Index for Volume 381continued
A Al At B Bi Bo Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh E Ed Et F Fo Fr G Gu H He Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Je K Kh L Li Lu M Ma Mc Mi Mu N Nu O P Pr Ps Q R Ri Ru S Sh Sk So Sq Sw T Ti Tu U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Soames, Mr Nicholas
Debates etc.
Territorial Army, Points of order (05.03.02) 217
Armed forces, Deployment 318w
Social Exclusion Unit
Community development 1071w
Social rented housing
Social security benefits
Automated credit transfer 413-4w
Social Security Benefits Agency
Social Security Contributions Agency
Social services
Social workers
Soley, Mr Clive
Debates etc.
Greater London (12.03.02) 833-4
Middle East, Peace negotiations 861w
Information officers 1117w
Orders and regulations 877w
Solihull Hospital
Solway Harvester
South Africa
South East and East of England Regional Air Services Study
South East Asia
South East London Combined Heat and Power
South East region
South Tyneside
South West region
Local education authorities 1135w
South West Regional Development Agency
South Yorkshire
Enterprise grant scheme 889w
Southworth, Ms Helen
Crown Prosecution Service 1013-4
Equal pay, North West region 1185w
Space technology
Speaker and deputies
Debates etc.
Amendments and new clauses (04.03.02) 41, 56, 65, 77, 99, (05.03.02) 155, 218, (06.03.02) 322, 346, 372, 375, (11.03.02) 648, 650-1, 670, 675, 679, 689, 707, 714, 721, (12.03.02) 760, (13.03.02) 907, 923, 932, 936, 952, 954, 973, (15.03.02) 1132, 1156, 1170, 1172, 1177
Conduct of proceedings (04.03.02) 51, 80, 87-8, (05.03.02) 135, 139, 141, 155-7, 161, 187, 197, 199, 205, 220, 222, (
06.03.02) 277-8, 303, 328, 330-1, 358, (07.03.02) 478, 492, (08.03.02) 541, 549, 573, (11.03.02) 643, 699, 703, 706, (12.03.02) 766, 773, 804, 834, (13.03.02) 873, 905, 929-30, 970, (14.03.02) 1002, 1005, 1029, 1065, 1076, 1079-80, 1086, 1091, 1108, (15.03.02) 1131, 1212
Disallowed questions (14.03.02) 1030
Orders and regulations motions (13.03.02) 988
Points of order (04.03.02) 21-2, 40, 65, (05.03.02) 151, 156, 161, 168, 172, 202, 217, 261, (06.03.02) 320-1, 328, 339, (07.03.02) 483, 514, (08.03.02) 610, (11.03.02) 637, 699, (12.03.02) 757, 834, 836, 842, 852, (13.03.02) 901, 906, 932, 970-1
Rulings and statements, Members (07.03.02) 522
Rulings and statements, Unparliamentary expressions (08.03.02) 576
Select committee motions (04.03.02) 123
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Conduct of proceedings (05.03.02) 23wh, 68wh, (06.03.02) 72wh, 88wh, 90wh, 100wh, 108wh, (07.03.02) 147wh, (12.03.02) 179wh, 195wh, 200wh, 210wh, (13.03.02) 268-9wh, 278wh, 285wh, 288wh, 295wh, 314wh, (14.03.02) 336wh, 343wh
Points of order (14.03.02) 355wh
Rulings and statements, Suspension of sittings (06.03.02) 89wh
Rulings and statements, Unparliamentary expressions (06.03.02) 88-9wh
Special education
Special voucher scheme
British overseas citizenship 161w
Specialist schools
Speech therapy
Speed governors
Speed limits
Road signs and markings 561w
Spellar, Rt Hon John, Minister for Transport, Department for Transport Local Government and the Regions
Central Railway, Freight 1278w
London Underground, Fares 370-1w
London Underground, Public private partnerships 169w
National Air Traffic Services, Finance 1275-6w
Railways, East Midlands 135-7
Railways, Franchises 1273w
Rolling stock, Procurement 1273w
Shoreham Port Authority, Public appointments 373w
Transport, North West region 172w
West coast railway line 138-40
Spelman, Mrs Caroline
Debates etc.
Equal opportunities, Females (14.03.02) 1069-76
Afghanistan, Females 648w
Afghanistan, Health services 1190w
Afghanistan, International assistance 1130w
Afghanistan, Microcredit programmes 1189w
Africa, Crime prevention 647w
Africa, Human trafficking 646w
Africa, International assistance 339-40w
Alternatives to prison, West Midlands 54w
Burkina Faso, Overseas aid 891w
Cameroon, Overseas aid 1188w
Cameroon, Politics and government 1188-9w
Cameroon, Primary education 1188w
Children, Human trafficking 646-7w
Developing countries, Disease control 336-7w
Developing countries, Overseas aid 276
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 341w, 1129w
Fair trade initiative, Dept for Education and Skills 758w
Fair trade initiative, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 642w
Fair trade initiative, Dept for International Development 339w
Fair trade initiative, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 179w
Fair trade initiative, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 606w
Fair trade initiative, Home Office 1103w
Fair trade initiative, Lord Chancellor's Dept 526w
Fair trade initiative, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 365w
Fair trade initiative, Treasury 110w
Microcredit programmes, Females 340w
South East Asia, Microfinance 271-2
Sub-Saharan Africa, Overseas aid 339w
Tanzania, Air traffic control 340w, 648w
Spicer, Sir Michael
Members, Correspondence 803-4w
Spinal injuries
Mid Sussex NHS Trust 850w
Spink, Bob
Debates etc.
Aerials, Petitions (04.03.02) 124
Marine Wildlife Conservation Bill, Rep and 3R (15.03.02) 1149-50
Ministerial statement intervention (06.03.02) 312
Oral question time intervention (04.03.02) 6
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Abortion, Overseas visitors 135w
Airports, South East region 1200w
Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment 1159w
Design, Dept for Education and Skills 769w
Foreign loans, World War II 1114w
General practitioners, Performance appraisal 289w
General practitioners, Standards 289-90w
Health authorities, Reform 816w
Health services, Overseas visitors 1141w
Hospital beds, South East region 1011w
LTS Rail, Passengers 191w
Ministerial policy advisors 871
Royal Institute of British Architects 1159w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 65w
Sport England
see English Sports Council
Sector skills councils 235w
Spring, Mr Richard