Index for Volume 382continued
A Al At B Bi Bo Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Du E Ed Ev F Fr G Gu H He Hi Hu I Ir J Jo K Ki L Li Lu M Mc Mo Mu N O P Pl Pu Q R Rh S Sh So Sq T Ti Tw U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Cellular phone masts
Cellular phones
Cendent Relocation (UK)
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 805w
Central America
Central Asia
Central Data Management Authority
Central Government Audit and Accountability Review
Central Office of Information
Central Railway
Centre for Management and Policy Studies
Cervical cancer
Challen, Mr Colin
Debates etc.
Hunting (18.03.02) 57, 72
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Channel tunnel
Chapman, Mr Ben
Clergy, Conditions of employment 580w
Climate Change Convention 714w
Elections, Northern Ireland 336-7w
Magistrates, Social class 412w
Passenger transport executives, Allowances 660w
Chapman, Sir Sydney
Human Rights Act 1998 1060w
Proscribed organisations 596w
Chaytor, Mr David
Debates etc.
Iraq, Politics and government 50-1w
Redundancy, Aviation 634w
Chemical and biological warfare
"Chemical Defence Establishment Technical Paper 137"
Chemical weapons
Chief of Defence Logistics
see Defence Logistics Organisation
Child benefit
Washington Tyne and Wear 1000w
Child Support Agency
Departmental responsibilities 996w
Ministerial statements (20.03.02) 315-24
Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service
Children in care
General certificate of secondary education 436w
Offences against children 481-2w
Children's tax credit
Chinese community
Barnet Primary Care Trust 780w
Chinook helicopters
Opposition days (19.03.02) 235-73
Portsmouth and South East Hampshire Health Authority 762-3w
Chope, Mr Christopher
Debates etc.
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Council housing, Standards 662-3w
Early retirement, Ministry of Defence 546w
Equitable Life Independent Inquiry 747w
Incapacity benefit, Appeals 146-8w
Incapacity benefit, Medical examinations 416-8w
Manpower, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 267w
Ministers, Codes of practice 1w
Pensioners, Income support 153w
Social rented housing, Standards 663w
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Church of England
Repairs and maintenance 559
Dept for Education and Skills 624w
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 824w
Learning and Skills Council for England 107-8w
Citizens' advice bureaux
Human Rights Act 1998 1060w
City of London Corporation
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 112w
City of London (Ward Elections) Bill 1998/99
Debates etc.
Order for further consideration read (21.03.02) 415, (26.03.02) 685
City of Westminster
Civil defence
Civil Defence (Grant) Act 2002
Civil disorder
Yarls Wood Detention Centre 1064w
Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982
Civil proceedings
Legal representation 621w
Civil servants
Disciplinary proceedings 23w
Political impartiality 449w
Civil service agencies
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 833-4w
Claims Direct
Clapham, Mr Michael
Afghanistan, Peace keeping operations 8
Clappison, Mr James
Children's tax credit 741w
Jobcentre Plus, Closed circuit television 151-2w
Working families tax credit 740w
Working families tax credit, Abuse 852-3w
Clark, Mrs Helen
Departmental reorganisation, Dept for Work and Pensions 239-41w
Institutional care, Fees and charges 157-8w
Sexual offences, Probation and aftercare 283-4w
Clark, Dr Lynda, Advocate General for Scotland
Cost effectiveness, Advocate General for Scotland 179w
Devolution, Scotland 156-7
Nuclear power stations, Scotland 680-1w
Clark, Paul
Clarke, Rt Hon Kenneth
Debates etc.
Barcelona Summit (EC) (18.03.02) 27-8
Clarke, Rt Hon Tom
Disabled, Human rights 885w
Clarke, Mr Tony
Debates etc.
Consignia (25.03.02) 571-2
Organised crime, Northern Ireland 335w
Terrorism, Northern Ireland 292-3
Class sizes
Conditions of employment 580w
Cleveland Constabulary
Clifton-Brown, Mr Geoffrey
Debates etc.
Excise duties, Petrol alternatives 1034w
Government Car and Despatch Agency, Petrol 817w
National Air Traffic Services, Computers 232-3w
National Air Traffic Services, Industrial health and safety 232w
National Air Traffic Services, Interest charges 232w
Swanwick Air Traffic Control Centre 231w
Written questions, Administrative delays 39w
Climate Change Convention
Commonwealth Heads of Government Conference 323-4w
Climate change levy
Manufacturing industries 456w
Closed circuit television
Clwyd, Ann
Coalfields Regeneration Trust, Cynon Valley 614w
Disadvantaged, Cynon Valley 320w
MMR vaccine, Cynon Valley 442w
Clyde Shipyards Task Force