Index for Volume 383continued
A Am B Bi Bo Bu By C Ch Co Cr D Dh Dy E Ef Ex F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Ju K Kn L Li Lu M Mc Mi Mu N Nu O Ow P Pl Ps Q R Ri S Sh Sm So Sq T Ti Tu U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Dairy farming
Dalyell, Mr Tam
Debates etc.
Middle East, Armed conflict (10.04.02) 31
Smallpox, Vaccination 922w
Dangerous driving
Darling, Rt Hon Alistair, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions
Debates etc.
Child Support Agency, Standards 695w
Data protection
Lord Chancellor's Dept 545w
Data Protection Act 1998
Davey, Mr Edward
Debates etc.
Housing Benefit (Withholding of Payment) Bill, 2R (19.04.02) 879-80
Industrial and Provident Societies Bill, Rep and 3R (19.04.02) 843, 848
National Heritage Bill (HL), Rep and 3R (19.04.02) 868
Private Hire Vehicles (Carriage of Guide Dogs Etc) Bill, 2R (19.04.02) 873-5
Davey, Mrs Valerie
Afghanistan, International assistance 988w
Information technology, Dept for Education and Skills 965-6w
Swimming, Curriculum 897w
David, Mr Wayne
Sittings in Westminster Hall
EC grants and loans, Wales 8
Davidson, Mr Ian
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Armed forces, Education 711w
Higher civil servants, Education 984w
Higher civil servants, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 725-6w
Davies, Rt Hon Denzil
Convention on the Future of Europe 52w, 524w
EC grants and loans, Wales 9
Davies, Mr Quentin
Debates etc.
Electoral Fraud (Northern Ireland) Bill, Programme motion and Lords amendts (15.04.02) 366-70, 375, 381
Northern Ireland, Points of order (10.04.02) 39
Bloody Sunday Tribunal of Inquiry 711-2w
British Irish Council 48w
British Irish Intergovernmental Conference 34w, 37w
Extradition, Northern Ireland 643w
Neave, Airey, Homicide 361w
North South Ministerial Council 35w
Prisoners' release, Northern Ireland 718w
Scheduled offences, Northern Ireland 718w
Davis, Rt Hon David
Dental health, Children 1241w
National Lottery, Grants 1040w
Parish councils, Resignations 1088w
Dawson, Mr Hilton
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Sure start programme (17.04.02) 201-3wh
Developing countries, Education 560-1
Day care
Death rate
Deep vein thrombosis
Bedford Borough Council (16.04.02) 550-6
Defence Aviation Repair Agency
Defence Clothing and Integrated Project Team
Defence equipment
Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
Defence Medical Services
Defence Pay and Personnel Agency
see Pay and Personnel Agency
Defence Vetting Agency
Deloitte and Touche
Andersen Consulting 1135w
Planning permission 1093w
Denham, Rt Hon John, Minister of State, Home Office
Children and Young People's Unit 634w
Community policing, Greater Manchester 565w
Crime, Alcoholic drinks 568w
Crimes of violence, Public transport 760-1w
Criminal investigation, Fingerprints 868w
Criminal Records Bureau 345w
Driving, Cellular phones 762w
Driving offences, Speed limits 339-41w
Driving under influence, Arrests 342w
Football, Hooliganism 343w
Identification of criminals, Genetics 770w
Independent Police Complaints Commission 765w
Members, Correspondence 1160w
Metropolitan Police, Complaints 758w
Metropolitan Police, London allowance 763w
Metropolitan Police, Retirement 337w
Neave, Airey, Homicide 361w
Neighbourhood wardens, Lancashire 343w
Police, Early retirement 761w
Road traffic offences, Cycling 764w
Road traffic offences, Fixed penalties 357-8w
Thames Valley Police, Finance 342w
Dental health
Dental services
Departmental expenditure limits
Dept for Education and Skills 966w
Departmental reorganisation
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 844w
Departmental responsibilities
Depressive illnesses
Deprivation indicators
Dept for Culture Media and Sport
Official hospitality 319w
Parliamentary questions 318w
Part-time employment 955w
Public participation 317w
Public private partnerships 305w
Dept for Education and Skills
Departmental expenditure limits 966w
Festivals and special occasions 114-5w
New deal for young people 115w
Orders and regulations 966w
Parliamentary questions 160w
Part-time employment 657w
Private finance initiative 1129w
Public private partnerships 897w
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
Fair trade initiative 878w
Festivals and special occasions 589-90w
Gender impact assessment 271w
Information officers 271w
New deal for young people 1068w
Parliamentary questions 300w
Part-time employment 932w
Private finance initiative 613-4w
Public participation 611w
Public private partnerships 613-4w
Dept for International Development
Information technology 223w
New deal for young people 998w
Non-departmental public bodies 997w
Official hospitality 217w
Parliamentary questions 217w
Private finance initiative 997w
Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions
Crimes against property 86w
Disciplinary proceedings 1087w
Employment tribunals 1086w
Gender impact assessment 83-4w
New deal for young people 737w
Non-departmental public bodies 1084-5w
Official hospitality 1085w
Parliamentary questions 89w
Part-time employment 504w
Public participation 738w
Public private partnerships 84w
Dept for Work and Pensions
Fair trade initiative 1002w
Information technology 553w
Ministerial policy advisors 225w
New deal for young people 1115w
Parliamentary questions 225-6w
Dept of Health
Crimes against property 676-7w
Festivals and special occasions 666w, 911w
New deal for young people 912w
Official hospitality 687w
Parliamentary questions 422w
Part-time employment 922w
Private finance initiative 455w
Regulatory Impact Unit 456w
Dept of Trade and Industry
Electronic government 375w
Part-time employment 1154w
Public participation 384w
Deregulation and Regulatory Reform Select Committee
Derelict land
Property development 507w
Developing countries
see also Heavily indebted poor countries initiative
Export credit guarantees 564-5
Development aid
Development plans
Foot and mouth disease 267w