Index for Volume 386continued
A Am At B Bi Bo Bu C Ce Co Cr D Di Du Ec Eu Fo Fu Gu He Hi Hu Hy Ir Je Ju Kh Li Lu Ma Me Mi Mo Mu Nu Ow Pl Ps Rh Ry Sh Sk So Sq Sw Ti Tu Wh Wo E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Dalyell, Mr Tam
Debates etc.
Afghanistan, Points of order (20.05.02) 21, (21.05.02) 155
Written questions, Points of order (11.06.02) 726
Afghanistan, Peace keeping operations 612w
Chagos Islands, Fisheries 1276w
Devolution, Scotland 710-1
Lung cancer, Vaccination 1341w
Motor vehicles, Waste disposal 991-2
World Summit on Sustainable Development 281-2
Dangerous driving
Darling, Rt Hon Alistair, Secretary of State for Transport from May 29. Previously Secretary of State for Work and Pensions
Maintenance, Children 6-8
Members, Correspondence 775-6w
Occupational pensions 12-5
Publications, Dept for Work and Pensions 539w
Social security benefits, Abuse 18
Social security benefits, Disqualification 29w
Dartford tunnel
Darwin initiative
Data protection
Dept of Trade and Industry 227w
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 513w
Data Protection Act 1998
Data Protection (Amendment) Bill 2001/02
Debates etc.
Data transmission
European Communities 660w
Davey, Mr Edward
Park and ride schemes 766w
Davey, Mrs Valerie
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Debts, Developing countries (21.05.02) 7-9wh
Bus services, Bristol 864
David, Mr Wayne
Debates etc.
House of Commons galleries, Points of order (22.05.02) 295-6
Intelligence and Security Committee, Annual reports 1404w
Small businesses, Billing 993
Davidson, Mr Ian
Economic and monetary union 668w
Economic and monetary union, Referendums 599w
Davies, Rt Hon Denzil
Broadcasting, Welsh language 515w
Middle East, Armed conflict 813w
Davies, Geraint
Debates etc.
Regulation of Child Care Providers Bill, 1R (20.05.02) 21
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Child minding, Regulation 287
Davies, Mr Quentin
Petrol Retailers' Association 881-2w
Terrorism, Northern Ireland 851-3
Davis, Rt Hon David
Aerials, Planning permission 220w
East Yorkshire Primary Care Trust, Finance 686w
East Yorkshire Primary Care Trust, Prescriptions 685-6w
Osteoporosis, East Riding 684w
Osteoporosis, X rays 684w
Surgery, East Riding 683w
Surgery, Waiting lists 1339w
West Hull Primary Care Trust, Osteoporosis 684-5w
Wolds Prison, Crimes of violence 1243w
Wolds Prison, Drugs 1243w
Wolds Prison, Mental health services 1243w
Davis, Rt Hon Terry
Debates etc.
Wembley Stadium (23.05.02) 412
Dawson, Mr Hilton
Debates etc.
Nationality Immigration and Asylum Bill, Programme motion and Rep (11.06.02) 765-6, 773-4
Nationality Immigration and Asylum Bill, Rep and 3R (12.06.02) 875-6, 911-3, 916
Health services, Children 157-8w
Young offender institutions, Restraint techniques 266-7w
Day care
Princess Royal Barracks 474w
Primary care trusts 1319w
Defence Aviation Repair Agency
Defence Dental Agency
Defence equipment
Defence Estates
Defence Medical Services
Defence Medical Training Organisation
Defence Scientific Advisory Council
Riot control weapons 694w
Defence Secondary Care Agency
Democratic Republic of Congo
Politics and government 526w
Denham, Rt Hon John, Minister of State, Home Office
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Illegal immigrants, Channel tunnel (21.05.02) 58-62wh
Antisocial behaviour orders 709-10w
Antisocial behaviour orders, Lancashire 709w
Cambridgeshire Constabulary, Finance 696-8w
Commonwealth Games, Manchester 708w
Crime, Disadvantaged 712w
Crime prevention, Yorkshire and Humberside 798-9w
Defence Scientific Advisory Council, Riot control weapons 694w
Driving offences, Fixed penalties 716w
European Police College 713w
Hampshire Police, Manpower 1311w
Identification of criminals 808-9w
Metropolitan Police, Housing 808w
Metropolitan Police, Riot control weapons 707w
National childcare strategy 1057w
Neighbourhood wardens 593-4
Police, Demonstrations 711w
Police, Educational institutions 713w
Police, Immigration controls 697-8w
Police, North East region 793w
Police, Occupational health 697w
Police, South West region 716w
Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 1311-2w
Police Complaints Authority, Public appointments 86w
Racially aggravated offences 704-6w
Shoplifting, Lancashire 705w
Special constables, Working hours 715w
Stalybridge, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1304-5w
Stephen-Martin, Christopher 707w
Terrorism, Emergency services 803w
Young people, Home Office 697w
Young people, Public participation 1256-7w
Dental health
Dental services
Departmental coordination
Departmental responsibilities
Deprivation indicators
Dept for Culture Media and Sport
Gender impact assessment 355w
Public participation 1372w
Dept for Education and Skills
Freedom of information 273w
Non-departmental public bodies 1052w
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
Ministerial policy advisors 897-8w
Dept for International Development
Ministerial policy advisors 524w
Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions
Dept for Work and Pensions
Disclosure of information 540w
Orders and regulations 44w
Public participation 876w
Public private partnerships 291-2w
Dept of Health
Industrial diseases 1103w
Dept of Trade and Industry
Electronic equipment 1268w
Derelict land
Greater London (13.06.02) 1111-8
Detention and training orders
Developing countries
Sustainable development 523-4w
World Trade Organisation 16-8w
Foot and mouth disease 924w
Devonport Dockyard