Index for Volume 384continued
A Am B Bh Br Bu C Ci Cr D Dh Dy E Ef Ex F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Ju K Kh L Li Lu M Me Mo Mu N Nu O P Pr Ps Q R Rh Rw S Sh So Sq T Ti Tu U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Dalyell, Mr Tam
Debates etc.
Lockerbie, Points of order (29.04.02) 681-2, (30.04.02) 811-2, (01.05.02) 950
Nationality Immigration and Asylum Bill, 2R (24.04.02) 351
Army Base Repair Organisation, Conditions of employment 9w
Ballistic missile defence 655
Criminal investigation, Homicide 615-6w
Heads of state, Assassination 536w
Iraq, Armed conflict 536w
Ministerial policy advisors 269w
Smallpox, Vaccination 767w
Darling, Rt Hon Alistair, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions
Child Support Agency, Standards 710-1w
Members, Correspondence 598-9w
Data protection
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 786w
Dept for International Development 854w
Lord Chancellor's Dept 444w
Data Protection Act 1998
Individual learning accounts 635w
Davey, Mr Edward
Debates etc.
Budget April 2002 (23.04.02) 175
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Public Record Office, Census 860-1w
Davey, Mrs Valerie
Drugs, Northern Ireland 835w
Schools, Academic year 308w
Schools, Information technology 77w
David, Mr Wayne
Debates etc.
Budget April 2002 (22.04.02) 63, 78, 97-9
Further education, Qualifications 642w
Further education, Student wastage 637w
Davidson, Mr Ian
Debates etc.
Budget April 2002 (23.04.02) 156
Armed forces, Education 8w
Business, Disadvantaged 1038
Pensioners, Income support 956w
Personal income, Scotland 731-2w
Davies, Rt Hon Denzil
Debates etc.
National Insurance Contributions Bill, Ways and means res (01.05.02) 968-71
Davies, Geraint
Debates etc.
Budget April 2002 (22.04.02) 28-9, (23.04.02) 155
ITV Digital (26.04.02) 606
Electronic government 316-7
Davies, Mr Quentin
Scheduled offences, Northern Ireland 660w
Smuggling, Northern Ireland 125-6w
Terrorism, Northern Ireland 659-60w
Davis, Rt Hon David
Accident and emergency departments, East Riding 360w
Ambulance services, East Riding 359-60w
Dental health, Children 355-6w
East Riding Health Authority, Redundancy 629w
Farms, Waste disposal 509w
Fluoride, East Riding 359w
Health authorities, York 453w
Hospitals, Waiting lists 359w
Humber Bridge Board, Debts 190w
Institutional care, East Riding 363w
Institutional care, Registration 364-6w
Lung cancer, East Riding 360w
Members, Correspondence 606w
NHS Direct, East Riding 360w
Police national computer, Standards 607w
West Hull Primary Care Trust 455w
Written questions, Administrative delays 763w
Dawson, Mr Hilton
Debates etc.
Budget April 2002 (23.04.02) 220-2
Nationality Immigration and Asylum Bill, 2R (24.04.02) 348, 362
Day care
Death rate
Debt Management Office
see UK Debt Management Office
Defence Aviation Repair Agency
Defence Diplomacy Mission
Defence equipment
Defence Fire Service
Defence Medical Services
Defence Procurement Agency
Defence review
Denham, Rt Hon John, Minister of State, Home Office
Antisocial behaviour orders, Hampshire 824w
Antisocial behaviour orders, Lancashire 28w
Cocaine, Greater London 220w
Community support police officers 33w
Crime prevention, Standards 610w
Criminal investigation, Homicide 615-6w
Criminal Records Bureau 602w
Cycling, Fixed penalties 830-1w
Demonstrations, Surveillance 614w
Departmental responsibilities, Home Office 604-6w
Emergency services, Radio frequencies 601w
Immobilisation of vehicles, Fees and charges 327w
Leicestershire Constabulary, Manpower 478-9w
Members, Correspondence 606w
Police, Bury St Edmunds 614w
Police, Early retirement 617-8w
Police, Job satisfaction 31w
Police custody, Mentally incapacitated 477-8w
Police national computer, Standards 607w
Porton Down, Human experiments 607w
Public order offences 478w
Suffolk Constabulary, Emergency calls 36w
West Mercia Police, Ethnic groups 611-2w
Young people, Community development 805w
Dental health
Dental services
West Hull Primary Care Trust 356w
Departmental coordination
Chemical and biological warfare 267w
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 139-42w
Departmental expenditure limits
Departmental responsibilities
Depleted uranium
Dept for Culture Media and Sport
Disclosure of information 593w
Festivals and special occasions 492-3w
National insurance contributions 916w
Voluntary organisations 4w
Dept for Education and Employment
Dept for Education and Skills
Employment tribunals 634w
National insurance contributions 570w
New deal for young people 568-9w
Non-departmental public bodies 312-3w
Orders and regulations 76w
Public participation 73-4w
Voluntary organisations 304-6w
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
Crimes against property 504w
Employment tribunals 132w
New deal for young people 381w
Orders and regulations 136w
Private finance initiative 381w
Dept for International Development
Fair trade initiative 842w
Ministerial policy advisors 843w
National insurance contributions 433w, 913w
New deal for young people 750w
Non-departmental public bodies 859w
Official hospitality 844w
Orders and regulations 24w
Part-time employment 844w
Voluntary organisations 27w
Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions
National insurance contributions 392w, 904w
New deal for young people 41w
Voluntary organisations 397-8w
Dept for Work and Pensions
Disclosure of information 473w
Ministerial policy advisors 346w
New deal for young people 204-5w
Part-time employment 600w
Private finance initiative 204w
Public private partnerships 716w
Regulatory Impact Unit 599w
Voluntary organisations 711w
Dept of Health
Information officers 241w
Ministerial policy advisors 241w
New deal for young people 245w
Non-departmental public bodies 234w
Private finance initiative 515w
Dept of Trade and Industry
National insurance contributions 923w
New deal for young people 209w
Non-departmental public bodies 295w, 584w
Voluntary organisations 584-5w
Deregulation (Correction of Birth and Death Entries in Registers or Other Records) Order 2002
Debates etc.
Detention and training orders
Developing countries
see also Heavily indebted poor countries initiative
Sustainable development 671w
Broadcasting reception 152w
Digital broadcasting 152w