Index for Volume 382continued
A Al At B Bi Bo Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Du E Ed Ev F Fr G Gu H He Hi Hu I Ir J Jo K Ki L Li Lu M Mc Mo Mu N O P Pl Pu Q R Rh S Sh So Sq T Ti Tw U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Fabricant, Michael
Debates etc.
Afghanistan, Armed conflict (20.03.02) 338
Barcelona Summit (EC) (18.03.02) 34
Oral question time intervention (21.03.02) 419
Armed forces, Deployment 63-4w
Females, Departmental responsibilities 460w
Members, Correspondence 19w
World War I, Capital punishment 17
Facsimile transmission
Unsolicited goods and services 459w
Fair trade initiative
Northern Ireland Office 537w
Faith schools
Falkland Islands
Fallon, Mr Michael
Astra Windows, Company liquidations 801w
Family Law Act 1996
Family practitioner services
Farming and Food for England Policy Commission
see Future of Farming and Food Policy Commission
Farrelly, Paul
Defence Analytical Services Agency, Standards 843w
Organised crime, Northern Ireland 335w
Schools, Private finance initiative 901-2w
Departmental responsibilities 460w
General practitioners 762w
Government departments 815w
Public appointments 430-1
Festivals and special occasions
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 42w, 508w
Dept for Education and Skills 895w
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1024w
Dept for International Development 883w
Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 237-8w, 665w
Dept for Work and Pensions 988w
Dept of Trade and Industry 683w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 510-1w
Field, Rt Hon Frank
Debates etc.
Chinook helicopters (19.03.02) 259-60
State Pension Credit Bill (HL), 2R (25.03.02) 634-6
Legal aid scheme, Civil proceedings 650-1w
Pensions, Public sector 1001w
Primary care trusts, Wirral 931w
Relatives and Residents Association, Finance 157w
State second pension 993w
Field, Mr Mark
BBC, Public appointments 389w
Housing benefit, Reform 147w
Hyde Park, Festivals and special occasions 388w
World Economic Forum 76-7w
Financial institutions
Financial services
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000
Finchley Memorial Hospital
Fire prevention
Aylesbury Young Offender Institution 93w
Warehouses (18.03.02) 142-8
Fire services
Fire stations
Firearms (Amendment) (No 2) Act 1997
Firearms Consultative Committee
Firing ranges
Fish farming
Fishery agreements
EC external relations 1023w
Fishing vessels
Fitzsimons, Lorna
Debates etc.
Community Legal Service, Disadvantaged 182w
Queen Elizabeth II, Anniversaries 450-1w
Flexible working
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 389w
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 265-6w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 197-8w
President of the Council 615w
Flight, Mr Howard
Debates etc.
State Pension Credit Bill (HL), 2R (25.03.02) 632-4
Business, Regulation 738w
National insurance contributions 738w
Flint, Caroline
Organised crime, Northern Ireland 294-5
Flood control
Flook, Mr Adrian
Debates etc.
Agriculture, Somerset (25.03.02) 679-80
Entry clearances, Poland 94-5w
Local education authorities, South West region 250-2w
Flynn, Paul
Debates etc.
Football (Disorder) (Amendment) Bill, Lords amendts (26.03.02) 722-3
State Pension Credit Bill (HL), 2R (25.03.02) 601, 610, 629-32
International Film School 566w
Folic acid
Follett, Barbara
Tax Law Rewrite Project 739w
Valuation Office, Standards 853-4w
Foot and mouth disease
Football Association
Football (Disorder) (Amendment) Bill 2001/02
Debates etc.
Lords amendts (26.03.02) 717-23
Forced labour
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Bloody Sunday Tribunal of Inquiry 1032w
Cendent Relocation (UK) 805w
Festivals and special occasions 510-1w
Higher civil servants 609w
Ministerial policy advisors 383w
Foreign investment in UK
Foreign relations
Foreign workers
Forest Enterprise
Sustainable development 124w
Social security benefits 428w
Forth, Mr Eric
Debates etc.
Business questions, Points of order (21.03.02) 472
Easter adjournment debate intervention (26.03.02) 762
Enterprise Bill, Points of order (21.03.02) 471
Members' interests (26.03.02) 710-1
Oral question time intervention (20.03.02) 291
Recess motions (26.03.02) 788-92
Business statements 433-6
Public appointments, Cabinet Office 584-7w
Public appointments, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 381-2w
Public appointments, Prime Minister 883w
Foster, Mr Don
Debates etc.
Easter adjournment debate intervention (26.03.02) 764
Railtrack (25.03.02) 585-6
Aerials, Planning permission 80w
Fire prevention, Grants 670w
Fire services, Terrorism 960w
Motor vehicles, Testing 676-7w
Public transport, Standards 661w
Railway stations, Information services 20-1w
Railways, Concessions 953w
Research, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 667-8w
Train operating companies 20w
Visits abroad, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 273w
Visits abroad, Dept of Trade and Industry 682-3w
Visits abroad, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 511w
Visits abroad, Ministry of Defence 546w
Foster, Mr Michael Jabez, (Hastings and Rye)
Debates etc.
Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, Addresses to the Crown (03.04.02) 814-5
Elections, Northern Ireland 336-7w
Foster, Mr Michael John, (Worcester)
Debates etc.
Waste Minimisation and Recycling Fund 833w
Foster care
National insurance credits 597w
Foulkes, Mr George, Minister of State, Scotland Office
Aggregates, Scotland 176w
Aggregates levy, Scotland 176w
Clyde Shipyards Task Force 176-7w
Winter fuel payments, Scotland 176w
Working families tax credit, Scotland 178w
Fox, Dr Liam
Alcoholic drinks, Misuse 435w
Cervical cancer, Screening 165w
Children in care, General certificate of secondary education 436w
Health, Young people 1047w
Health services, Equal opportunities 765-6w
Healthy living centres, Northumberland 435w
Hospitals, Waiting lists 757w
Institutional care, Registration 766-7w
Mentally ill, Community care 528-9w
Tuberculosis, Vaccination 433w