Index for Volume 386continued
A Am At B Bi Bo Bu C Ce Co Cr D Di Du Ec Eu Fo Fu Gu He Hi Hu Hy Ir Je Ju Kh Li Lu Ma Me Mi Mo Mu Nu Ow Pl Ps Rh Ry Sh Sk So Sq Sw Ti Tu Wh Wo E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Laboratory of the Government Chemist
Labour and employment
Labour market
Labour Party
Ladbroke Grove Rail Inquiry
see Paddington Rail Accident Inquiry
Ladyman, Dr Stephen
Debates etc.
Special education (21.05.02) 242-6
Empty property, Private sector 206w
Laing, Mrs Eleanor
Debates etc.
Special educational needs, Autism 1042-3w
Special educational needs, Reading 1410-1w
Lait, Mrs Jacqui
North Sea oil, Taxation 707-8
Lamb, Norman
Debates etc.
Special education (21.05.02) 224, 238
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Afghanistan, Armed conflict 205w
Higher education, Finance 458w
Pensioners, Income support 1-3
Tanzania, Air traffic control 15-6w
Laming Inquiry
see Victoria Climbie Death Inquiry
Lammy, David, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept of Health since May 29
Debates etc.
Chronic fatigue syndrome (12.06.02) 976-80
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Accident and emergency departments, Manpower 1435-6w
Accident and emergency departments, Surgery 1436w
Air ambulance services, Finance 1437w
Dental health, Children 1440w
Dental health, Health education 1215w
Dental services, Pay 1440w
Hospitals, Infectious diseases 1326-7w
Hospitals, Repairs and maintenance 1343w
Inventures, Standards 1222w
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust, Telecommunications 1322w
Medical Devices Agency 1444w
Ministerial policy advisors, Dept of Health 1318w
NHS, Information technology 1216w
NHS Leadership Centre, Public appointments 1318w
NHS Modernisation Agency, Manpower 1316w
Antisocial behaviour orders 709w
Regional planning and development 115w
Land mines
Lansley, Mr Andrew
Debates etc.
Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service 961w
Domestic violence, Children 960-1w
General Social Care Council 316w
Manpower, Dept of Health 1087w
National Care Standards Commission, Manpower 419w
National Clinical Assessment Authority, Manpower 587-8w
National Institute for Clinical Excellence, Manpower 1087w
National Patient Safety Agency, Manpower 1087w
NHS Litigation Authority, Manpower 1088w
NHS Modernisation Agency, Manpower 1316w
Retained Organs Commission, Manpower 1122w
Latin America
EC external relations 319w
Law enforcement
Dept for Education and Skills 462w
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1282-3w
Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 502-3w
Dept for Work and Pensions 297w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 63w
Lord Chancellor's Dept 282w
Lawrence, Mrs Jackie
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Developing countries, Poverty 854w
Developing countries, Trade agreements 723w
Laws, Mr David
Antisocial behaviour orders 709-10w
Bristol Airport, Police 222w
Crime, Disadvantaged 712w
Driving offences, Fixed penalties 716w
Economic and monetary union 569-72w
Equitable Life Assurance Society 573-4w
Euro, Public opinion 471w
Legislatures, Electoral systems 226w
Members, Correspondence 2w
Ministerial policy advisors, Treasury 574w
Police, South West region 716w
Sea harrier aircraft 164w
Special constables, Working hours 715w
Taxation, European Communities 573w
Taxation, Overseas residence 281w
Lay visitors
Lazarowicz, Mr Mark
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Bus services, Concessions 55-6w
Economic situation, Scotland 973w
Middle East, Armed conflict 15w
Regional airports, Railway network 208w
Learndirect centres
Learning and Skills Council for England
Legal aid
Legal opinion
Legal profession
Legislative drafting
Parliamentary scrutiny 1161w
Leisure facilities
Leiva, Juan Carlos
Lepper, Mr David
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Leslie, Mr Christopher, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister since May 29. Previously Parliamentary Secretary, Cabinet Office
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Councillors, Conduct (12.06.02) 317-22wh
Aga Khan Development Network, Greater London 133w
Better Regulation Task Force 289-90w
Civil defence, Planning 334w
Civil servants, Pensions 336w
Civil service, South East region 558w
Correspondence, Cabinet Office 672-6w
Data protection, Cabinet Office 133w
Departmental coordination 336w
EC action, Cabinet Office 290w
Electronic government, Public opinion 54-5w
Emergencies, Planning 278-9
Females, Public appointments 335w
Fire Service College, Manpower 1016-7w
Fire services, Finance 1017w
Government Car and Despatch Agency, Standards 677w
Industrial diseases, Cabinet Office 131w
Legislation, Public participation 672w
Local government finance 1025w
Luton, Dept for Transport Local Government and the Regions 1019-20w
Ministerial policy advisors, Cabinet Office 288w, 337w
Non-departmental public bodies, Public appointments 288-9w
Non-departmental public bodies, Volunteers 669w
Parish councils, Codes of practice 1030w
Parliamentary questions 334w
Pensions, Cabinet Office 561-3w
Planning, Emergencies 334w
Press releases, Cabinet Office 677-8w
Public bodies, Cabinet Office 561-2w
Public bodies, Parliamentary scrutiny 132w
Recruitment, Cabinet Office 557-8w
Retirement, Cabinet Office 131-2w
Second homes, Council tax 1036w
Sponsorship, Cabinet Office 677w
Temporary employment, Cabinet Office 563w
Letwin, Mr Oliver
Debates etc.
