Ispat International, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 566-7w
Local government services, Young people 393w
Manufacturing industries 852w
Pensioners, Income support 778w
Post offices, Closures 444w
Post offices, Rural areas 306
State visits, Romania 614w
Teachers, Crimes of violence 606w
Tipping of waste, Hazardous materials 927w
Written questions, Administrative delays 1307w
Written questions, Dept of Trade and Industry 532w
Primarolo, Ms Dawn, Paymaster General
Child Support Agency 1034w
Child tax credit, Lancashire 1432-3w
Disabled person's tax credit, Tooting 1217w
Electronic Data Systems 591w
Enterprise investment Scheme 1443w
Enterprise management incentives 1443-4w
"General Betting Duty Consultation Paper" 1332w
Inland Revenue, Civil servants 1572w
Life expectancy, St Helens 1621w
National insurance contributions, Students 1051w
Non-domestic rates, Rural areas 113-4w
Social security benefits, Appeals 593w
Social Security Contributions Agency, Computers 374w, 589-90w
State earnings related pension scheme 581w
Tax allowances, Companies 1573w
Tax allowances, Vocational training 577-8w
Taxation, British overseas territories 1210w
Trade competitiveness 1426w
VAT, Audio equipment 1211w
Welfare tax credits, Fraud 367-8w
Working families tax credit, Eligibility 370w
Working families tax credit, North West region 1425w
Primary care groups
Primary care trusts
Public appointments 1562w
Primary education
Primary health care
Prime Minister
Prime Minister's questions
Princess Margaret
Princess of Wales
Princess Royal Hospital Telford
Accident and emergency departments 968w
Prisk, Mr Mark
Debates etc.
Departmental expenditure limits, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 250w
Surgery, Waiting lists 555
Prison accommodation
Prison Officers' Association
Prison Service
Disciplinary proceedings 900w
Prisoner escorts
Crimes against property 312w
Criminal injuries compensation 1496-7w
Prisoners' release
Private finance initiative
Mental health services 471w
Private Members' bills
Private Pension Legislation Review
Private sector
Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 396-8w
Privy Council Office Judicial Committee
Procedure Select Committee
Proceeds of Crime Bill 2001/02
Debates etc.
Programme motion and Rep (26.02.02) 582-679
Programme motions
Project Al Yamamah
Property development
Prosser, Mr Gwyn
Debates etc.
Yarls Wood Detention Centre (25.02.02) 451
Social security benefits, Patients 780w
Technology readiness and risk assessment programme 1136w
Provident societies