Index for Volume 383continued
A Am B Bi Bo Bu By C Ch Co Cr D Dh Dy E Ef Ex F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Ju K Kn L Li Lu M Mc Mi Mu N Nu O Ow P Pl Ps Q R Ri S Sh Sm So Sq T Ti Tu U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Soames, Mr Nicholas
Debates etc.
Social Care Institute for Excellence
Social Fund
Social rented housing
Social security benefits
Automated credit transfer 706w
Social Security Benefits Agency
Social services
Temporary employment 1238w
Social work
Social workers
Soil conservation
Solar power
Sole traders
Crimes against property 530w
Private finance initiative 962-3w
Public private partnerships 962-3w
Foot and mouth disease 932w
South Africa
South East region
South West region
Manufacturing industries 574w
South West Trains
South West Yorkshire Mental Health NHS Trust
Southern region
Southworth, Ms Helen
Debates etc.
Budget April 2002 (18.04.02) 737
Space technology
Spare parts
Speaker and deputies
Debates etc.
Budget resolution motions (17.04.02) 592-3
Conduct of proceedings (10.04.02) 35, 38, 76, (11.04.02) 136, 147, 170, 210, (12.04.02) 280, 324, 329, (15.04.02) 365, 369, (16.04.02) 453, 465, 499, 505, 521, 523-4, 526, 530, 534, (17.04.02) 560, 566, 577, 595, 599, 654, 666, (18.04.02) 684-5, 702, 719, 722, 730, 733, 747, 773, 809, (19.04.02) 820, 854
Disallowed questions (11.04.02) 136, (18.04.02) 695
Points of order (10.04.02) 39, 43, (12.04.02) 263, 293-4, 330, 332, (15.04.02) 347, 363-4, 414, 421-4, (16.04.02) 457, 489
Private Members' bill orders (19.04.02) 882
Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother (10.04.02) 21
Rulings and statements, Parliamentary procedure (16.04.02) 548
Rulings and statements, Ten minutes rule (16.04.02) 479
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Conduct of proceedings (10.04.02) 12wh, 38wh, 42wh, 44wh, 53wh, 61wh, 65wh, (11.04.02) 94wh, (16.04.02) 111wh, 113wh, 132wh, 155wh, (17.04.02) 179wh, 182wh, 210wh
Points of order (17.04.02) 179wh
Special Air Service
Special Boat Squadron
Special constables
Special education
Learning disability 1127w
Specialist schools
Speech therapy
Speed limits
Road signs and markings 741w
Spellar, Rt Hon John, Minister for Transport, Department for Transport Local Government and the Regions
Air traffic control, EC countries 803w
Channel tunnel, Freight 809w
Channel tunnel, Illegal immigrants 1170w
Channel tunnel railway line, Security 809w
London Underground, Public private partnerships 1106-7w
Newcastle Airport, Air misses 93w
Public transport, EC action 809-10w
Railway stations, Stonehouse 742w
Road traffic, Greater London 627w
Trans-European networks 810w
Spelman, Mrs Caroline
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Commonwealth Development Corporation (10.04.02) 17-8wh, 20wh
Afghanistan, Overseas aid 558-9
Commonwealth Development Corporation, Overseas investment 224-6w
Fair trade initiative, Dept for Work and Pensions 1002w
Marriage and relationship support programme 645w
Middle East, Armed conflict 729-31w
Sub-Saharan Africa, Overseas aid 617-9w
Spicer, Sir Michael
Debates etc.
Asylum, Throckmorton airfield 1258w
Spinal injuries
Spink, Bob
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Marriage and relationship support programme 968w
National insurance contributions 573w
Speech therapy, Primary care trusts 669w
Dept for Education and Skills 907w
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 612w
Dept for International Development 614-5w
Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 509w
Dept for Work and Pensions 1008w
Dept of Trade and Industry 541w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 529w
Lord Chancellor's Dept 546w
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 523-4w
Sports centres
Planning permission 1041w
Spring, Mr Richard
Debates etc.
Oral question time intervention (16.04.02) 452
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Dietary supplements, EC action 788w
EC Social Charter, Business 373w