Index for Volume 383continued
A Am B Bi Bo Bu By C Ch Co Cr D Dh Dy E Ef Ex F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Ju K Kn L Li Lu M Mc Mi Mu N Nu O Ow P Pl Ps Q R Ri S Sh Sm So Sq T Ti Tu U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Hain, Rt Hon Peter, Minister for Europe, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Committee of Permanent Representatives 834w
EC law, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 53-4w
Gibraltar, Anniversaries 55w
International Monetary Fund 648w
Hall, Patrick
Debates etc.
Bedford Borough Council, Defamation (16.04.02) 550-3
Hamilton, Mr Fabian
Debates etc.
Middle East, Armed conflict (16.04.02) 507-9
Hammond, Mr Philip
Debates etc.
Copyright Etc and Trade Marks (Offences and Enforcement) Bill, 3R (12.04.02) 286-7, 292
Road traffic offences, Cycling 764w
Hancock, Mr Mike
Debates etc.
City of London (Ward Elections) Bill, Rep and 3R (15.04.02) 423
Afghanistan, Armed conflict 15w
Armed forces, Discharges 709w
Hospitals, Common land 671w
In vitro fertilisation 420w
Independent Police Complaints Commission 765w
Middle East, Armed conflict 18-9
NHS, Property transfer 441w
Pensioners, Income support 229w
Prisoners, Rehabilitation 560-1w
Prisons, Overcrowding 561w
St James' Hospital Portsmouth, Property transfer 482-3w
Sierra Leone, Armed forces 13-4w
Social workers, Codes of practice 675w
War pensions, Appeals 24w
War pensions, Discharges 24w
Winter fuel payments 1112w
Harman, Rt Hon Harriet, Solicitor-General
Bloody Sunday Tribunal of Inquiry 860w
Correspondence, Solicitor-General 859-60w
Crimes against property, Solicitor-General 530w
Crown Prosecution Service, Cellular phones 1209-10w
Energy, Solicitor-General 961w
Human rights, Solicitor-General 858-9w
Information officers, Solicitor-General 860-1w
Jobseeker's allowance, Solicitor-General 530-1w
Ministerial policy advisors, Solicitor-General 962w, 1210w
New deal schemes, Solicitor-General 857-8w
Operating costs, Solicitor-General 1208-9w
Private finance initiative, Solicitor-General 962-3w
Public private partnerships, Solicitor-General 963w
Publications, Solicitor-General 1209w
Recruitment, Solicitor-General 960-1w
Sexual offences, Criminal proceedings 1209w
Standards, Solicitor-General 12w
Standards, Treasury Solicitor's Dept 860w, 963w
Theft, Solicitor-General 962w
Harrier aircraft
Harris, Dr Evan
Debates etc.
Accident and emergency departments, Nurses 490w
Accident and emergency departments, Waiting lists 462w
Breast cancer, Screening 451w
Campsfield House Detention Centre 770w
Dental services, Children 477-8w
Doctors, Disciplinary proceedings 691w
Doctors, Recruitment 674w
General practitioners, Manpower 675-6w
NHS trusts, Procurement 692w
Paediatrics, Intensive care 781w
Patients, Per capita costs 413-4w
Respiratory syncytial virus 666w
Harris, Mr Tom
Debates etc.
Enterprise Bill, 2R (10.04.02) 66
Harte, Shaun
Harvey, Nick
Billing, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 322-3w
Digital broadcasting 635w
Independent Television Commission 316w
Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 316w
Office of Communications 513w
Public libraries, Internet 321w
Public libraries, Manpower 315-6w
Public libraries, Pay 315w
Television, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1072w
Television, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 521w
Tourism, EC grants and loans 323-4w
Hawkins, Mr Nick
Zimbabwe, Politics and government 565-6
Hayes, Mr John
Debates etc.
Budget April 2002 (17.04.02) 628-9
Private Hire Vehicles (Carriage of Guide Dogs Etc) Bill, 2R (19.04.02) 872, 874
Class sizes, Lincolnshire 193w
Pre-school education, Lincolnshire 662w
Hazardous materials
Heads of state
Charitable donations 777w
Official hospitality 777w
Heald, Mr Oliver
Debates etc.
