Index for Volume 385continued
A Ap B Bi Bo Bu C Ci Cr D Dh E Ef Ex F Fo G Gu H Hi Hu I J Ju K Kn L Li Lu M Mc Mi Mu N Nu O P Pr Q R Ro S Si So Sq T Ti Tw U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Kaufman, Rt Hon Gerald
Debates etc.
Communications Bill (Draft) (07.05.02) 41-2
Sixsmith, Martin (09.05.02) 301
Keeble, Ms Sally, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Transport Local Government and theRegions
Aerials, Planning permission 210w
Aggregates, West Sussex 371w
Arriva, Bus services 675w
Bus services, Complaints 216-7w
Bus services, Concessions 521w
Bus services, Crimes of violence 217-8w
Bus services, Greater London 797w
Bus services, Subsidies 217w
Community transport, Excise duties 523w
Empty property, South West region 445w
Housing, Low incomes 373w
Housing, South East region 446-7w
Housing, South West region 211-4w
Housing Corporation, Finance 300w
Parish councils, Planning 516w
Planning permission, Regional assemblies 446w
Population, Rural areas 798-9w
Public telephones, Advertising 371-2w
Public transport, Crimes of violence 26w
Quarrying, Planning permission 370-1w
Radioactive wastes, Waste disposal 164-5w
Regional planning and development, Finance 524w
Right to buy, Rural areas 447-8w
Road signs and markings 28w
Shared ownership schemes 802w
Social rented housing 802w
Social rented housing, Greater London 800w
Social rented housing, Housing occupancy 800-1w
Social rented housing, Loans 444w
Social rented housing, Property transfer 801-2w
Social rented housing, Right to buy 800w
Starter home initiative 799w
Supporting people programme 25w
Keen, Alan
Keen, Ann
Teachers, Working hours 175w
Keetch, Mr Paul
Debates etc.
Afghanistan, Armed conflict (16.05.02) 928-9
Armed forces, Commonwealth 43-4w
Armed forces, Health 377w
Armed forces, Pregnancy 645w
Defence Medical Services 177w
Prisoners, Exservicemen 614w
Royal Gibraltar Regiment 777w
Kelly, Ruth, Economic Secretary, Treasury
Debates etc.
Bank of Credit and Commerce International, Company liquidations 33w
Community Development Venture Fund 33w
Exchange rates, Tourism 271-2
Halifax Group, Interest rates 341-2w
Insurance companies, Assets 436w
Law enforcement, Treasury 805w
Lone parents, Greater London 720-1w
Mentally ill, Homelessness 858w
Migration, Greater London 34-5w
National insurance contributions 804-5w
Newspaper press, Treasury 182w
Pensioners, Employment 34w
Productivity, Immigrants 33w
Solicitors, Regulation 32w
Stalybridge, Treasury 35-6w
Tax yields, Pensions 571w
Teenage pregnancy, Greater London 803w
Written questions, Treasury 570w
Young people, Treasury 32w
Kennedy, Rt Hon Charles
Orders and regulations, Scotland 573-4w
Underwater Test and Evaluation Centre 642w
Kennedy, Jane, Minister of State, Northern Ireland Office
Civil service, Northern Ireland 61w
Contracts, Northern Ireland Office 58w
Crimes against property, Northern Ireland Office 59w
Data protection, Northern Ireland Office 303w
Equal pay, Northern Ireland Office 197-8w
Equipment, Northern Ireland Office 57w
New deal for young people, Northern Ireland Office 58w
Part-time employment, Northern Ireland Office 199w
Police, Northern Ireland 711w
Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland 58-9w
Police stations, Castlereagh 470w
Prisoners, Per capita costs 60w
Private finance initiative, Northern Ireland Office 200w
Relocation services, Northern Ireland Office 198w
Sick leave, Northern Ireland Office 59w
Smuggling, Northern Ireland 200w
Standards, Northern Ireland Office 62w
Television, Northern Ireland Office 57-8w
Terrorism, Northern Ireland 711w
Visits abroad, Northern Ireland Office 198-9w
Voluntary work, Northern Ireland Office 58w
Weapons, Northern Ireland 470w
Key, Mr Robert
Debates etc.
Finance Bill, Com (08.05.02) 164-5, (09.05.02) 358
Magistrates' courts, Wiltshire (15.05.02) 883-4
Members, Correspondence 728w
Porton Down, Human experiments 138w
Khabra, Mr Piara S
Sports, Ethnic groups 410w
Khan, Aga
Kidderminster Hospital
Kidney, Mr David
Debates etc.
Select committees (14.05.02) 672, 675
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Housing, Empty property (16.05.02) 337-41wh
Arriva, Bus services 675w
Cambodia, Foreign relations 304w
Cataracts, Staffordshire 101w
Kidney patients
Kilfoyle, Mr Peter
Debates etc.
Sixsmith, Martin (09.05.02) 299
Royal family, Inheritance tax 467w
King, Andy
Jordan, Religious freedom 241w
King, Ms Oona
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Democratic Republic of Congo, Peace negotiations 637-8
Social rented housing, Greater London 800w
Social rented housing, Housing occupancy 800-1w
Social rented housing, Right to buy 800w
King Edward VIII
Kirkbride, Miss Julie
Debates etc.
Communications Bill (Draft) (07.05.02) 41
Sittings in Westminster Hall
District councils, Standards 25w
English Tourism Council 495
Local government finance, Bromsgrove 515w
Kirkwood, Mr Archy
Debates etc.
Select committees (14.05.02) 700-3
House of Commons, Information services 567-8w
Repossession orders, Local authorities 316w