Index for Volume 384continued
A Am B Bh Br Bu C Ci Cr D Dh Dy E Ef Ex F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Ju K Kh L Li Lu M Me Mo Mu N Nu O P Pr Ps Q R Rh Rw S Sh So Sq T Ti Tu U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Shaw, Mr Jonathan
Debates etc.
Nationality Immigration and Asylum Bill, 2R (24.04.02) 349
Children, Protection 450-1
Sheerman, Mr Barry
Individual learning accounts 635-6w
Mental health services, Finance 110w
New deal for young people 984w
New deal schemes, Finance 984-5w
Resource accounting and budgeting 722-6w
Sheikh, Ahmed Omar Saeed
Shephard, Rt Hon Gillian
Sheridan, Mr Jim
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Shipley, Ms Debra
Government assistance 57-8w
Shopping centres
Short, Rt Hon Clare, Secretary of State for International Development
Debates etc.
Afghanistan, Bomb disposal 430-1w
Afghanistan, Earthquakes 752w
Afghanistan, Overseas aid 317-8w
Africa, Intellectual property 914-5w
African Development Bank 855-6w
Anguilla, Overseas aid 850w
Annual reports, Dept for International Development 752w
Bangladesh, Overseas aid 851w
Bosnia, Overseas aid 849w
Botswana, Primary education 748w
Bulgaria, Overseas aid 849w
Cambodia, Overseas aid 915w
Caribbean, Overseas aid 844w
Catering, Dept for International Development 26w
Complaints, Dept for International Development 27w
Data protection, Dept for International Development 854w
Developing countries, Biodiversity 889w
Developing countries, Engineering 751-2w
Developing countries, HIV infection 747w
Developing countries, Poverty 24-5w
Developing countries, Sustainable development 671w
Developing countries, Vaccination 913w
Energy, Dept for International Development 842-3w
Fair trade initiative, Dept for International Development 842w
Heavily indebted poor countries initiative 852-4w
Jamaica, Overseas aid 850w
Jordan, Domestic violence 749w
Malawi, Overseas aid 317w
Middle East, Armed conflict 844w
Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for International Development 843w
National insurance contributions, Dept for International Development 433w, 913w
New deal for young people, Dept for International Development 750w
Non-departmental public bodies, Dept for International Development 859w
Official hospitality, Dept for International Development 844w
Orders and regulations, Dept for International Development 24w
Overseas aid, Armed conflict 843w
Overseas aid, Emergencies 432w
Overseas aid, Infrastructure 432-3w
Palestinians, Medical treatments 858-9w
Part-time employment, Dept for International Development 844w
Press, Dept for International Development 751w
Public expenditure, Dept for International Development 27-8w
Public private partnerships, Health services 748-9w
Publications, Dept for International Development 317w
Radio, Dept for International Development 750w
Recruitment, Dept for International Development 545-6w
Romania, Regional planning and development 914w
Russia, Overseas aid 848w
Solar power, Dept for International Development 750w
South Africa, Forests 749w
South America, Overseas aid 545-6w
Sustainable development 551w
Tanzania, Air traffic control 544-5w
Tanzania, Overseas aid 850w
Training, Dept for International Development 475w
Visits abroad, Dept for International Development 842-3w
Voluntary organisations, Dept for International Development 27w
Written questions, Dept for International Development 858w, 913-4w
Young people, Dept for International Development 748w
Short money
Sick leave
Sierra Leone
Elections (22.04.02) 121-8
Peace keeping operations 666
Sight impaired
Simmonds, Mr Mark
Simon, Mr Sion
Debates etc.
Budget April 2002 (22.04.02) 53, 78-81
Simpson, Mr Alan
Carbon Trust, Public appointments 130-1w
Sixth form education, Finance 448
Simpson, Mr Keith
Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Pilot schemes 13w
Singh, Mr Marsha
Debates etc.
Nationality Immigration and Asylum Bill, 2R (24.04.02) 396, 412-5
Middle East, Armed conflict 330-1
Sir Thomas Richs School Oakleaze
Sixth form education
Sizewell B
Skilled workers
Skinner, Mr Dennis
Debates etc.
