Index for Volume 382continued
A Al At B Bi Bo Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Du E Ed Ev F Fr G Gu H He Hi Hu I Ir J Jo K Ki L Li Lu M Mc Mo Mu N O P Pl Pu Q R Rh S Sh So Sq T Ti Tw U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Jack, Rt Hon Michael
Debates etc.
Employee share ownership schemes, Advertising 854-5w
Refrigeration, Hazardous materials 134w
Jackson, Helen
Iron and steel, USA 424-5
Police, Northern Ireland 333-4w
Weapons, Northern Ireland 289-90
Jamieson, Mr David, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions
Air routes, Inverness 942w
Air traffic control, Prestwick 668w
Airlines, Government assistance 231w
Airports, Administrative delays 230w
Airports, Fees and charges 351-3w
Airports, Landing rights 491w
Airports, South East region 942w
Aviation, Government assistance 943w
British Transport Police, Arrest warrants 660w
British Transport Police, Manpower 660w
Central Railway, Freight 658-9w
Crew relief costs scheme 348w
Driving, Working hours 40w
Driving under influence 360w
EU Transport and Telecommunications Council, Scottish Executive 237w
Fishing vessels, Accidents 346-7w
Great Central Railway 228w
Highways Agency, Broadspring Wood 32w
Liquefied petroleum gas 344-5w
Liquefied petroleum gas, Safety 25-6w
London Underground, Rolling stock 946w
Maritime and Coastguard Agency, Information technology 488-9w
Maritime and Coastguard Agency, Property transfer 346w
Maritime and Coastguard Agency, Standards 941w
Motor vehicles, Pollution control 484w
Motor vehicles, Registration 237w
Motor vehicles, Testing 676-7w
National Air Traffic Services, Computers 232-3w
National Air Traffic Services, Finance 943w
National Air Traffic Services, Industrial health and safety 232w
National Air Traffic Services, Interest charges 232w
Navigation, Estuaries 31w
Ports, EC grants and loans 940w
Ports, Government assistance 940w
Public transport, Standards 661w
Queen Elizabeth II, Anniversaries 349w
Railway stations, Information services 20-1w
Railways, Concessions 953w
Railways, Electrification 953w
Railways, Repairs and maintenance 950w
Railways, West Midlands 21w
Rescue services, Brixham 39-40w
Research, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 40-1w, 667-8w, 976w
Road signs and markings, Standards 672w
Roads, South West region 670w
Rolling stock, Cultural heritage 949w
Shipping, Conditions of employment 346w
Shipping, Disclosure of information 490w
Shipping, EC grants and loans 347w, 941w
Shipping, Proof of identity 228-9w
Shipping, Registration 489w
Shipping, Tax allowances 348w
Shoreham Port Authority 36-7w
South West Trains, Franchises 952w
Supply estimates, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 221w
Train operating companies 20w
Trans-European networks 350-2w
Transport, Rural areas 24-5w
Wembley Park Station, Repairs and maintenance 674w
Written questions, Administrative delays 39w
Jeans, Simon
Jenkin, Mr Bernard
Debates etc.
Afghanistan, Standing order no 24 applications (19.03.02) 169
Oral question time intervention (18.03.02) 12
Afghanistan, Armed forces 546-7w
Afghanistan, International cooperation 208-9w
Afghanistan, Peace keeping operations 208-9w
Air force, Deployment 65w
Apache AH-64 helicopter 552w
Ballistic missile defence 844w
Cost effectiveness, Ministry of Defence 205-6w
Defence equipment, Procurement 2-3, 206w
Defence Evaluation and Research Agency 560-1w
Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, Consultants 547w
Defence Logistics Organisation 206-7w
Defence Procurement Agency 64w
Dockyards, Flexible working 65w
EC common foreign and security policy 11
Helicopters, Repairs and maintenance 1016w
Logistics, Ministry of Defence 553-4w
Research, Ministry of Defence 552-3w
USA, Ministry of Defence 559w
Warships, Repairs and maintenance 71w
Jenkins, Mr Brian
Councillors, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 720w
Councillors, Dept for International Development 471w
Councillors, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 665-6w
Councillors, Treasury 736w
Land Registry, Standards 840w
Magistrates, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 505w
Magistrates, Dept for International Development 471w
Magistrates, Dept of Trade and Industry 693w
Territorial Army, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 392w
Territorial Army, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 718w
Territorial Army, Dept for International Development 470w
Territorial Army, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 217w
Territorial Army, Dept of Trade and Industry 691w
Territorial Army, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 382w
Territorial Army, Lord Chancellor's Dept 414w
Territorial Army, Ministry of Defence 318-9w
Territorial Army, Treasury 332-3w
Textiles, Government assistance 792w