Index for Volume 385continued
A Ap B Bi Bo Bu C Ci Cr D Dh E Ef Ex F Fo G Gu H Hi Hu I J Ju K Kn L Li Lu M Mc Mi Mu N Nu O P Pr Q R Ro S Si So Sq T Ti Tw U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Gale, Mr Roger
Debates etc.
Sixsmith, Martin, Points of order (09.05.02) 294, 305
Heart diseases, Medical treatments 265w
Queen Elizabeth II, Anniversaries 589w
Galloway, Mr George
Game Act 1831
Gaming machines
Gapes, Mike
Debates etc.
Afghanistan, Armed conflict (16.05.02) 929-30
Indonesia, Terrorism 638-9
Gardiner, Mr Barry
Debates etc.
Home Energy Conservation Bill, Rep adjourned (10.05.02) 469, 471, 473
Developing countries, Poverty 758-9
Halifax Group, Interest rates 341-2w
Sports, Capital Modernisation Fund 65w
Garnier, Mr Edward
Debates etc.
Sixsmith, Martin (09.05.02) 299
Gas Supply
Gehring, Amy
General certificate of secondary education
General practitioners
Generic prescribing
Genetically modified organisms
Identification of criminals 135w
Genito-urinary medicine
George, Andrew
Debates etc.
Regional government (09.05.02) 288
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Gibb, Mr Nick
Alcoholic drinks, Young people 842w
Palace of Westminster, Offices 635w
Gibson, Dr Ian
Debates etc.
National Cancer Bill, 1R (15.05.02) 777-8
Anthrax, Vaccination 265w
Chemical and biological warfare, Civil defence 354w
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease 100-1w
Gidley, Sandra
Debates etc.
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Cancer, South East region (07.05.02) 22-5wh
Discrimination, HIV infection 853w
Equal opportunities, Dept for International Development 288-9w
Equal opportunities, Dept for Work and Pensions 204w
NHS Modernisation Board, Annual reports 353-4w
Statistics, Dept for Work and Pensions 204-6w
Gillan, Mrs Cheryl
Teachers, Buckinghamshire 761-2w
Gilroy, Linda
Manufacturing industries 780-2w
Global Environmental Facility
Government assistance 748w
Goggins, Paul
Armed forces, Health services 765-6w
Colombia, Peace negotiations 542w
Developing countries, Education 528w
Haemophilia, Medical treatments 96w
Standards, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 795-6w
Golden Jubilee Office
Golden Jubilee 2002
see Queen Elizabeth II, Anniversaries Goodhead Committee
see Committee Examining Radiation Risks of Internal Emitters
Governing bodies
Government Communications Headquarters
Government departments
Gray, Mr James
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Sea Harrier aircraft (08.05.02) 84wh, 87wh
Bovine tuberculosis 51-2w
Consultants, Solicitor-General 295w
Correspondence, Ministry of Defence 176-7w
Future large aircraft 176w
HMS Fearless, Manpower 776w
HMS Monmouth, Repairs and maintenance 776w
HMS Sheffield, Repairs and maintenance 777w
Manufacturing industries, South West region 269-70
Non-domestic rates, Shops 448w
Right to buy, Rural areas 447-8w
Warships, Repairs and maintenance 776w
Grayling, Chris
Debates etc.
Written questions, Points of order (08.05.02) 154
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Motor vehicles, Waste disposal (09.05.02) 141wh
All Saints Church Kingston upon Thames, Repairs and maintenance 587w
Asylum, Voucher schemes 233-4w
Contracts, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 449w
Higher education, National insurance contributions 85w
Institutional care, Fees and charges 731w
Institutional care, Standards 731w
Iraq, Armed conflict 307w
London Underground, Public private partnerships 213-5w, 438w
Manufacturing industries, Wales 167w
Mental health services, Epsom 860w
Network Rail, Finance 438w
Office for Standards in Education, Publications 174-5w
Regional planning and development, Finance 524w
Road signs and markings 28w
Schools, Information technology 490w
Secondary education, Intimidation 491w
Sixth form education, Finance 84-5w
Social security benefits, Overseas residence 583w
Teachers, Early retirement 89w
Greater London
Social rented housing 800w
Greater Manchester Police
Green, Mr Damian
Further education, Finance 537-8w
Schools, Construction 531w
Green, Matthew
National Assembly for Wales, Elections 166w
National insurance contributions 337w
Greenhouse effect
Greenway, Mr John
Sports, National insurance contributions 63-4w
Tourism, National insurance contributions 385w
Grieve, Mr Dominic
Antisocial behaviour orders 842w
Griffiths, Jane
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Venereal diseases (08.05.02) 121-5wh
Baltic states, NATO enlargement 634-5
Buildings, Dept for Education and Skills 173w
Buildings, Home Office 476w
Buildings, Lord Chancellor's Dept 315w
Government Communications Headquarters, Refrigeration 144w, 665w
Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, Air conditioning 516w
Griffiths, Nigel, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept of Trade and Industry
Debates etc.
Post offices (15.05.02) 829-31
Arms trade, Export controls 191-2w
Business Link Network 279w
Milk, Balance of trade 32-3w
Small businesses, Government assistance 5-6w
Small businesses, Regulation 391w
Griffiths, Mr Win
Debates etc.
Ministerial statement intervention (13.05.02) 531
Sierra Leone, Politics and government 771
Sub-Saharan Africa, Politics and government 543w
Grogan, Mr John
Debates etc.
Communications Bill (Draft) (07.05.02) 44
World Summit on Sustainable Development 812w