Index for Volume 385continued
A Ap B Bi Bo Bu C Ci Cr D Dh E Ef Ex F Fo G Gu H Hi Hu I J Ju K Kn L Li Lu M Mc Mi Mu N Nu O P Pr Q R Ro S Si So Sq T Ti Tw U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Hague, Rt Hon William
Debates etc.
Byers, Stephen, Points of order (08.05.02) 204-5
Hain, Rt Hon Peter, Minister for Europe, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Central European Working Group 549w
Channel tunnel, Freight 546w
Committee of Permanent Representatives 551w
Cyprus, EC enlargement 542w
Cyprus, Peace negotiations 541-2w
EC countries, Political parties 628-9
European Communities 551w
Gibraltar, Military bases 809w
Israel, EC external trade 303-4w
Italy, Foreign relations 808w
Sweden, Economic and monetary union 546-7w
Turkey, EC enlargement 551w
Halifax Group
Hall, Patrick
Debates etc.
Regional government (09.05.02) 288
Ethical trading initiative 682-3w
Hamilton, David
Debates etc.
Afghanistan, Armed conflict (16.05.02) 934
House of Lords, Reform (13.05.02) 526-7
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Whisky, Scotland (07.05.02) 53wh
Hammond, Mr Philip
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Electronic equipment, Waste disposal 1-2w
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Health Authority
Hamza, Abu
Hancock, Mr Mike
Armed forces, Housing 640w
Hospitals, Common land 123w
Housing, Low incomes 373w
Military bases, Civilians 178w
Millennium landmark projects 634w
Nuclear weapons, Libyan Arab Republic 775-6w
Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust 869w
Respiratory syncytial virus 402w
Respiratory syncytial virus, Portsmouth 401-2w
Warships, Portsmouth 428w
Hare coursing
Harman, Rt Hon Harriet, Solicitor-General
Consultants, Solicitor-General 295w
Data protection, Solicitor-General 7w
Immunity from prosecution, Northern Ireland 9-10w
Street crime initiative 294w
Terrorism, Republic of Ireland 9w
Harris, Dr Evan
Debates etc.
Adoption and Children Bill, Programme motion (16.05.02) 937
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Adoption, Cohabitation 8-9
Alcoholic drinks, Females 867w
Alcoholic drinks, Misuse 867-8w
Cancer, Waiting lists 401w
Cost effectiveness, Dept of Health 269w
Hospitals, Repairs and maintenance 624-5w
Intensive care, Hospital beds 863w
Mentally ill, Homelessness 858w
NHS, Information technology 344w
NHS trusts, Industrial health and safety 864-5w
Respiratory syncytial virus, Vaccination 118w
Sellafield, Republic of Ireland 158w
Harris, Mr Tom
Debates etc.
Parental responsibility 149-50
Harvey, Nick
Debates etc.
Communications Bill (Draft) (07.05.02) 38-9
Digital broadcasting 485-6
Political parties, Conferences 416w
Television, Northern Ireland Office 57-8w
Hastings and Rother NHS Trust
National insurance contributions 258w
Hawkins, Mr Nick
Developing countries, Primary education 761-2
Employment agencies, Entertainers 852w
Hayes, Mr John
Debates etc.
Adoption and Children Bill, Rep (16.05.02) 989-90
Business questions (09.05.02) 316
Heald, Mr Oliver
Debates etc.
Railways, Accidents (13.05.02) 512
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Mental health, Children 627-8w
Mental health services 120w
Mental health services, Birmingham 7
Sick leave, Dept for International Development 528w
Sick leave, Dept of Trade and Industry 662-3w
Sick leave, President of the Council 597w
Sick leave, Scotland Office 575w
Healey, John, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Education and Skills
Further education, Finance 647w
Schools, Construction 531w
Schools, Gloucestershire 535w
Sector skills councils 534w
Health action zones
Health (Air Travellers) Bill 2001/02
Debates etc.
Order for resuming adjourned 2R read (10.05.02) 474
Health and Safety Executive
Health and Social Care Act 2001
Health authorities
Health Care International
Health education
Health hazards
Health insurance
Dept of Trade and Industry 190-1w
Health services
Chronic fatigue syndrome 616-7w
Hearing aids
Hearing impaired
General certificate of secondary education 761w
Heart diseases
Alternative medicine 125w
Heath, Mr David
Debates etc.
Finance Bill, Com (09.05.02) 391
Post offices (15.05.02) 826-9
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Biotechnology, Scotland (08.05.02) 102-6wh
Central Asia, Politics and government 544w
Poultry, Animal welfare 895-6
Heathcoat-Amory, Rt Hon David
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Heavily indebted poor countries initiative
Henderson, Mr Ivan
Hendrick, Mr Mark
Debates etc.
Convention on the Future of Europe 545w
Hendry, Mr Charles
National insurance contributions 338w
Young offender institutions, Food 844w
Henry Box School
Hepburn, Mr Stephen
Hermon, Lady
Debates etc.
Communications Bill (Draft) (07.05.02) 44
Marie Curie Cancer Care (13.05.02) 617-9
Police Reform Bill (HL), 2R (07.05.02) 70, 96, 113-5
Select committees (14.05.02) 666, 706
Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice for Northern Ireland 470-1w
Police, Northern Ireland 711w
Terrorism, Northern Ireland 711w
Hewitt, Rt Hon Ms Patricia, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry
Debates etc.
Post offices (15.05.02) 780
Construction, Standards 3w
EC external trade, Israel 391-2w
Export credit guarantees, Philippines 282w, 392w
Export credit guarantees, Thailand 281-2w
Export Credits Guarantee Dept 659-60w
Export Credits Guarantee Dept, Consultants 464-5w
Export Credits Guarantee Dept, Finance 186w
Export Credits Guarantee Dept, Information technology 463w
Export Credits Guarantee Dept, Recruitment 186-8w
Fisheries, Compensation 5w
Fraud, Dept of Trade and Industry 189w
Health insurance, Dept of Trade and Industry 190-1w
Maladministration, Dept of Trade and Industry 187-9w
Manufacturing industries 780-2w
Radioactive materials, Japan 187w
Recruitment, Dept of Trade and Industry 2w
Retirement, Dept of Trade and Industry 192-4w
Scientists, Career structure 660w
Sick leave, Dept of Trade and Industry 662-3w
Standards, Dept of Trade and Industry 1w
Written questions, Dept of Trade and Industry 6w
Young people, Dept of Trade and Industry 2-3w
Heyes, Mr David
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Natural gas, Industrial health and safety (14.05.02) 230-2wh