Index for Volume 383continued
A Am B Bi Bo Bu By C Ch Co Cr D Dh Dy E Ef Ex F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Ju K Kn L Li Lu M Mc Mi Mu N Nu O Ow P Pl Ps Q R Ri S Sh Sm So Sq T Ti Tu U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Ribble Valley
Richmond Park
Right to buy
Right to Self-Employment Bill 2001/02
Debates etc.
2R order read (12.04.02) 332
Rights of way
Risk assessment
River Aire
River Humber
RO Defence
Road signs and markings
Road traffic
Road traffic control
Road traffic offences
Road works
Repairs and maintenance 106-8w
Robathan, Mr Andrew
Robertson, Angus
Debates etc.
Middle East, Armed conflict (16.04.02) 513-6
Sittings in Westminster Hall
EC enlargement (16.04.02) 118wh
Robertson, Hugh
Armed forces, Deployment 825w
Robertson, Mr Laurence
Animal products, Smuggling 1197w
Common agricultural policy 524-5w
Housing benefit, Administrative delays 889-91w
Identity cards, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1040w
Identity cards, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 877-8w
Identity cards, Dept for International Development 1049w
Identity cards, Dept of Trade and Industry 847w
Identity cards, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 835w
Identity cards, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 844w
Identity cards, Treasury 853w
Robinson, Mrs Iris
Bank services, Small businesses 772w
Fireworks, Northern Ireland 36w
Police stations, Carryduff 838w
Queen Elizabeth II, Anniversaries 38w
Shipping, Registration 1096w
Roche, Mrs Barbara, Minister of State, Cabinet Office
Government offices for the regions, Costs 48w
Roe, Mrs Marion
House of Commons Commission 635-6w
ROF Bishopton
Roll-on roll-off ships
Overseas investment 1081w
Rooney, Mr Terry
Housing, Empty property 511-2w
Industrial injuries disablement benefit 1118-9w
Rosindell, Mr Andrew
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Commonwealth Development Corporation (10.04.02) 13-4wh
Driving under influence, Arrests 342w
Immigration, Administrative delays 1258w
Immigration, Applications 1257w
International assistance 562-3
Motor vehicles, Arson 509w
Passports, Administrative delays 1258w
Passports, Applications 1257w
Ross, Mr Ernie
Debates etc.
Budget April 2002 (18.04.02) 747
Middle East, Armed conflict (10.04.02) 38, (16.04.02) 471, 519-21
Ross, Malcolm
Royal Caribbean Cruises
Royal Irish Constabulary
Royal Parks Agency
Royal Shrewsbury Hospital
Ruane, Chris
Crewe-Holyhead railway line 572
Crime, Alcoholic drinks 568w
EC grants and loans, Wales 2w
Ruddock, Joan
Debates etc.
Middle East, Armed conflict (16.04.02) 516-8
Afghanistan, Dept for International Development 221w
Afghanistan, International assistance 220w
Afghanistan, Overseas aid 558-9
Afghanistan, Primary education 56w
Animal feed, Labelling 1197w
Gender, Dept for International Development 221w
Gender, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 59w
Genetically modified organisms, Crops 689
Ruffley, Mr David
Debates etc.
Enterprise Bill, 2R (10.04.02) 52, 79-83
Bank services, Small businesses 141-2
Digital broadcasting, Suffolk 953w
Rural areas
Rural Payments Agency
Russell, Bob
Debates etc.
Construction, Standards 936w
Football, Young people 325w
Regional planning and development, Eastern region 70-1w
Social security benefits, Abuse 352-3
Zimbabwe, Politics and government 828w
Radioactive materials 50-1w