Index for Volume 385continued
A Ap B Bi Bo Bu C Ci Cr D Dh E Ef Ex F Fo G Gu H Hi Hu I J Ju K Kn L Li Lu M Mc Mi Mu N Nu O P Pr Q R Ro S Si So Sq T Ti Tw U V W Wi Wo X Y Z
Food Standards Agency 111w
Genetically modified organisms 49-50w
Ladyman, Dr Stephen
Debates etc.
Jobcentre Plus, Autism 479w
Lait, Mrs Jacqui
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Biotechnology, Scotland (08.05.02) 106-9wh
Devolution, Scotland 574w
Public appointments, Scotland Office 202w
Public expenditure, Scotland 573w
Sports centres, Crystal Palace 765w
Lamb, Norman
Debates etc.
Sixsmith, Martin (09.05.02) 304
Lammy, David
Guyana, Foreign relations 544w
Lancaster Moor Hospital
Private finance initiative 617w
Land Rover
Land use
Landfill (England and Wales) Regulations 2002
Debates etc.
Landfill tax
Landing rights
Lansley, Mr Andrew
Debates etc.
Adoption and Children Bill, Rep (16.05.02) 985-9, 1007
Communications Bill (Draft) (07.05.02) 42
Railways, Accidents (13.05.02) 513
Health and Safety Executive, Manpower 798w
Law enforcement
Lawrence, Mrs Jackie
Debates etc.
Police Reform Bill (HL), 2R (07.05.02) 60
Sixsmith, Martin (09.05.02) 298-9
Health services, Wales 138
Small businesses, Wales 170w
Laws, Mr David
Debates etc.
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Sea Harrier aircraft (08.05.02) 81-3wh
Correspondence, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 48-9w
Film, Tax allowances 586w
Health insurance, Dept of Trade and Industry 190-1w
Housing, South West region 211-4w
Laxton, Mr Bob
Debates etc.
Long stay patients, Petitions (08.05.02) 245
Social security benefits, Long stay patients 313w
Lazarowicz, Mr Mark
Debates etc.
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Utilities, Misrepresentation (15.05.02) 303-6wh
Automatic train protection 26-7w
Bus services, Crimes of violence 217-8w
Bus services, Industrial health and safety 369-70w
Christmas trees, Chemicals 499w
Public expenditure, Scotland 272-3
World Summit on Sustainable Development 826-7w
Written questions, Administrative delays 626w
Learning and Skills Council for England
Learning disability
Learning partnerships
Legal advice and assistance
Legal aid
Leigh, Mr Edward
Debates etc.
Lepper, Mr David
Shared ownership schemes 802w
Leslie, Mr Christopher, Parliamentary Secretary Cabinet Office
Civil servants, Pensions 408w
Civil servants, Recruitment 408w
Ministerial policy advisors 833w
Parliamentary questions 252-3w
Regulatory impact assessments 75w
Rural areas, Cabinet Office 407-8w
Sponsorship, Government departments 718w
Wood, Cabinet Office 74-5w
Letwin, Mr Oliver
Debates etc.
Social security benefits, Overseas residence 583w
Voluntary organisations, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 827w
Voluntary organisations, EC grants and loans 132w
Voluntary organisations, Home Office 222w
Young offenders, Child benefit 468w
Levitt, Mr Tom
Debates etc.
Adoption and Children Bill, Rep (16.05.02) 983
Dairy farming, Monetary compensatory amounts 655w
Incapacity benefit, Medical examinations 856w
Lewis, Mr Ivan, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Education and Skills
Buildings, Dept for Education and Skills 173w
Contracts, Dept for Education and Skills 537w
Crime, Dept for Education and Skills 532-3w
Crimes against property, Dept for Education and Skills 483w
Data protection, Dept for Education and Skills 536w
Disabled, Dept for Education and Skills 173-4w
Education, Standards 647w
Education Act 1996, Prosecutions 646-8w
Education of children at home 174w
Educational maintenance allowance 534w
Educational maintenance allowance, Luton 534w
Educational maintenance allowance, Warrington 762-3w
Further education, Asylum 538w
Further education, Finance 537-8w
General certificate of secondary education, Hearing impaired 761w
International Red Cross, Dept for Education and Skills 173w
National insurance contributions, Dept for Education and Skills 173w
National vocational qualifications, Engineering 487w
Neighbourhood Support Fund 293w
Official residences, Dept for Education and Skills 533-4w
Private finance initiative, Dept for Education and Skills 172w
Recruitment, Dept for Education and Skills 535-6w
Rural areas, Dept for Education and Skills 763w
Secondary education, Intimidation 491w
Sixth form education, Finance 533w
Special education, Hearing impaired 760-1w
Special education, Transport 488w
Stalybridge, Dept for Education and Skills 172w
Standards, Dept for Education and Skills 172-3w
Training, Dept for Education and Skills 762w
Vocational training, Child benefit 174w
Lewis, Dr Julian
Debates etc.
Business questions (09.05.02) 310
Byers, Stephen, Points of order (08.05.02) 244
Camping sites, Brockenhurst (07.05.02) 128-33
Bovine tuberculosis, Disease control 900
EC countries, Political parties 628-9
Further education, Cost effectiveness 483w
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Health Authority, Mental health services 734-5w
New Forest Verderers 656w
Recruitment, Dept for Education and Skills 535-6w
Recruitment, Dept for Work and Pensions 480w
Recruitment, Dept of Trade and Industry 2w
Recruitment, Home Office 224-6w
Recruitment, Ministry of Defence 637w