Budget April 2002 (18.04.02) 802
Agency nurses, Conditions of employment 463w, 781w
Depressive illnesses 688w
Mental health services, Finance 457w
Mental patients, Malnutrition 917-8w
Mentally ill, Homelessness 457w
Healey, John, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Education and Skills
Capita, Individual learning accounts 191w
Class sizes, Lincolnshire 193w
Individual learning accounts 897-8w
Individual learning accounts, EC grants and loans 194w
Information technology, Skilled workers 117-9w
National training organisations 194w
Primary education, Travel 120w
Schools, Playing fields 655w
Schools, Public private partnerships 194w
Schools, Repairs and maintenance 156w
Health action zones
Health authorities
Public appointments 1186w
Health education
Health hazards
Health services
Health Trends Review
Hearing aids
Hearing impaired
Heart diseases
Heath, Mr David
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Heathrow Airport
Heavily indebted poor countries initiative
Helicopter carriers
Hemswell Cliff
Henderson, Mr Ivan
Firing ranges, Shoeburyness 940w
Ophthalmic services, Pensioners 476-7w
Hendrick, Mr Mark
Debates etc.
Industrial and Provident Societies Bill, Rep and 3R (19.04.02) 823
Sittings in Westminster Hall
EC enlargement (16.04.02) 109wh
Afghanistan, Politics and government 829w
Hendry, Mr Charles
Flood control, EC grants and loans 933w
Zimbabwe, Politics and government 565
Hepburn, Mr Stephen
Cystic fibrosis, Northern region 1181w
Driving offences, Speed limits 339w
Football, Hooliganism 343w
Hermon, Lady
Debates etc.
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Magistrates' courts, Larne (17.04.02) 221wh
Judiciary, Northern Ireland 967w
Hewitt, Rt Hon Ms Patricia, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry
Debates etc.
Enterprise Bill, 2R (10.04.02) 44-53
Administration, Dept of Trade and Industry 399w
Advertising, Dept of Trade and Industry 745-6w
Chemicals Innovation and Growth Team 1204w
Companies, Higher education 387-8w
Conferences, Dept of Trade and Industry 1200w
Contracts, Dept of Trade and Industry 531-3w
Economic cooperation, Israel 1201-2w
Electricity generation, Markets 748w
Electronic commerce, Standards 388w
Electronic government, Dept of Trade and Industry 375w
European Space Agency 1137w
European Space Agency, Satellites 1135w
Export credit guarantees 370w
Export credit guarantees, Fossil fuelled power stations 370-1w, 533-4w
Export credit guarantees, Thailand 371w
Females, Public appointments 1121w
Identity cards, Dept of Trade and Industry 847w
Internet, Dept of Trade and Industry 393w
Legal costs, Dept of Trade and Industry 393w
Ministerial policy advisors, Dept of Trade and Industry 398-9w, 848w
Motor sports, Government assistance 362-3w
National Weights and Measures Laboratory, Standards 378w
New businesses, Standards 387w
Open government, Dept of Trade and Industry 388-90w
Orders and regulations, Dept of Trade and Industry 1146-52w
Overtime, Dept of Trade and Industry 934-5w
Part-time employment, Dept of Trade and Industry 1154w
Pay, Dept of Trade and Industry 1153-4w
Press, Dept of Trade and Industry 397-8w
Private finance initiative, Dept of Trade and Industry 399w, 846w, 937w
Procurement, Dept of Trade and Industry 399w
Productivity, Standards 385w
Public appointments, Dept of Trade and Industry 390-2w, 395-8w
Public expenditure, Dept of Trade and Industry 400w
Public participation, Dept of Trade and Industry 384w
Publications, Dept of Trade and Industry 1154w
Publicity, Dept of Trade and Industry 1200w
Railways, Dept of Trade and Industry 847w
Research, EC action 1137w
Science enterprise challenge 376w
Scotland, Dept of Trade and Industry 384w
Secondment, Dept of Trade and Industry 393-4w
Small businesses, Productivity 385w
Sponsorship, Dept of Trade and Industry 541w
Standards, Dept of Trade and Industry 385w
Television, Dept of Trade and Industry 638-9w
Theft, Dept of Trade and Industry 400w
Trade agreements, Developing countries 1138w
Trade agreements, Environment protection 369-70w
Training, Dept of Trade and Industry 935-6w
Visits abroad, Dept of Trade and Industry 746w, 848w
Widowed people, Social security benefits 639w
Women's Employment Enterprise and Training Unit 1133w
World Trade Organisation 372w
Written questions, Administrative delays 847w
Written questions, Dept of Trade and Industry 1154w