Index for Volume 383continued
A Am B Bi Bo Bu By C Ch Co Cr D Dh Dy E Ef Ex F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Ju K Kn L Li Lu M Mc Mi Mu N Nu O Ow P Pl Ps Q R Ri S Sh Sm So Sq T Ti Tu U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Higher civil servants
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 725-6w
Higher education
Hill farming
Hip replacements
Historic buildings
HM Chief Inspector of Schools
see Office for Standards in Education
HMS Cardiff
HMS Fearless
HMS Illustrious
HMS Intrepid
HMS Newcastle
HMS Talent
Hoban, Mr Mark
Debates etc.
Enterprise Bill, 2R (10.04.02) 106-7
Business, Higher education 392-4w
Hepatitis, Vaccination 676w
M27, Repairs and maintenance 104-5w
Members, Correspondence 685w
NHS trusts, Finance 1190w
Primary care trusts, Contracts 1190w
Hodge, Margaret, Minister of State for Universities, Dept for Education and Skills
Child minding, Regulation 665w
EC law, Dept for Education and Skills 112w
Further education, Inspections 158w
Graduates, Unemployment 731-2w
Higher education, Engineering 657-8w
Higher education, Student numbers 658-61w
Higher education, Student wastage 663w
Higher education, Wales 1132w
Pre-school education 159w
Pre-school education, Greater London 896w
Pre-school education, Lincolnshire 662w
Sixth form education, Finance 656-7w
Skilled workers, Coastal areas 664w
Special education, Learning disability 1127w
Student numbers, Social work 1125-6w
Vocational education 1128w
Hoey, Miss Kate
Members, Correspondence 1158w
Hogg, Rt Hon Douglas
Debates etc.
Middle East, Armed conflict (10.04.02) 30-1
Holmes, Paul
Disability living allowance 888w
Information technology, Skilled workers 117-9w
Schools, Public private partnerships 194w
Home care services
Home energy efficiency scheme
Home Office
Crimes against property 360w
Official hospitality 348w
Parliamentary questions 634w
Home visits
General practitioners 910w
Homelessness Act 2002
Hood, Mr Jimmy
EU Transport and Telecommunications Council 379w
European Space Agency 1137w
Research, EC action 1137w
Hoon, Rt Hon Geoffrey, Secretary of State for Defence
Debates etc.
Armed forces (11.04.02) 170-83
Afghanistan, Armed conflict 15w
Armed forces, Medical profession 1074w
EC common foreign and security policy 28-9w
NATO enlargement, Baltic states 27-8w
Hope, Phil
Debates etc.
Industrial and Provident Societies Bill, Rep and 3R (19.04.02) 816
Children and Young People's Unit 134w, 634w
Citizenship, Curriculum 135w
Transforming Youth Work Development Fund 135w
Hopkins, Mr Kelvin
Debates etc.
City of London (Ward Elections) Bill, Rep and 3R (15.04.02) 422
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Common fisheries policy, Reform 694
Community Housing Task Force, Expenditure 81w
Council housing, Property transfer 628w
Defence Medical Services 556-7w
Horse racing
Horticulture Research International
New Opportunities Fund 1174w
Hospital beds
Mental health services 1015w
Hospital wards
Repairs and maintenance 1030w
Dept for International Development 217w
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 752w
House of Commons
House of Commons Commission
House of Lords
Neighbourhood Renewal Fund 75-6w
Housing benefit
Lord Chancellor's Dept 891w
Non-dependent deductions 888-9w
Housing Benefit (General) Regulations 1987
Housing Benefit (Withholding of Payment) Bill 2001/02
Debates etc.
Howard, Rt Hon Michael
Debates etc.
NHS, Points of order (16.04.02) 457
London Underground, Public private partnerships 256w, 1106-7w
Network Rail, Finance 257w
Howarth, Rt Hon Alan
Public expenditure, Wales 5
Howarth, Mr George
Complaints, Lord Chancellor's Dept 861-2w
Howarth, Mr Gerald
Debates etc.
Queen Elizabeth II, Anniversaries 15w
Howells, Dr Kim, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Culture Media and Sport
Debates etc.
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Billing, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 318w, 322-3w
Bishopsgate goods yard, Listed buildings 1218w
Communications Bill (Draft) 314w
Consultants, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1216w
Digital broadcasting, Suffolk 953w
European Capital of Culture 837w
Historic buildings, Conservation 314w
Historic buildings, Worcestershire 324-6w
Historic buildings, World War II 1216w
Human rights, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 513w
Identity cards, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1040w
Independent Television Commission 316w
Information officers, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 318-9w
Maladministration, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 320w
Manpower, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 512-3w
Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 306w, 316w, 955w
Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester 836w
Museums and galleries, Finance 307w
New deal for young people, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 305w, 835w
New deal schemes, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 304-5w
Non-departmental public bodies, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 837w, 1217w
Nurseries, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1217w
Office of Communications 513w
Open government, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 306w
Operating costs, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 303w
Orders and regulations, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 835w
Overtime, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 835-6w
Part-time employment, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 955w
Pay, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1217-8w
Press, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 319w
Press Complaints Commission, Standards 314w
Private finance initiative, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 305w, 1217w
Public expenditure, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 514w
Public libraries, Internet 321w
Public libraries, Manpower 315-6w
Public libraries, Pay 315w
Public participation, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 317w
Public service broadcasting 325w
Publications, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 331-2w, 835w
Royal Parks Agency, Sick leave 317-8w
Secondment, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 306w
Sick leave, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 317w
Television, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 328w
Theft, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 318w
Hoyle, Mr Lindsay
Examination boards, Standards 136w
Gibraltar, Anniversaries 28w, 55w
Market towns, Lancashire 296-7w
Military police, Retirement 642w
Neighbourhood Renewal Fund, Lancashire 71-2w
Neighbourhood wardens, Lancashire 343w