Index for Volume 380—continued

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White, Brian


    Cable and Wireless, Government shareholding 73-4w

Whitehead, Dr Alan, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions


    Accountancy, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 226w, 1514w

    Advertising, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 821-2w, 1516-7w

    Arthur Andersen, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 1365w

    Asbestos, EC action 965w

    Bristol, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 544-5w

    British Airports Authority, Official hospitality 391w

    Cellular phones, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 226-8w

    Conferences, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 539w

    Contracts, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 1514w

    Council tax, Disabled 225w

    Council tax, East Sussex 1170w

    Council tax, Suffolk 36w

    Councillors, Codes of practice 35w

    Courier services, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 799w

    Departmental expenditure limits, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 232w

    Elderly, Standard spending assessments 542w

    Electoral register 229w

    Electronic government 383w

    Empty property, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 1172w

    Energy, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 223w

    Enron, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 1513w

    Eyesight, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 823-4w

    Fair trade initiative, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 225w, 395-6w

    Fixed penalties, Buckinghamshire 223w

    Foot and mouth disease, Government assistance 919w

    Fraud, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 786-7w

    Government departments, Assets 1517w

    Health and Safety Laboratory 796-7w

    Health insurance, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 541-2w

    Holiday leave, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 536w

    Hotels, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 227-8w

    Industrial disputes, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 548w

    Industrial health and safety 1280w

    Internet, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 795-6w

    Legal costs, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 227w

    Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) Regulations 2001 1185w

    Local government, Elections 547w

    Local government, Lincolnshire 397w

    Local government, Ribble Valley 386w

    Local government finance 1175w

    Local government finance, Greater London 215-8w

    Local government finance, Surrey 391w

    Local government finance, York 381-2w

    Local government services, Young people 393w

    Manpower, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 388w

    Offices, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 1371w

    Official hospitality, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 228w

    Older workers, Dept of Trade and Industry 808w

    Orders and regulations, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 800w

    Pay, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 786w

    Policy development grant 1184w

    Private sector, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 396-8w

    Public expenditure, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 1369w

    Public transport, Rural areas 823w

    Publicity, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 795w

    Railways, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 807w

    Secondment, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 214-5w, 223w, 225-6w

    Social services, Cambridgeshire 828-9w

    Social services, Elderly 828w

    Social services, Finance 830w

    Social services, Standard spending assessments 830w, 1516w

    Standard spending assessments 1516w

    Stress, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 389w

    Telecommunications, Civil service agencies 539w

    Television, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 380w

    Theft, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 381-2w

    Trade unions, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 794-5w

    Transport, Safety 827w

    Visits abroad, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 214w

    Voting behaviour 229w

    Voting methods, Parish councils 831w

    Voting rights, EC nationals 234w

    Work sharing, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 389w

    Working hours, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 389w

    Written questions, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 397-8w

Whittingdale, Mr John


    Czech Republic, Overseas investment 1601w

    Iron and steel 302

Whittington Hospital

Wicks, Malcolm, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Work and Pensions


    Benefit Fraud Inspectorate, North Lanarkshire 1320-2w

    British citizenship 511w

    Child benefit, Foster care 942w

    Child benefit, Telephone services 1325w

    Child Support Agency, Standards 511w

    City of London Corporation, Dept for Work and Pensions 1325w

    Cold weather payments, Disabled 637w

    Disadvantaged, EC action 1324w

    Industrial health and safety, Chemicals 637-8w

    Jobseeker's allowance, Basic education 1266w

    Local exchange and trading schemes 1260w

    Maternity pay, Self-employed 1642-3w

    Means tested benefits 375w

    Members, Correspondence 1319w

    Personal income 253w

    Queen Elizabeth II, Anniversaries 1325w

    Removal expenses, Loans 111w

    Social security benefits 777w

    Social security benefits, Automated credit transfer 1265w

    Social security benefits, Community service orders 1266w

    Social security benefits, Overpayments 1325-6w

    Social security benefits, Widowed people 773w

    Television, Dept for Work and Pensions 509w

    Theft, Dept for Work and Pensions 781-2w

    Working families tax credit, Administrative delays 251w

Widdecombe, Rt Hon Ann

                  Debates etc.

    Ministers, Points of order (25.02.02) 455

    Yarls Wood Detention Centre (25.02.02) 449-50


Widowed people

    Occupational pensions 779w

    Social security benefits 773w

Wigan and Bolton Health Authority

Wigan and Leigh Health Services NHS Trust

Wiggin, Mr Bill

                  Debates etc.

    Homelessness Bill, Lords amendts (25.02.02) 476

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall

    MMR vaccine (26.02.02) 216wh


    General practitioners, Elderly 500w

    Medical treatments, EC countries 488w


Wilkinson, Mr John

                  Debates etc.