Business questions intervention (25.04.02) 468
ITV Digital (26.04.02) 604-5
Ministerial statement intervention (26.04.02) 601
Ministerial policy advisors 323-4
Sleeping rough
Small businesses
Smith, Rt Hon Andrew, Chief Secretary to the Treasury
Debates etc.
National Insurance Contributions Bill, Ways and means res (01.05.02) 956-9, 962-3
Civil servants, Manpower 931w
Departmental expenditure limits 885w
Export credit guarantees, Aerospace industry 931-2w
Long-term Health Trends Review, Public appointments 882-3w
Maladministration, Treasury 537w
National asset register 449w
National insurance contributions 719-20w
National insurance contributions, Treasury 542w
Pension rights, Part-time employment 93w
Public expenditure, Scotland 933w
Resource accounting and budgeting 722-6w
Smith, Rt Hon Chris
Debates etc.
ITV Digital (26.04.02) 601
Smith, Jacqui, Minister of State, Dept of Health
Debates etc.
Social services, Surrey (29.04.02) 779-84
Accident and emergency departments, East Riding 360w
Accident and emergency departments, Manpower 620-1w
Agency nurses, Criminal records 101w
Ambulance services, East Riding 359-60w
British Red Cross Society, Finance 996w
Broomfield Hospital, Hospital wards 229w
Child and Family Support Service 989-90w
Children, Human trafficking 121-2w
Children, Protection 462w
Children in care, Runaway children 452-3w
Compulsorily detained mental patients, Finance 351w
Dental health, Children 356w
Dental services, Fees and charges 117-8w
Disability aids, Administrative delays 995w
East Riding Health Authority, Redundancy 629w
Epilepsy, Southern region 356-7w
Fluoride, East Riding 359w
General practitioners, Bedfordshire 245-6w
Glenthorne Youth Treatment Centre 119w
Health services, Standards 763-4w
Hearing aids, Lancashire 119w
Hospital beds, Suffolk 628w
Hospital wards, Administrative delays 239w
Hospitals, Admissions 244w
Hospitals, Private finance initiative 624w
Hospitals, Waiting lists 359w
Independent Living Organisation, Employment tribunals 628w
Institutional care, Cheshire 996w
Institutional care, Children 238-40w
Institutional care, Construction 767w
Institutional care, East Riding 363w
Institutional care, Publications 457w
Institutional care, Registration 364-6w
Institutional care, Standards 108w
Institutional care, Wiltshire 995-6w
Kidney patients, Afro-Caribbeans 631w
Liver diseases, Transplant surgery 631-2w
Lung cancer, East Riding 360w
Lymphoedema, Clinics 455w
Mental health review tribunals 109-10w
Mental health services, Children 351-2w
Mental health services, Costs 934w
Mental health services, Ethnic groups 620w
Mental health services, Finance 110w
Mental health services, Isle of Wight 122w
Mentally ill, Social security benefits 453w
Mentally incapacitated, Abuse 233w
Mentally incapacitated, Institutional care 114w
Mentally incapacitated, Protection 114w
Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust, Waiting lists 248-9w
National Care Standards Commission, Information technology 374w
NHS Direct, East Riding 360w
Patient's Charter, Compulsorily detained mental patients 109w
Primary care trusts, Warrington 119-21w
Psychiatry, Greater London 352w
Sight impaired, Community care 226w
Social services, Elderly 451-2w
Social services, Standard spending assessments 763w
Social workers, Codes of practice 618w
Strokes, Health services 115w
Strokes, Rehabilitation 373-4w
Surgery, Waiting lists 758w
West Hull Primary Care Trust 455w
Written questions, Administrative delays 763w
Smith, Mr John
Organised crime, Northern Ireland 835w
Smith, Llew
Afghanistan, Earthquakes 752w
EC environmental policy 14w
Israel, Armed conflict 195w
Middle East, Armed conflict 844w
Radiation Risk and Society Advisory Group, Public appointments 116-7w
Radioactive wastes, EC action 40w
Sellafield, Mixed oxide fuel 664w
World Summit on Sustainable Development 19-20w
Smith, Sir Robert
Debates etc.
Smyth, Rev Martin
Debates etc.
Budget April 2002 (22.04.02) 99-100
Developing countries (25.04.02) 488
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Crime, Northern Ireland 315w
Post offices, Urban areas 1040-1