Index for Volume 383continued
A Am B Bi Bo Bu By C Ch Co Cr D Dh Dy E Ef Ex F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Ju K Kn L Li Lu M Mc Mi Mu N Nu O Ow P Pl Ps Q R Ri S Sh Sm So Sq T Ti Tu U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Hughes, Beverley, Parliamentary Secretary, Home Office
Dangerous driving, Prosecutions 360w
Domestic violence, Greater London 338-9w
Electronic tagging, Standards 348w
National Probation Service for England and Wales, Information technology 343-5w
Offensive weapons, Convictions 354-8w
Onley Secure Training Centre, Finance 1256w
Prison Service, London allowance 359w
Prison Service, Sick leave 1159w
Prisoners, Correspondence 1159w
Prisoners, Rehabilitation 560-1w
Queen Elizabeth II, Anniversaries 1156w
Sexual offences, Rehabilitation 341-2w
Wellingborough Prison 564w
Yarls Wood Detention Centre 564w
Young offenders, Sentencing 347-8w
Hughes, Mr Kevin Michael
Debates etc.
British Coal Corporation, Equal pay (18.04.02) 805
Hughes, Simon
Job creation, Greater London 229w
National Probation Service for England and Wales, Information technology 343-5w
Human embryo experiments
Human experiments
Human rights
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 513w
Dept for Education and Skills 115w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 51w
Lord Chancellor's Dept 542w
Human Rights Act 1998
Human trafficking
Humble, Mrs Joan
Debates etc.
Hunter, Mr Andrew
Debates etc.
Budget April 2002 (18.04.02) 783-6
Human embryo experiments, Liability 441w
Hutton, Rt Hon John, Minister of State, Dept of Health
Sittings in Westminster Hall
St Bartholomew's Hospital (17.04.02) 232-8wh
Accident and emergency departments, Greater London 689-90w
Accident and emergency departments, Nurses 490w
Agency nurses, Conditions of employment 463w, 781w
Ambulance services, Barnet 1031w
Breast cancer, North West region 1175w
Dental health, Health education 1019w
Doctors, Disciplinary proceedings 691w
Doctors, Recruitment 674w
Doctors, Working hours 488w
Family practitioner services, Barnet 419w
Family practitioner services, Counselling 1237-8w
General practitioners 1036w
General practitioners, Attendance 1036-7w
General practitioners, Manpower 675-6w
General practitioners, Performance appraisal 1228w
General practitioners, Recruitment 431w, 1219w
General practitioners, Surveys 1228w
General practitioners, Vacancies 489w
Health action zones 1227w
Health authorities, Public appointments 1186w
Health services, Ethnic groups 467-8w
Health services, Waltham Forest 416w
Hearing impaired, Health services 678w
Heart diseases, Waiting lists 1225-6w
Hospitals, Crimes of violence 1029w
Hospitals, Public transport 1177w
Hospitals, Rural areas 485w
Junior doctors, Working hours 1178w
Medical profession, Working hours 415w
Medical treatments, Per capita costs 1243-4w
Medical treatments, South Africa 438-9w
NHS, Disciplinary proceedings 459w, 474w
NHS, Finance 454w, 458-9w, 671-5w, 693-4w, 787w, 1016w, 1021-2w, 1027w, 1184w, 1244-5w
NHS, Property transfer 1225w
NHS Direct, Administrative delays 1247w
NHS Leadership Centre, Public appointments 438w
NHS Local Improvement Finance Trust 1227-8w
NHS Staff Involvement Task Force 439w
NHS trusts, Finance 1190w
Nurses, Recruitment 1184w
Ophthalmic services, Waiting lists 1022-3w
Oxygen, Medical treatments 1175w
Patients, Per capita costs 413-4w
Primary care trusts, Contracts 1190w
Primary care trusts, Finance 1026w
Primary health care, Manpower 918-9w
Primary health care, Standards 423w
Public Health Laboratory Service, National security 922w
Radiography, Recruitment 786w
Radiography, Vacancies 455w
St George's Hospital Tooting, Accident and emergency departments 781w
Smallpox, Vaccination 922w
Speech therapy, Primary care trusts 669w
Speech therapy, Recruitment 1185-6w
Surgery, Private sector 458w
Ward housekeeper scheme 1178w
Workforce Numbers Advisory Board 1220w