Index for Volume 382continued
A Al At B Bi Bo Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Du E Ed Ev F Fr G Gu H He Hi Hu I Ir J Jo K Ki L Li Lu M Mc Mo Mu N O P Pl Pu Q R Rh S Sh So Sq T Ti Tw U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Heald, Mr Oliver
Debates etc.
Afghanistan, Armed conflict (20.03.02) 341
Oral question time intervention (26.03.02) 694
Compulsorily detained mental patients 775w
Defence Medical Services 559w
Mental health services 775w
Mental health services, Expenditure 771-6w
Mentally ill, Elderly 771w
Primary care trusts 1036w
Primary care trusts, Finance 937-8w
Surgery, Private sector 699
Healey, John, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Education and Skills
Debates etc.
Education (19.03.02) 224-7
Computers within reach programme 254-5w
Individual learning accounts 497-9w
Individual learning accounts, Take-up 247-8w
Schools, Drinking water 253-4w
Schools, Pornography 247w
Schools, Private finance initiative 901-2w
Teachers, Information technology 256w
Wired up communities initiative 252-3w
Woodmancote School, Land 252w
Developing countries 369w
Health and Safety Executive
Health authorities
Health education
Health hazards
Electromagnetic fields 437w
Health insurance
Dept for Education and Skills 500w
Health Professions Council
Health services
Healthy living centres
Hearing aids
Stepping Hill Hospital 916w
Hearing impaired
Heath, Mr David
Debates etc.
Agriculture, Somerset (25.03.02) 681
Council tax (26.03.02) 761-5
Easter adjournment debate intervention (26.03.02) 746-7
Ambulance services, Standards 910w
EC common foreign and security policy 11-2
Heathcoat-Amory, Rt Hon David
Debates etc.
Barcelona Summit (EC) (18.03.02) 31
Heathrow Airport
Heavily indebted poor countries initiative
Hedges and ditches
Repairs and maintenance 1016w
Hemswell Cliff
Henderson, Mr Doug
Debates etc.
Afghanistan, Armed conflict (20.03.02) 354-6
Henderson, Mr Ivan
Debates etc.
Firing ranges, Shoeburyness 848w
Pensioners, Winter fuel payments 1004w
Rwanda, Overseas aid 876w
Television, Licensing 575w
Hendrick, Mr Mark
Debates etc.
Afghanistan, Armed conflict (20.03.02) 328
Court of Protection, Preston 179w
Drugs, Health education 337w
Hendry, Mr Charles
Debates etc.
Hepburn, Mr Stephen
Individual learning accounts, Take-up 247-8w
Water sports, North East region 1025-6w
Water sports, Publications 1026w
Hercules aircraft
Hermon, Lady
Debates etc.
Castlereagh, Points of order (19.03.02) 170-1
Elections, Northern Ireland 288
Hesford, Stephen
Learning support units 254w
Hewitt, Rt Hon Ms Patricia, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry
Debates etc.
Consignia, Ministerial statements (25.03.02) 565-80
Alcoholic drinks, Measurement 75w
Arthur Andersen, Dept of Trade and Industry 788w
Arthur Andersen, Northern Ireland Office 788w
Astrophysics, Monitoring 796w
British Petroleum, Dept of Trade and Industry 799-800w
Coal, Pollution control 455w
Common customs tariffs 696w
Conferences, Dept of Trade and Industry 788-9w
Contracts, Dept of Trade and Industry 84w
Correspondence, Dept of Trade and Industry 790-1w
Crimes against property, Dept of Trade and Industry 361w
Dept of Trade and Industry 79w
Disability aids, Sight impaired 76w
Discrimination, Dept of Trade and Industry 79w
Discrimination, EC action 380-1w
"Draught Beer and Cider Consultation Paper" 78w
Engineers, Dept of Trade and Industry 365-6w
Environment protection, Dept of Trade and Industry 456w
Equal opportunities, Dept of Trade and Industry 80w
Equal pay, North West region 77w
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 361w
Females, Departmental responsibilities 460w
Females, Public appointments 430-1
Festivals and special occasions, Dept of Trade and Industry 683w
Flexible working, Productivity 460w
General Agreement on Trade in Services, Higher education 693w
Government departments, Repairs and maintenance 684w
Hotels, Dept of Trade and Industry 682w
Human rights, Dept of Trade and Industry 702w
Individual voluntary arrangements 366w
Industry, Higher education 453w
Intellectual property, Trade agreements 86-7w
International Women's Day 461w
Internet, Dept of Trade and Industry 796w
Iron and steel, Manpower 453-4w
Iron and steel, USA 423-7
Iron and steel, Wales 453w
Magistrates, Dept of Trade and Industry 693w
Manpower, Dept of Trade and Industry 790w
Manufacturing industries, Climate change levy 456w
National Physical Laboratory 795w
New deal for young people, Dept of Trade and Industry 701w
New deal schemes, Dept of Trade and Industry 700-1w
Non-governmental organisations, Dept of Trade and Industry 362w
Nurseries, Dept of Trade and Industry 701w
Official hospitality, Dept of Trade and Industry 682w
Orders and regulations, Dept of Trade and Industry 681w
Post offices, Bank services 697w
Postal services, Standards 794w
Private finance initiative, Dept of Trade and Industry 701-2w
Public private partnerships, Dept of Trade and Industry 81w, 702w
Publicity, Dept of Trade and Industry 789w
Rolls-Royce, Public appointments 804w
Science, Dept of Trade and Industry 457w
Science, Professional organisations 365w
Small businesses, Loan guarantee scheme 242w
Standards, Dept of Trade and Industry 81w, 702w
Technology, Dept of Trade and Industry 458w
Television, Electric shock 678w
Territorial Army, Dept of Trade and Industry 691w
Trade agreements, Drugs 245-6w
Vibration white finger 456w
Visits abroad, Dept of Trade and Industry 682-3w
Women and Equality Unit, Science 429-30
Wood, Dept of Trade and Industry 361-2w
World Economic Forum 76-7w