    Sixsmith, Martin, Points of order (28.02.02) 860


    Aerospace industry 517w

    Business questions 851

    Northwood and Pinner Hospital 343w

    Terrorism, Finance 829

Willetts, Mr David

                  Debates etc.

    Social security benefits up-rating and guaranteed minimum pensions increase orders (25.02.02) 502-7, 513


    Council tax, Disabled 225w

    Jobcentre Plus, Training 636-7w

    Social security benefits, Community service orders 1266w

    Social security benefits, Take-up 779w

    Social Security Contributions Agency, Computers 374w, 589-90w

    Telephone services, Dept for Work and Pensions 770-2w

    Winter fuel payments 105w

Williams, Rt Hon Alan

                  Debates etc.

    Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards (13.02.02) 232, 240-4


    National Audit Office 440

Williams, Mrs Betty

                  Debates etc.

    Employment Bill, Rep and 3R (12.02.02) 135, 150


    Charity Commission, Departmental expenditure limits 468w

    Dental services 558

    Departmental expenditure limits, Home Office 467-8w

    Elections, Northern Ireland 353w

    Females, Flexible working 535-6w

    Skilled workers, Wales 1275w

Williams, Hywel

                  Debates etc.

    Employment Bill, Rep and 3R (12.02.02) 140-1, 158-9

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall


    Accident and emergency departments 559-60

    Afghanistan, Casualties 701w

    Police, Wales 697

Williams, Mr Roger

                  Debates etc.

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall


    Foot and mouth disease, Wales 693

    Industrial diseases, Compensation 1277w

    Stamp duties, Exemptions 816

Willis, Mr Phil


    Capita, Dept for Education and Skills 1294w

    Consultants, Dept for Education and Skills 1226w

    Education, Leave 419w

    Foreign workers, Teachers 1393w

    Higher education 605w

    Learning and Skills Council for England, Finance 429-30w

    Schools, Repairs and maintenance 415-8w

    Specialist schools, Applications 426-30w

    Sponsorship, Dept for Education and Skills 1226w

    Sure start programme 1219w

    Tax allowances, Vocational training 577-8w

    Teachers, Retirement 1226w

Wills, Mr Michael, Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Dept

                  Debates etc.


    Billing, Lord Chancellor's Dept 615-6w

    Channel Islands, Terrorism 440w

    Community service orders, Enforcement 1189-90w

    Contracts, Lord Chancellor's Dept 78-9w

    County courts, Working hours 617w

    Court Service, Training 157w

    Criminal proceedings, Publications 619-20w

    Empty property, Lord Chancellor's Dept 1190w

    Freedom of Information Act 2000 835w

    Internet, Lord Chancellor's Dept 842w

    Magistrates, Allowances 79w

    Magistrates, Warrington 155w

    Magistrates' courts, Colchester 67-8

    Members, Correspondence 836w

    MV Solway Harvester 842w

    Parking, Lord Chancellor's Dept 152-3w

    Police national computer, Access 1189w

    Repossession orders 556w

    Secondment, Lord Chancellor's Dept 440-1w

Wilshire, Mr David

                  Debates etc.

    Proceeds of Crime Bill, Programme motion and Rep (26.02.02) 584, 619, 664-6, 678


    Members, Correspondence 1066w

Wilson, Mr Brian, Minister of State for Industry and Energy, Dept of Trade and Industry