Nationality Immigration and Asylum Bill, Rep and 3R (12.06.02) 954-5, 958-9, 962
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Bovine tuberculosis (21.05.02) 34wh
Animal Procedures and Coroners Unit 432w
Central Police Training and Development Authority 443w
Correctional Policy Unit 430-1w
Crime and Criminal Justice Unit 439w
Criminal Justice Integration Unit 433w
Criminal Justice Joint Planning Unit 428-9w
Criminal Justice Reform Unit 438w
Criminal Records Bureau 263-4w
Departmental responsibilities, Home Office 435-7w
HM Inspectorate of Prisons 447w
Home Office Accounting and Finance Unit 429w
Home Office Audit and Assurance Unit 430w
Home Office Buildings and Estate Management Unit 440w
Home Office Business Support and Communication Unit 439-40w
Home Office Business Support Unit 437w
Home Office Commercial and Procurement Unit 431w
Home Office Corporate Management Unit 429w
Home Office Corporate Support Services Unit 434w
Home Office Economics and Resource Analysis Unit 444w
Home Office European and International Unit 433-4w
Home Office Family Policy Unit 434w
Home Office Finance and Planning Unit 437w
Home Office Financial Crime Team 447w
Home Office Group Resources Unit 438-9w
Home Office Human Resources and Equality Unit 435w
Home Office Legal Advisers Branch 448w
Home Office Mental Health Unit 432-3w
Home Office National Technical Assistance Centre 446-7w
Home Office Sirius Programme Management Unit 440-1w
Home Office Strategic Policy Team 445w
Immigration and Community Unit 430w
Judicial Co-operation Unit 441w
National Probation Service for England and Wales 448-9w
Offenders and Corrections Unit 429w
Operating costs, Home Office 441-2w
Police Resources Unit 439w
Policing and Crime Reduction Group, Manpower 431-2w
Policing and Reducing Crime Unit 442-3w
Policing Organised Crime Unit 442w
Prisons and Probation Ombudsman 444-5w
Rescue services, Lyme Bay 126w
Scientific Procedures Inspectorate 445-6w
Sentencing and Offences Unit 437-8w
Levitt, Mr Tom
Debates etc.
Nationality Immigration and Asylum Bill, Programme motion and Rep (11.06.02) 729, 732
Defence Dental Agency, Standards 1347-8w
Defence Medical Training Organisation, Standards 1347w
Defence Secondary Care Agency, Standards 1346-7w
Medical Supplies Agency, Standards 1348-9w
Parish councils, Electronic government 216-7w
Lewis, Mr Ivan, Parliamentary Secretary, Dept for Education and Skills
Debates etc.
Assisted places scheme 1057w
Correspondence, Dept for Education and Skills 1147-8w
Discrimination, Dept for Education and Skills 1040w
EC action, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 521-2w
EC Education Council, Scottish Executive 1039w
Education, High Wycombe 1049w
Equal opportunities, Dept for Education and Skills 1045-6w
European Communities, Databases 660w
Freedom of information, Dept for Education and Skills 273w
Further education, Standards 1405-6w
Further education, Teachers 1413w
Further education, Warrington 1054w
Gender impact assessment, Dept for Education and Skills 1046-7w
General certificate of secondary education 1062w
Health education, HIV infection 1040-1w
Industrial diseases, Dept for Education and Skills 22w
Information technology, Middlesbrough 1407w
Italy, Dept for Education and Skills 1045w
Law enforcement, Dept for Education and Skills 462w
Learndirect centres, Crosby 1408w
Lewisham, Dept for Education and Skills 1048-9w
Local education authorities, Private finance initiative 1037-8w
Mathematics, GCE A level 455w
Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for Education and Skills 361w, 468w
Non-departmental public bodies, Dept for Education and Skills 1052w
Overtime, Dept for Education and Skills 1061-2w
Pay, Dept for Education and Skills 1051-2w
Pensions, Dept for Education and Skills 1040w
Press releases, Dept for Education and Skills 1041-2w
Property transfer, Dept for Education and Skills 662w
Public relations, Dept for Education and Skills 661-2w
Publications, Dept for Education and Skills 1058w
Pupil referral units 1051w
Queen Elizabeth II, Anniversaries 659w
Retirement, Dept for Education and Skills 1054-5w
Schools, Ethnic groups 1416w
Sick leave, Dept for Education and Skills 460w, 463-4w
Sign language, Qualifications 1044w
Sign language, Teachers 1043w
Sixth form education, Finance 459w, 468w
Sixth form education, Hendon 1055-6w
Special educational needs, Asylum 459w
Special educational needs, Autism 1042-3w
Special educational needs, Gloucestershire 1067w
Special educational needs, National insurance contributions 453w
Special educational needs, Reading 1410-1w
Special educational needs, Standards 458w
Teachers, Information technology 1407-8w
Young offenders, Sexual offences 462w
Young people, Dept for Education and Skills 658-9w
Lewis, Dr Julian
Debates etc.
Disclosure of information, Points of order (10.06.02) 614
Antisocial behaviour orders 793w
Further education, Finance 23w
Recruitment, Cabinet Office 557-8w
Recruitment, Prime Minister 757w
Schools, Race relations 373-4
Dept for Education and Skills 1048-9w