Index for Volume 386

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Abandoned vehicles

    South East region 953w

Abbott, Ms Diane


    Asylum, Greater London 1306w

    Immigration officers, Training 1308w


    Oil and Gas Directorate 975w

ABM Treaty


Absent voting


Accident and emergency departments


    Holidays abroad 137w

Accounting officers

Action plan orders

Active Community Unit

Adair, Johnny


Adoption and Children Bill 2001/02

                  Debates etc.

Adult education


    Dept for Work and Pensions 870w

    Scotland Office 404w

Advisory services

Advocate General for Scotland

    Cost effectiveness 711


Aerospace industry


    Defence Medical Services 730-1w

    Ethnic groups 19w

    Guided weapons 10w

    Parachute Regiment 612w


After school clubs

Aga Khan Development Network


Agency nurses

Aggregates levy

Agricultural shows


    see also Farms and Farmers

Ainsworth, Bob, Parliamentary Secretary, Home Office


    Antisocial behaviour orders 793w

    Cannabis, Prosecutions 793w

    Crime, Retail trade 592-3

    Drug treatment and testing orders 450w, 798w

    Eurojust, Immunity from prosecution 713-4w

    European Police Office, Immunity from prosecution 714w

Ainsworth, Mr Peter

                  Sittings in Westminster Hall


    Agriculture, USA 1w

    Animal products, Waste disposal 947-8w

    Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, EC countries 942w

    Compost, EC action 192w

    Fisheries 1w

    Fluorine, Pollution control 191w

    Foot and mouth disease 921w

    Foot and mouth disease, Compensation 1123w

    Genetically modified organisms, Crops 918w

    Members, Correspondence 1-2w

    Packaging, Waste disposal 1w

    Pollution control 89w

    Seeds (National List of Varieties) Regulations 2001 941-2w

    Sheep, Diseases 2w

    TSE (England) Regulations 2002 3w

    Wood, Government departments 2-3w

Air ambulance services

Air conditioning

    Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre 221w

Air force

Air pollution

Air routes

    Manchester Airport 761w

Air traffic

Air traffic control


Aircraft carriers

    Repairs and maintenance 737-8w



Albany Prison

Alcoholic drinks


Alexander, Mr Douglas, Minister of State, Cabinet Office from May 29 2002. Previously Minister for E-commerce and Competitiveness, Dept of Trade and Industry


    Broadband, Small businesses 630-1w

    Broadband, Tiverton 631w

    Civil servants, Ombudsman 1189w

    Consignia, Consultants 629w

    Discrimination, Cabinet Office 956w

    Electronic commerce 628w

    Electronic commerce, Standards 1155w

    Government departments, Correspondence 1036-7w

    Manpower, Cabinet Office 1404w

    Members, Correspondence 52w

    Ministerial Panel on Regulatory Accountability 1404w

    Ministerial policy advisors, Cabinet Office 1396w

    Non-departmental public bodies, Public appointments 1189w

    Parcelforce, Dartford 629w

    Post offices, Information services 634w

    Post offices, Rural areas 53w

    Property transfer, Cabinet Office 1037w

    Public participation, Cabinet Office 956-8w

    Regulatory Impact Unit, Cabinet Office 1404w

Allan, Mr Richard

                  Debates etc.

    Nationality Immigration and Asylum Bill, Programme motion and Rep (11.06.02) 762-3,775-6


    Asylum, Special educational needs 459w

    Government departments, Procurement 371w

Allen, Mr Graham


    Better Regulation Task Force 289-90w

    Communications Draft Bill Joint Select Committee 728w

    Non-departmental public bodies, Public appointments 288-9w

    Non-departmental public bodies, Volunteers 669w

    Parliamentary scrutiny, Internet 1396w

    Parliamentary scrutiny, Legislative drafting 1161w

    Police, Early retirement 589


Allocation of time motions

    see Timetabling of bills
Alzheimer's disease

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