    Aerospace industry 517w

    Aerospace industry, Terrorism 299-300

    Alternative energy, International cooperation 527w

    Alternative energy, Urban areas 931-2w

    Barking power station 872w

    Biotechnology, Scotland 873w

    British Nuclear Fuels 862w

    British Nuclear Fuels, Annual reports 524-5w

    British Nuclear Fuels, Consultants 292w

    British Nuclear Fuels, Liabilities Management Authority 860w

    British Shipbuilders 1485w

    Chemicals, North West region 517w

    Coal, Pollution control 532w

    Coal Authority 74w

    Coal operating aid scheme 864-6w

    Construction, Apprentices 286w

    Construction, Standards 295-6w

    Corus, Government assistance 529-30w

    Electricity, Imports 289w

    Energy, EC action 724w

    Energy, EC internal trade 1582w

    Environment protection, EC action 866w

    European fusion programme 854w

    Fossil fuels, Scotland 529w

    Fuel poverty, Ethnic groups 262w

    Fuels, Retail trade 294w

    Garages and petrol stations, Petrol alternatives 1581w

    Garages and petrol stations, Rural areas 295w

    Gas and Electricity Markets Authority, Codes of practice 1129w, 1475w

    Gas fired power stations, Emergencies 863w

    High rise flats, Coventry 832w

    Industrial diseases, Waiting lists 868w

    Iron and steel, Balance of trade 856w

    Iron and steel, EC enlargement 856w

    Liabilities Management Authority 861w

    Liabilities Management Unit 862w

    Manufacturing industries, Conferences 851w

    Manufacturing industries, Exchange rates 852w

    Manufacturing industries, Manpower 288-9w

    Motor vehicles, Waste disposal 289w

    Natural resources, Reserves 290w

    Nuclear power, Conferences 872w

    Nuclear power stations, Decommissioning 865w

    Oil, Exploration 452w

    Oil and Gas Directorate, Aberdeen 1581-2w

    Oil and Gas Directorate, Manpower 859w

    Oil and Gas Industry Task Force 283-5w

    Oil and Gas Industry Task Force, Public appointments 284w

    PILOT, Public appointments 282-4w

    PILOT, Publications 284w

    Radioactive wastes, Sellafield 1128-9w

    Sellafield, Repairs and maintenance 531-2w

    Sellafield, Security 292w

    Sustainable development 290-1w

    United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority 860-1w

    Utilities, Unfair practices 517-8w

    Wind power, Cefn Croes 1583w

    Wind power, Environmental impact assessment 520w

    Wind power, Wales 520w


    Parish councils 655w

Wind power

    Environmental impact assessment 520w

Winnick, David

                  Debates etc.

    Social security benefits up-rating and guaranteed minimum pensions increase orders (25.02.02) 504-5


    Business questions 846

    Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards 74, 1466w

Winter fuel payments

Winterton, Mrs Ann

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall


    Bovine tuberculosis, Disease control 652-4w

    Bovine tuberculosis, Press releases 653w

    Common agricultural policy 1353w

    Fish, Conservation 651w

    Fisheries, Poland 276w

    Fishing vessels, Decommissioning 1359-60w

    Fishing vessels, Engines 275w

    Foot and mouth disease, Disease control 1346-7w

    Roads, Agricultural machinery 1186-7w

Winterton, Mr Nicholas


    Assisted areas, Scotland 141w

    Cheshire Constabulary, Finance 909-10w

    Economic and monetary union 1425w

    Females, Re-employment 310

    Manufacturing industries, Wales 1276w

    Police, Finance 910w

    Westminster Hall Sittings 71

    Zimbabwe, Politics and government 702

Winterton, Ms Rosie, Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Dept


    Accountancy, Lord Chancellor's Dept 1284w

    Cellular phones, Lord Chancellor's Dept 838w

    Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service 1554w

    Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service, Information technology 149-50w

    City of London Corporation, Lord Chancellor's Dept 848w

    Commission for Judicial Appointments 619w

    Conferences, Lord Chancellor's Dept 847-8w

    Courier services, Lord Chancellor's Dept 848w

    Departmental expenditure limits, Lord Chancellor's Dept 1190-2w

    Early retirement, Lord Chancellor's Dept 837w

    Eyesight, Lord Chancellor's Dept 839w

    Hotels, Lord Chancellor's Dept 837-8w

    Judge Advocate General, Visits abroad 156w

    Judiciary, Public appointments 840w

    Juries, Intimidation 158w

    Legal costs, Lord Chancellor's Dept 839w

    Legal profession, Pay 835w

    Legal Services Ombudsman, Training 77-8w

    Members' constituency work, Lord Chancellor's Dept 845w

    Ministerial powers, Lord Chancellor's Dept 615w

    Northern Ireland Court Service, Manpower 155w

    Older workers, Lord Chancellor's Dept 834w

    Orders and regulations, Lord Chancellor's Dept 833w

    Parking, Lord Chancellor's Dept 150-1w

    Public appointments, Lord Chancellor's Dept 842-6w

    Public Guardianship Office 155-6w

    Public Guardianship Office, Powers of attorney 837w

    Public Guardianship Office, Standards 834w

    Public Record Office, Visits abroad 847w

    Public records, Disclosure of information 617-9w

    Public records, Ireland 617w

    Publications, Lord Chancellor's Dept 848w

    Publicity, Lord Chancellor's Dept 1282-3w

    Railways, Lord Chancellor's Dept 834w

    Stress, Lord Chancellor's Dept 846-7w

    Theft, Lord Chancellor's Dept 834w

    Transport, Lord Chancellor's Dept 157-8w

    Work sharing, Lord Chancellor's Dept 846w

    Working hours, Lord Chancellor's Dept 845-6w


Wishart, Pete


    Business questions 849

    Contracts, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1537-8w

    Contracts, Dept for International Development 1465w

    Contracts, Dept of Trade and Industry 1484w

    Film, Foreign investment in UK 1636w

    Glasgow Airport, Railways 805w

    Legislation, Devolution 683w

    Nuclear power, Scotland 1488w

    Oil and Gas Directorate, Aberdeen 1581-2w

    Oil and Gas Directorate, Manpower 859w

    Railways, Borders region 822w

    Scottish Executive, Finance 1056w

    Scottish Parliament 632w

    Strathclyde Passenger Transport Authority, Circulars 1522w

    Wembley Stadium 712w


    Select committees 593w

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